Love Horoscope 2021 - Love Predictions 2021

Love Horoscope 2021 - Love Predictions 2021

Deciphering the true meaning of love takes years for some, yet some understand it the first time they come across it. That is precisely the true mystery of love. Through Free Online Love Predictions for 2021, we aim to presage the time ahead for the twelve zodiac signs of the wheel.

By learning the true meaning of love and how it plans to enter your life, you`ll be able to enjoy the sweet moments it`ll render. With a partner by your side every problem that comes your way can be dealt with easily because you`ll always have someone to hold, cherish, and support you no matter what comes and goes.

With the New Year 2021 here, prepare yourself for a year that is full of love, beauty, and sunshine. The previous year has already put a damper on the spirits of the world, but with a little love and kindness there`s nothing the world can`t overcome. Learn what ups and downs await you and your partner in 2021 as you work on strengthening your relationship.

Will you get to tie the knot this year?! Or will you have to face heartbreak and separation?! The answers to these questions await you in the Love Horoscope Predictions 2021 by Future Point. Figure out the exact moment when you`ll meet the love of your life with accurate predictions by Top Astrologers of India.

In case you`ve been facing a tough time in your relationship and wanted to consult a Love Astrologer for a Personalized Love Report, you can Talk to Astrologer on Phone and get them resolved.

हिंदी में पढ़ें - प्रेम राशिफल 2021

Read the Love Horoscope for 2021 for your zodiac sign as you move a step closer to a brilliant love life.

Aries Love Horoscope 2021

As per the Love Horoscope Predictions for 2021, the natives of the Aries zodiac sign will get mixed results this year. The months of February & March are going to be extremely crucial for your love relationships. You’ll get to spend some beautiful moments with your partner, which will help lighten the tension last year cast upon your love.

You and your partner both have the tendency to expect so much out of each other that sometimes it gets a bit unrealistic. This period would get to see some minor tiffs happen due to unrealistic expectation being set up which only end in disappointments.

To avoid these situations to crop up, you and your partner need to have an open conversation as to what you both would like in your relationship. Take things slow and be accepting. It is imperative that you consider both your feeling and that of your partner; be respectful and keep an open mind.

Love isn’t about grand gestures and big surprises. It lies in the small things that you both do for each other. The sooner you learn that, the sooner you’ll open up your world to a land where there’s only love & mutual respect. The year 2021 advises you to be honest with your partner at all times; listen to what they have to say & then take all the important decisions.

The month of February is going to be really lucky for the natives of Aries zodiac sign. Things will be turning out in your favour. Chances of going on a romantic date- straight out of your dreams is really high in this period. Couples who have just started dating will find the month of July & August to be the decisive period in their relationship.

You’ll see major changes happening altogether; which will only work to get you two even closer than before. Singles can rejoice as 2021 will probably give you ample of opportunities to meet the one true love of your life.

To get your relationship moving stronger, you need to understand the importance of appreciating your partner in whatever small way you can. It could either be a small gift, or a kind text message reminding them that you are thinking about them. Make your partner a priority in life and respect their opinions. You will be amazed to find how great their perspective could be in your professional life as well.

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Taurus Love Horoscope 2021

2021 Love Horoscope predicts a year full of ups and downs for the natives of Taurus zodiac sign. Since you get angered way too easily, the love predictions for 2021 advise you to calm your nerves down and listen to what your partner has to say with an open mind & heart.

Keep your ego on the side tracks when having a conversation with your partner. Disrespecting your partner and not paying heed to their feelings could become the major reason why you two will have fights more often this year. Do not add fuel to the fire by giving your partner a cold shoulder.

Try to let things go by making a thumb rule of never sleeping angry at each other. Whatever it is that irks you, try to resolve it before going to bed. If your partner isn’t ready to listen to what you have to say, try giving them space and let them know you aren’t going anywhere. There is nothing in this world that cannot be resolved with a little love and kindness.

