Jupiter Retrograde and Its effects on all signs of Zodiac | Future Point

Jupiter Retrograde and Its effects on all signs of Zodiac

By: Future Point | 20-Jun-2021
Views : 4555Jupiter Retrograde and Its effects on all signs of Zodiac

In astrology, retrogression of the planets is a special time bringing forth challenges as well as opportunities with its movements. The pace of life slows down, and the areas in control of the planet going retrograde may need to be reviewed. Jupiter is known as the biggest fortune in astrology which signifies wealth, wisdom and abundance. When Devguru Brihaspati turns retrograde, it is time for inner growth, both on philosophical and spiritual level. 

During Jupiter retrograde, the daily life which was going smoothly may take a halt or stop completely. It forces us to think out of the box and come up with new ideas to overcome problems. When Jupiter will get retrograde in Aquarius this year, it may propel us to make big changes in life, and when Jupiter goes direct, we continue on the same path, shunning the struggles that could arise. 

Jupiter retrograde is a time to introspect and know the reasons for our success or failure. Every 9 months, Jupiter goes retrograde for about four months. During this period, it plays turmoil on our beliefs and value system. This period is not considered good for investments, gambling or speculation. Jupiter will go retrograde in Aquarius on June 20, 2021, till September 14, 2021, after which it will enter Capricorn zodiac.

Let’s see what effects Jupiter retrograde 2021 will put on your zodiac sign. Our Jupiter retrograde 2021 predictions at Future Point will help you understand Jupiter retrograde 2021influence on your life. Each zodiac is assumed as rashi i.e. taking moon sign as ascendant.

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For Aries moon sign, Jupiter is a lord of the ninth and twelfth house. It will transit your eleventh house of gain, desire fulfilment and profits. Jupiter getting retrograde in this house means that you may find it difficult to fulfil your desires and pre determined goals. There would be delays in the things you were expecting to happen during this period, or the results may not be satisfactory. It may raise financial troubles also and you may incur some losses or expenses regarding future. In terms of relationships, the times will remain moderate. So make sure there is no communication gap between you and your partner. Aries natives awaiting children should wait till Jupiter is retrograde. Time is favourable from health point of view and you will feel energetic throughout. Follow nutritious diet and healthy lifestyle.

Remedy: Recite Sri Rudram.


For Taurus natives, Jupiter rules the eighth and eleventh houses. It will be staying in your tenth house of profession, business, career, name, and fame. Retrograde Jupiter in the tenth house indicates that during this retrograde transit, you will have to stay very patient and careful while making any new move because you are likely to face many challenges during this period. Use words mindfully so that you don’t hurt or offend anyone.

Professionally, it is advised not to begin any new project. Avoid switching jobs even if your current job looses interest to you or seems monotonous. If you are into business, good opportunities will knock at the door, but benefits will be delayed or more sluggish. Family atmosphere will remain harmonious and peace will prevail in the family during this time.

Remedy: Fasting on Thursdays will be good for you.

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For Gemini folks, Jupiter rules the seventh and the tenth houses. It will be transiting in your ninth house of luck, religion and long or international journeys. Retrograde Jupiter in the 9th house will create hurdles for students aspiring higher education.

This Jupiter retrograde may turn you hostile to your gurus and you may avoid any connections with them. During this time, you may follow a different faith and encounter legal problems. Professionally, you will do well. You may get a more promising job or salary hikes. But patience is all what is required as some delays are also possible. Your family will lend full support to you during this period, and your brothers and children will prove supporting pillars. You may achieve many of your desired goals through hard work, and relief from earlier problems is also expected.

Remedy: Apply saffron or turmeric on the forehead on Thursdays.


For Cancerians, Jupiter is the ruler of the sixth and tenth houses. It will be transiting in your eighth house of joint ventures, tax, financial settlements, insurance, loans, and death. Retrograde Jupiter in this house may offer tax benefits to the natives, but with some delays. Efforts are needed to get insurance benefits if any. You may feel some dissatisfaction in your sexual life, even though you the sex life will remain active. Spiritual beliefs may dwindle and you will feel restless spiritually. In terms of health, you need to take good care of your health as indications for bad health are there. Do not waste time and energy on undesired things.

Remedy: Chant Guru beej mantra “Om Gram Green Gram Sabha Guruve Namaha”.


For Leo sign, Jupiter is the ruler of the fifth and eighth houses. It will transit in the seventh house of spouse, marriage and partnership. Retrograde Jupiter in this house will make the native look for a partner with moral values and full of generosity. During this period, the natives and their partners will desire freedom and independence, but they will encounter restrictions only. Since Jupiter signifies marriage and retrograde suggests review or re-doing things, natives with a second marriage yoga may find their second spouse during this time. On the professional front, you must not switch jobs now as it won’t prove fruitful for you. Some conflicts with colleagues at the workplace may also happen. Financially too, times are not that favourable and you may see economic fluctuations in economic matters and the chances of benefits from money transactions are also not bright.

