Basic Kundali Horoscope Online | Future Point

Basic Horoscope


By using this Basic horoscope feature you can get your natal horoscope instantly. All you have to do is to fill your name, date of birth, time of birth and place of birth.

Price: 199 159

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Basic Horoscope Features:

  • This model is a highlighted 10 to 11 page report including Birth Details (Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karan at Birth Time), Ghatak Chakra, Avakhada Chakra, Planet Degress and their positions, lagna Chart, Moon Chart, Navamsa Chart, Chalit Table, Niryana Bhava Chalit Table, Tara Chakra, Chalit Chart, Niryana Bhava Chalit Chart, Niryana Bhava Table.
  • It also incorporates Karaka, Avastha and Rashmi of planets. The inclusion of Planets Table, Niryana Bhava Chalit (Cuspal) Chart and Lagna Chart through KP system is a unique highlight of this model.
  • This model gives us a fair idea of Significator of Houses, Planets Signification and Ruling Planets. It contains Vimsopak Strength Table, Varga Bhedas, Shodash Varga Table, Shadbala, Ishta /Kashtaphal and Bhavabala Table which are very important for calculating planet strength and their impacts.
  • It has full coverage of Ashtakvarga Table before Reduction, Ashtakvarga Table after Trikona reduction, Ashtakvarga after Ekadhipati reduction and Sodya Pindas table, Vimshottari Dasha Sub Periods and Vimshottari Dasa Sub-Sub Periods.