There are chances that you will be influenced by people around you or on social media to compare your love or lack thereof with others. Instead of pinning your insecurities on your partner, try having an open conversation with them and share your thoughts. With just talking about the stuff that bothers you, you can really take your relationship to new heights.

Trust yourself and your judgement, which includes your significant other. During the middle of the year, you might get to enjoy a holiday with your partner to a place you have always wanted to visit. Enjoy the company of your partner and make them feel appreciated. This will not only give you two ample time to each other better and bask in the warmth of love, but also act a way to strengthen your relationship.

By the end of the year, singles will get the opportunity to meet someone new at work whom they’ll fancy a lot; or at school or college. This does not necessarily mean someone entirely new- this new person could be a friend or an acquaintance or someone you never thought could be interested in you.

Married couples will take a step closer to each other this year. Instead of fighting over minor issues, try to find a mid ground where you both could chat about what’s actually wrong in the relationship rather than pointing fingers.

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Gemini Love Horoscope 2021

This is the year for Gemini natives to rejoice! Stars are favouring your love life this year as per the Love Horoscope Predictions for 2021. At the beginning of the year you might have to take crucial decisions related to your love life.

If you love someone dearly, the year predicts a wonderful time for you! You will get to enjoy a brilliant time with your significant other at the start of 2021. The early months will be a golden period of your life; charming surprises will keep the romance alive.

You will be able to see a whole new different side of your partner this year. Your relationship will develop as you’ll try to explore new things and understand your partner in a new brighter light. Unmarried couples will get to enjoy the middle of the year.

There will be tons of new opportunities wherein you’ll realize how much your partner values you and your support. By the month of October, you might plan on taking a holiday together or starting a new project together, this could be interior designing or even cooking together.

There`s a high probability that you and your partner are going to share splendid times together this year. With an enhanced bond, you`ll get undying love and support from your significant other, which will really come in handy in difficult situations.

Friends will play a significant role in your love affair; with their help you can plan a fun outing with your date. However, keep in mind that things are not always going to be peachy. You`ll have to face minor ups and downs, but with the love of your life by your side- nothing is as difficult as it seems.

The 2021 Yearly Horoscope presages some difficulties managing time. You`ll have to keep a steady balance between your family, work, and love life to enjoy a smooth sailing. Some minor arguments are predicted if you fail to do so and end up neglecting your partner altogether.

Cancer Love Horoscope 2021

As per the predictions of Love Horoscope 2021, the natives of Cancer zodiac sign need to put a tab on their ego and stubborn attitude. You like things to be done a certain way, but that is bound to change once you start a new life with your life partner.

It is presaged that due to your attitude problems, things might not go smoothly in your relationship. Understand that there couldn’t be any space for ego and arrogance in a relationship. Your adamant nature could actually put your relationship in danger. Trust your partner and keep an open mind while having a discussion.

Instead of questioning everything that your partner does or say, try going with the flow for once. The planetary position in your Kundli presages a difficult time as your stress is bound to skyrocket. If you make it a point to keep your significant other happy, things will go pretty smoothly in your life and you won’t have to worry about anything.

The beginning of the year is not that great for love matters. Stay cautious in this duration as even the most minor argument could turn into a full-blown fight in this period. Keep your temper in check and do not impose your beliefs on your partner.

If there is something that bothers you, try to sit down and have a conversation with them without complicating the matter further. This period will be the true test of your relationship as you both will go through a transformative period.

If your partner is irked by something you did, instead of being distant and giving them a cold shoulder- try talking to them and make them understand where you were coming from. The month of August will be a blessing in disguise for you as soon these tumultuous times will cease to exist in your relationship and you’ll start enjoying the time with your partner without worrying about anything.

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Leo Love Horoscope 2021

Deciphering the future of your love life as per the Love Astrology Predictions 2021, there is more chaos than calm. The natives of Leo zodiac sign will have to keep your anger in check and make sure that you do not lose your temper despite the circumstances.

Try to reason with a calm mind and understand where the other person is coming from instead of bombarding them with what you think is right. Singles will find someone to share their life with this year.

