Beware! These Mistakes in Your Career Can Get You Fired
By: Future Point | 22-Jan-2019
Views : 2868
Everybody is always focused upon what to do and what not to do, in order to secure a job or a career.
But, in this run to fulfill their aspiration of landing up with their dream job, people often tend to forget that the real career journey begins after they set their feet in the professional domain.
It is after getting a job, one actually starts to tread professional waters and believe it or not, the professional domain requires one to move with utmost caution as one mistake can result into loosing everything that one has worked so hard for.
This is not because the professional sector is some dark territory that makes the individual fall and loose, but it is the fact that the professional sector is a whole new territory which warrants a behaviour that is totally different from what is considered normal in our domestic lives.
So what are the things that can prove highly detrimental for your career and can even get you fired from your job?
Assuming Colleagues as Friends
Number one rule in a job is to know at all times that people are NOT friends, they are colleagues in an office.
Everyone is working to earn a living and whether we believe it or not, they will do anything to make sure that they get an opportunity of growth before you, always!
So if you say something about your boss to your "friend" hoping that you "friend" will keep it a secret, sooner or later you will find out that in order to get into the boss's good books that "friend" of yours turned out to be a smart & cunning colleague by making the boss your arch enemy.
Over Socializing in Office
While a jovial and helping nature is always appreciated in a job environment, but overlooking other people's performance even if with noble intentions and lending help without being asked for, sends a wrong signal of unwanted intrusion.
Similarly, getting too frank with people & making casual comments, especially when it comes to interacting with women, will likely get you in trouble.
Therefore, be pleasant to everyone but don't barge into other people's affairs unless they ask you for your opinion or help.
Thinking that the Boss is not Watching
Always remember that a person is your boss for the simple reason that he/she is entrusted to derive the needed performance out of you.
And if you think that your negligence towards the task assigned to you is not being monitored by your boss, then nobody can be a bigger fool than you.
A boss has eyes and ears everywhere and every performance of yours is not only monitored but carefully registered for taking crucial decisions pertaining to promotions and appraisals in the future.
Taking Too Many Offs
If you take too many offs thinking that its ok just because everytime it is the higher authorities that grant prior approvals for those leaves, then you are living in a fool's paradise.
Frequent casual leaves even though approved, paint you as someone who is least involved in the company and more interested in going for leisure activities at a time when others were devoted to the company as compared to him/her.
Low attendance of an employee equates him/her to someone who cannot be trusted with big responsibilities and puts him/her at the last of the line for appraisals & growth in terms of the job role.
So save those offs for the times of real need or a well deserved break for unwinding with family, once in a while.
Giving Unwelcome Suggestions to Boss
No matter how much the boss appreciates your inputs but always make a suggestion ONLY when asked for one.
As no one in the office has a bigger ego to nurture than your boss and if you shake that ego by means of unwelcome suggestions, then you can kiss the growth and safety net of your job, goodbye.
Taking Up Tasks Beyond Your Potential
Feel free to openly tell your limitations when offered a new task as if you hide your incapability and take up the charge in blind enthusiasm or to avoid the embarrassment of admitting that you don't know something, will only get you in a bigger embarrassing position where it will be too late to control the damage that would come out of the fact that you didn't display honesty upfront.
Not Knowing What the Planets have in store for You
Taking decisions by not knowing exactly what the planets signify for your career at specific times will only put you at the mercy of destiny.
If the planetary situation is not conducive for career then no matter how hard you work, in the end the results will be surprisingly & painfully negative as planetary influences are extremely strong in a native's life.
Keep the above mentioned things in mind and contact an Astrological Career Consultant to get your Career Horoscope thoroughly analyzed to know what exactly the planet & stars signify for your career.
This way the real problems in career can be identified and timely remedial measures can taken to get rid of those problems and even the problems that are slated to appear in the times to come before they actually harm the career.
So, if you are looking to get Job Problem Solution by Astrology and a detailed Career Report with Remedies, then contact Future Point.
Future Point since decades, is helping people all over the world to know what the planets signify for multiple aspects of their lives and recommending them incredibly powerful remedies to make their lives a manifestation of success & happiness!
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