Venus Transit in Capricorn from 24th February to 23rd March 2019 | Future Point

Venus Transit in Capricorn from 24th February to 23rd March 2019

By: Future Point | 13-Feb-2019
Views : 5370Venus Transit in Capricorn from 24th February to 23rd March 2019

Its Effects on People of All 12 Signs

When it comes to having luxury, comforts, conveniences and abundant prosperity in life, one needs to have a positively signified Venus in his/her natal chart. However, this planet of splendour exerts an incredibly powerful impact on the life of a native during its transitory movement as well.

Venus is currently transiting in the sign of Sagittarius and will advance to the sign of Capricorn where it will transit from 24th February to 23rd March 2019. This transit of Venus is going to be a very special one as it will conjunct with Ketu (South Node of the Moon) which is already present in the sign of Capricorn and will transit past Venus to eventually enter the sign of Sagittarius on 7th March.

So for a brief yet intense period of time, Venus will share the sign of Capricorn with Ketu and will be aspected by Rahu (North Node of the Moon) and cast its own aspect on Rahu as well. Therefore, this is going to be a crucial period for everyone.

Read Horoscope 2019 Predictions

Let us look at how this transit of Venus will fare for people of all 12 signs!


Venus is the Lord of 2nd and 7th houses of your horoscope. During this transit, Venus will be present in the 10th house of your horoscope which is also a 'Kendra' house and here, Venus will give you many benefits. Sources of wealth will remain open for you during this time.

You will get support from family and some benefits might come from your in-laws as well. Whether you are doing a job or are into the business domain, you will see significant progress & gains on those professional fronts.

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Aries Horoscope


Venus as per your horoscope is the Lord of Ascendant (1st house) & 6th house and will transit in the house of Fortune (9th house) of your horoscope. Fortune will start favouring you in a great manner.

Whenever Lord of Ascendant transits or positions itself in the 9th house, it signifies spiritual travels. You will receive wealth through luck and the ambit of luck will expand in your life.

Your thinking during this period will be outright positive and you will take interest & participate in religious & social ventures. All in all, this will be a great period for you.

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Taurus Horoscope


Venus is the Lord of the house of Expenditures (12th house) & the house of Intelligence, Children, Speculation etc. (5th house) of your horoscope. Venus will be transiting in the 8th house of your horoscope. Here, Venus will give rise to stomach related issues and you must be cautious of what you eat.

If you are a heart patient, then take special care of yourself during this period because Mars is also casting its aspect on this house. This time will be challenging for students as well. Students will have to work very hard and still the results may not be directly proportional to their efforts but they do not have any other choice except working hard with complete honesty. Your job scenario is likely to be hectic or problematic.

Career Astrology Consultation

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Gemini Horoscope


Venus is the Lord of the house of Gains (11th house) & the house of Mother, Property and Vehicle (4th house) of your horoscope. Venus will be transiting in the 7th house of your horoscope and this will be a great period for your business.

You will witness handsome gains in business and multiple avenues of income will open to you.

If you are into the sector of import & export then this period will bring gains to you.

If you are into politics then this will prove to be a favourable time for you.

Social workers and media personnel will benefit during this time.

If you are planning to invest in the real estate sector then this will be a great period for you.

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Cancer Horoscope


Venus is the Lord of the house of Profession (10th house) and the house of Courage & Struggle (3rd house) of your horoscope. Venus will be transiting in the 6th house of your horoscope.

Here, Venus will form a 'Vipreet Rajyog' because of which, you will get decent wealth but be cautious on your job front and think twice before speaking. There might be differences with your boss so try to avoid any unnecessary conversation with high ranking officials.

Venus is the Lord of 3rd house which is also the house of younger siblings and when Venus will transit in the 6th house (house of diseases), it is likely to negatively impact the health of your younger siblings. Be careful with your friends as they can cheat you during this period.

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Leo Horoscope


Venus is the Lord of the house of Fortune (9th house) and the house of Accumulated Wealth (2nd house) of your horoscope. Venus will be transiting in the 5th house of your horoscope.

This will be a period when luck/fortune will favour you and all your problems related to finances will be solved. Venus while in a friendly sign and in 'Trikon' will enhance your income and bring you luck. Venus will also give you children related good news during this time.

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Virgo Horoscope


Venus is the Lord of Ascendant (1st house) and the 8th house of your horoscope. Venus will be transiting in the 4th house of your horoscope. Here, Venus will bring an increase in comforts & conveniences in your life but it will also be negatively affected by the 'Ashtam Dosh' as well.

As a result you might feel unsatisfied, but you still can make the best use of this time for performing property or vehicle related sale/purchase as Venus will be 'Digbali' during this period and will be very powerful & positive for real estate dealings. Venus will give you beneficial results as it will be in a friendly sign here. Maintain cordial relations with your bosses.

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Libra Horoscope


Venus is the Lord of 12th house and the 7th house of your horoscope. Venus will be transiting in the 3rd house of your horoscope. This will be a good period for you and you will get full support from your friends and younger brothers & sisters.

If you are into a business, then you will see gains in your business but luck will not fully favour you during this time and you will have to work really hard. One silver lining is that your energy levels will be high and you will sail through all challenges.

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Scorpio Horoscope


Venus is the Lord of 11th house and the 6th house of your horoscope. Venus will be transiting in the 2nd house of your horoscope.

Here, it will give you 50-50 results in terms of income and expenditure. Meaning Venus will give you money but at the same time will make you spend that money as well. So try not to be extravagant when you gain money.

You are also under the influence of 'Shani Sade Sati' and Venus will be transiting in the sign of Capricorn which is ruled by Saturn, therefore this period will be somewhat balanced & non exciting for you. Remember to drive with absolute caution during this time.

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Sagittarius Horoscope


Venus is the Lord of 10th house and the 5th house of your horoscope. Venus will be transiting in the 1st house of your horoscope. Here, Venus will bring you name & fame and open up new avenues in your job/career for you.

Those of you who are searching for a job or are appearing for an entrance examination for a government job, will find this period very beneficial. Each and every issue related to your workplace that was bothering you, will be resolved.

However, for people involved in business will go through struggle and have to work really hard during this time. Plus the end results will not be very encouraging as well. Also, if you are a student, then this is very good period for you.

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Capricorn Horoscope


Venus is the Lord of 9th house and the 4th house of your horoscope. Venus will be transiting in the 12th house of your horoscope. Here, Venus will bring a decrease in your comforts & conveniences and this transit will not be favourable for you.

You will see unwanted expenditures or even sudden losses and you might not think constructively during this time. You will get deviated from your aim and luck will also not favour you fully during this time.

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Aquarius Horoscope


Venus is the Lord of 8th house and the 3th house of your horoscope. Venus will be transiting in the 11th house of your horoscope.

This will not be a good period for you as the Lord of 8th house will transit the house of Gains (11th house) so, wastage of money is likely. Avoid all major expenses that can be avoided during this time.

There could be some small travels in this period but eventually they will not prove to really beneficial. All in all, this is a period of being extra cautious when it comes to money.

This was the result of Venus transit in Capricorn for all 12 Signs.

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Pisces Horoscope

However, one must keep in mind that a horoscope has many permutations & combinations with respect to planets, stars and signs.

Hence, it is only prudent to get your personal horoscope thoroughly analyzed by an experienced astrologer to know the exact outcome of such intense cosmic events in your life and also what your destiny holds for your life as a whole.

The brilliant astrologers of Future Point have decades long experience in decoding a native's horoscope accurately and suggesting incredibly powerful remedial measures that if adopted timely, can change the very course of destiny towards success, joy and prosperity!