At the beginning of 2021 you will have to face multiple problems at the same time which could turn out to be really problematic. Make sure that during the difficult times you keep your partner right by your side, instead of shoving them to the side.

Trust your partner and let them help you. Those in a new relationship are advised to keep things simple and do not complicate matters. Give the relationship time and do not rush into anything half-heartedly.

By the end of the year planetary positions will shift and prove to be wonderful for your love life. You will enjoy beautiful dates with your partner and rejoice in each other`s company. There will be a constant playful banter between the two of you which will keep the romance alive and evergreen.

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Virgo Love Horoscope 2021

According to the Free Online Love Predictions for 2021, you are advised to stay extra cautious this year. Going through a rollercoaster of emotions, you will have to balance your love life and other aspects of your life though all the curve balls that are thrown at you.

Due to a disagreement with your partner, you might have to learn the importance of silence and thinking before speaking. There`s a high probability of you hampering your current relationship due to the mistakes you committed in the past. Avoid talking about what has happened and focus on what`s to come.

During this time period you might feel dissatisfied with your relationship and seek solace elsewhere. Instead of keeping things buried in the heart, try sharing your grievances with your partner and let them in on what bothers you.

This will not only solve the problem at hand, but will also strengthen your love at the same time. If there`s some type of disagreement between you two, try solving it by talking to each other rather than closing down and not talking at all.

Keep your temper and prejudices far away and listen to what your significant other has to say. Try to understand things from their perspective and share what you feel, so that nothing stays hidden between you two.

However, it is imperative that you do not impose your feelings and decisions on your partner. Understand that you can`t dictate how someone feels and how they should react. Facing so many downs does not mean that 2021 won`t give you the ups. You`ll also get the chance to enjoy the company of your love and cherish sweet romantic moments with them. There is a strong chance that you might even decide on tying the knot with your partner by the end of the year.

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Libra Love Horoscope 2021

According to the Love Predictions 2021 this year will prove to be a boon for the natives of Libra zodiac sign. Your partner will be your pillar of strength in difficult times during this year as you battle through the hard times with them by your side.

Due to their emotional support and the amount of trust they levy in you- you`ll be closer to them than you ever were before. To appreciate what all they do for you, you might plan a surprise for them. Single natives of Libra zodiac sign will meet someone worthy of their love during this period and spend quality time together.

By the middle of 2021, you might have to face some difficulties in life. This period will allow you to think outside the box and get out of your comfort zone. Those in a long-term relationship will have to face a new set of challenges this year. The time will test your patience and problem-solving skills.

This ain`t something that you need to be worried about since it`ll be more beneficial for you rather than hampering your relationship. During the challenging situations in life, try to reason with yourself in order to keep a check on your temper. Instead of creating a mountain out of a molehill, understand the situation and solve it through love.

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Scorpio Love Horoscope 2021

The year 2021 predicts an extreme time for the natives of the Scorpio zodiac sign. Some highs will take your mood from `meh` to ecstatic in a second and the lows will dampen your spirits in an instant. The starting of the year isn`t going to play a significant role in your love life.

You`ll be facing numerous challenges at the same time, trying to juggle multiple things simultaneously. You are advised to listen to your partner and value their feelings. Instead of undermining their pain and comparing it to things you have faced in the past is not the way to go in life! Make them a priority and understand their situation with empathy.

Those in a long distance relationship will have to work on communication; try explaining things instead of getting mad about the most mundane of things. Discuss on things that bother you and how you can both work on changing it so that it doesn`t hurt anyone.

The time period from January till May is predicted to bring numerous ups and downs in your relationship. Stay cautious during this period as heartbreak and separation is predicted for some. Avoid all confrontations and arguments; dwell on the happy days and remember it`s only the sunshine after this chaotic period.

If there`s a disagreement between you two, try solving it through effective communication instead of having an argument over it. If you`ve been thinking of starting a new business with your partner or get into a sort of partnership- the year 2021 is an excellent time.

