Never ignore 6 important Factors with Nakshatra Matching | Future Point

Never ignore 6 important Factors with Nakshatra Matching

By: Future Point | 19-Jul-2018
Views : 38490Never ignore 6 important Factors with Nakshatra Matching

In the Hindu context of arranged marriage, Matchmaking is given importance before marriage. Matchmaking or Kundli Milan is a practice where the horoscope of a prospective bride and groom is analysed in depth before considering their marriage.

The practice of Kundli milan is mainly to avoid any disharmony in their married life. Hence it is considered sacrosanct in Hindu culture before marriage.

Though some consider the practice of Kundli Milan as superstitious, the practice persists. The reason for the belief in Kundli Milan is that, this practice is scientific in method of calculating the match between the prospective bride and the groom.

The most commonly followed match making process in India is that of Ashtakoot method. This method considers the Nakshatra and the Rashi of the prospective bride and the groom. Based on them, a total of 36 points are assigned under eight different parameters. Though not proportionately, a weighted average of the sum-total is considered.

Get Horoscope or Kundli Matching Report for Marriage: Horoscope Matching

The following eight paraments are considered between the boy and girl for marriage.

  • Varna Koota. This Koota looks at the spiritual aspect between the couples. The Maximum allotted mark is 1 in this parameter, where all the twelve Rashis are divided into 4 categories. These four categories are Brahmin, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and then Shudras.

Here the Varna of the Groom or girl should be either equal or superior to that of their partner. Else, no points are allotted.

  • Vashya Koota: Here all the twelve rashi’s are divided into 5 categories.
  • Chatuspada: This means Quadruped. Here Aries, Taurus, 2nd half of Sagittarius and 1st half of Capricorn are aligned.
  • Dwipada: Which means, Manushya or human beings. Here the following signs are considered, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, 1st half of Sagittarius and Aquarius.
  • Jalchar rashi: Cancer, 2nd half of Capricorn and Pisces.
  • Banachar rashi: Leo rashi. Here it means roaming in the forest.
  • Keet Rasi: Scorpio.

Now, while matching the two horoscope, both the bride and the groom must be of the same Vashya. The maximum points allotted is 2 in this case.

  • Tara Koota: Tara Koota is the most important match for emotional compatibility between the boy and the girl under consideration for marriage. In fact, this is a two-way match making process. So, the emotional compatibility between prospective bride and groom are considered from both their horoscopes. Which means, first the compatibility of bride with groom and then groom with bride is considered. Let us check the process.

Here, the groom’s nakshatra or constellation is counted to that of the bride. The number which they receive is then divided by 9. If the reminded is 3,5 or 7 then the matchmaking is considered inauspicious. If another other number is deduced as reminder, then the match is considered.

Similarly, the same process is done from bride to groom. The number is then divided by 9. Again, if the reminder is deduced to be 3, 5 or 7 then no points are assigned. In the third scenario, suppose if one of the process gets the above-mentioned reminder; then 1.5 points is allotted. If both process does not get the remainder of 3, 5 and 7, then a full 3 points is allotted.

  • Yoni Koota: When the emotional compatibility can be analysed then how about the sensual or sexual compatibility? It is a prerequisite for progeny and a happy married life. Therefore, Yoni Koota is analysed in detailed. For this, the Yoni Koota of both the prospective bride and groom should be same. Else, it can lead to inimical attitude towards each other.

If both the Yoni’s are same, then the couple receives maximum 4 points in the allotment. The following are the Yoni Table.

Horse Cat Deer
Elephant Rat Monkey
Sheep Cow Mongoose
Serpent Buffalo Lion
Dog Tiger  
  • Graha Maitri Koota: From this Koota, the mutual friendship between the two rashi’s of a prospective bride and a groom is analysed. If compatible, then a maximum allotment of 5 points is assigned.
  • Gana Koota: Here the nakshatra of the prospective bride and groom are categorised under three headings: Deva Gana, Manushya Gana and Rakshasa Gana.

In this, the best match is between the Ganas itself. Which means, both the prospective bride and groom are of the same Gana. In case that does not happen, then the second best is Deva and Manushya Gana. Rakshasa gana is always matched with its own gana. If the conditions are matched, then a maximum of 6 points are allotted.

  • Rashi and Bhakoot Koota: Examine the position of Janma Rashi in the two horoscopes. If they are located as 1/3, 1/8, 2/12, 6/8, 5/9 in position, then they are not considered as a good match. Here there is no points assigned in this case.

Read: Astrological Influence and Significance of Mercury in all houses of Horoscope

On the other hand, all other for other positions a full 7 points are allotted to this parameter.

  • Naadi Koota: Finally, the nakshatras of prospective bride and groom are divided into three categories. They are Adi Naadi, Madhya Naadi and Antya Naadi. Marriage is not compatible between the Naadi’s of the same category. In such a case, no points are allotted. If they match, then a maximum of 8 points is assigned.

By this, the elaborate method of match making is completed. But is this sufficient? Not really! With the Ashtakoot method, only the nakshatras and the rashis are considered. Other than the Ashtakoot calculations between the couples, the placement of planets such as Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Mars are very important.

There are 6 other important factors which are considered apart from nakshatra matching. These are as follows:

Read: Astrological Influence and Significance of Ketu in all houses of Horoscope

1. Longevity: Imagine a marriage where the longevity is not promised on either or both the horoscopes. Then what happens in that case? Can one lead a happy married life? Certainly no. The longevity between the two and independently should be analysed. For this, the position of Jupiter and Saturn are considered in detailed.

2. Health: Imagining there is prosperity, financially but not health to enjoy. Then what happens? Here too, the health of the two prospective bride and groom are analysed in details for better living. Here too the position of Jupiter and Saturn is analysed meticulously.

3. Finance: Without Money, there is no meaning in today’s life. The duo must earn well and should share with each other. Therefore, the mutual harmony of Venus with Mars and Jupiter is analysed in this case.

4. Future: Why Future specifically? Is this point not analysed in the above parameters? Not completely. For instances, one can be born poor, but destined to become wealthy. This is a very important point which is considered while matchMaking.

Here the position of Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Saturn are considered in detailed. Also, the main or sub period of these planets are also analysed for timing the event.

5. Children: Yoni Koota is for sexual compatibility, the outcome to the same should lead to progeny. Which means, the duo should also be compatible. For Progeny the position of Jupiter and Mars are considered in detailed.

Read: Role and Importance of Venus in Our Horoscope

6. Mutual Understanding: Finally, mutual understanding which is check independently in the horoscopes of prospective bride and the groom. Here, the placement of all the planets are taken into account before considering the match.

Thus, by these methods, one would get a 360-degree analysis which is otherwise considered incomplete with Ashtakoot method alone. Therefore, the concluding 6 factors are very important for any good horoscope match making.

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