Remedy: Yellow sapphire is recommended


For Virgo, Jupiter is the ruler of the fourth and seventh houses. It will transit in your sixth house. Jupiter retrograde in this house indicates service, debts, health, colleagues, litigation, conflict, divorce, and other unpleasant aspects of life. During this period, the natives will gain strength, mentally as well as physically. This may help them to deal with their shortfalls and competitors in best of their qualities.

As the sixth house signifies health also there may be some health complications. So, you may get troubled with blood sugar and may put on weight too during this time. If you are a business person, lot of issues may arise in your work environment. Co-workers, too, will not prove helpful and may even deceive you for your kind nature. Your hardwork will get you you win any kind of competition that you may encounter during this transit.You may also have to deal with clashes in married life.

Remedy: Recite Guru Stotra

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For Libra moon sign, Jupiter is the lord of the third and sixth houses. It will transit in the fifth house of your zodiac sign. Jupiter retrograde in this house means that your kids, intelligence, love life, education, creativity, investment, speculation and the stock market dealings will be impacted. The natives will face problems in their love life giving rise to the chances of break ups. During this period, the person may become unkind, without any emotions, especially towards their children. There are chances of involvement in multi relationships. Married couples awaiting children may face delays. Jupiter retrograde may also lead to rise in live in relationships. Avoid gambling and speculation during this transit. Also, avoid any investment in the stock market involving high-risk, as you may not get the profits expected.

Remedy: Offer jaggery and wheat to cows.


For Scorpio moon sign, Jupiter is the lord of the second and fifth houses. It will transit in the fourth house. Retrograde Jupiter in this house affects family comforts, mother, domestic happiness, vehicles, and house. During this period, the natives may become arrogant and egoistic. They are also likely to become negative and hold grudges against people, thereby growing enmities around. Financially, the period may prove fortunate during this period. You will achieve success due to your hard work. Your relationship with your mother may lack harmony playing havoc with your mental peace. You might have to spend on your vehicle. Jupiter in the fourth house shows favourable time for buying property and getting support from family. But during retrogression, the results may be delayed leading to disappointment and frustration. Your physical strength might dip and you are likely to feel weak. However, your financial aspect will remain stable. You will gain respect and honour during this phase of retrogression. You are also likely to go on vacations.

Remedy: Water a Peepal tree every Thursday, but avoid touching it.

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For Sagittarius moon sign, Jupiter rules the first and fourth houses. It will be transiting in your third house. Retrograde Jupiter in this bhava indicates younger siblings, communication, neighbours, meetings, short-distance travels, and learning. You may see some differences with your sibling during this transit. You will remain dissatisfied with your relationship with siblings. Your honest efforts will bring you recognition.

Financially, you will find it convenient to manage your finances. During this time, you are likely to become over-ambitious and arrogant. Avoid such tendencies, as they will only bring harm. This transit may create communication problems or find it problematic to retain things. Also, you will learn new skills.

Remedy: Do Rudra Abishekam


For Capricorn moon sign, Jupiter rules the twelfth and third houses. It will transit in your second house. Retrograde Jupiter in this house affects money, communication, family values, speech, security, and close friends. During this time, you may have to incur unplanned expenses. Financial imbalance may disrupt your lifestyle. You are likely to get property in inheritance, but unfortunately, you may not decide as to how you would use it. You may have some sense of insecurity and may feel rather insecure during this phase. You may turn offensive regarding your family values or may deny follow them.

Remedy: Make yellow rice on Thursdays, and offer it to poor people.

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For Aquarius people, Jupiter is the lord of the eleventh and second houses. It will transit your first house. Retrograde Jupiter in this house influences your personality, health, identity, your dealings with the outer world and your knowledge. You may suffer from poor health as Jupiter signifies liver in astrology. Hence, you may develop some problems with the liver. You may also face self-doubt as you will find it hard to understand the people around you. It is also possible that you may be cheated by others. The retrograde Jupiter will stop all the benefits and protection that you are expecting to receive. It may create hurdles in opportunities and luck but at the same time will bless the native with intelligence reinforcing the good qualities in him. You may gain attraction, your health may improve, and your presence in the public sphere and society will be enhanced during this transit.

Remedy: Offer books to students on Thursday.


For Pisces moon sign, Jupiter is the lord of the first and tenth houses. It will transit your twelfth house. Retrograde Jupiter in this house indicates expenses, isolation, prison, hospitalisation, research, and bed pleasure. Jupiter retrograde will be good for you in terms of attaining spiritual wisdom and establishing a connection with the divine forces, research, and meditation. It will prove beneficial for you. During this time, you may become fearless and take bold decisions. You will not be afraid of anything that you may confront in life. You’ll conquer your enemies, and you will also indulge in religious activities. Jupiter retrograde can also bring some ill results depending on the house and the sign where it is placed. Also, keep check on your ever rising expectations as you will feel frustrated if they are not met.

Remedy: Chant Jupiter beej mantra: Gram Greem Graum Sah Gurave Namaha.