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Sagittarius Love Horoscope 2021

The year 2021 beckons you to rise above your inhibitions and move forward in life. Instead of dwelling on the past and what all went wrong, the time wants you to move ahead and look at bigger & brighter things.

Your partner will be astonished to see you working towards a future together as you never initiated the conversation of taking the next step in your relationship till now. As you regain your confidence, you will start dreaming and working towards a future with your lover. The year 2021 will turn out to be perfectly splendid for you in terms of love.

Your behaviour towards your partner will be wonderful this year, which will impact your relationship positively. You`ll be able to spend time with them doing things that you both enjoy. However, there are slim chances of your partner falling prey to some minor ailments in this period, so make sure you take good care of them.

Those madly in love with their significant other will get to experience great results in this duration. If you have been thinking of taking the relationship to the next level and marry your partner, the time is brilliant.

Ask away and be confident in your approach. Those facing problems at home in convincing the relatives to get married, will be able to solve them this year and tie the knot. Do not give up on your love despite the hardships you might face.

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Capricorn Love Horoscope 2021

The Year 2021 bears great news for the natives of Capricorn zodiac sign as per the Love Horoscope Predictions 2021. You`ll explore love and the different meanings it holds in your life throughout the year. Your partner will play an integral part in your personal growth. At the same time, you`ll value their input and what they have to say in every situation.

Those looking for a partner will get lucky and find someone worthy of their time & energy. If you have been a relationship for long, the year 2021 might finally be the year you decide to tie the knot with your loved one. This union will turn out to be one that`s full of love, beautiful memories, and mutual respect for each other.

For those starting a new relationship, the only piece of advice would be to stay as truthful as you can! Instead of lying and deceiving your partner- try being open with them. Build your relationship on the strong foundations of truth, honesty, and admiration.

Keep negativity and ego at bay to enjoy the beautiful sunshine that true love brings in life. If you feel there`s something between you and your partner, try to effectively communicate and share it with them.

During the middle of the year, you`ll feel much closer to your significant other than you did at the beginning of the year. The time would be excellent for those who have been waiting to pop the question! Marriage is in the cards as the year comes to a close, so don`t wait up and go for the question.

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Aquarius Love Horoscope 2021

As 2021 starts you’ll be greeted with a pleasant time in your love life, as you will work hard to strengthen your relationship with your partner. The Love Horoscope 2021 predicts a favourable year for your love life. Since you’ll be in a great mood, there is a high probability that this time period will give you ample of opportunities to work on your relationship. Your partner will value your input on things that matter to them, and simultaneously you`ll be asking them to weigh in on things that matter to you.

Singles will get lucky and meet someone new who will pique their interest. There could be someone at work you fancy or a friend at college you always thought of asking out- during this period you`ll take the chance and listen to your heart. However, the mid of the year will be a difficult time for your relationship.

There`s betrayal and heartbreak predicted, which will be really hard on your spirit. Beware of trusting people in this time period and do not enter a new relationship. Do not trust people on their face value; instead make them earn your trust.

Go out and explore your favourite places with them and vice versa before coming into a relationship and forming your judgement about them. Learn their belief about the world and their stance in things that matter to you the most before coming onto a conclusion.

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Pisces Love Horoscope 2021

2021 Love Horoscope predicts a difficult time for your family due to the roller coaster of emotion you will be going through. A disturbed environment at home will keep you on the edge; leaving almost no time for you to find the calm. Relationships at home will be suffering throughout the year. There will be a lack of communication between the members at home, owing to most of the arguments.

All the stress from home will put a damper on your mood. The only sane advice for you in this duration would be to keep faith in your love and trust the instincts of your partner to bring you out of this miserable time. Do not question your partner’s love for you, since your insecure nature will try to come in between your happiness.

Your mind will be clouded with judgement and confusion, which you will channelise in your relationship; thus affecting your relationship with your partner negatively. Do not indulge yourself in theories because they’ll do more harm than good. You might even question your relationship in this period and try to break all ties. Try to communicate effectively and dissipate any type of confusion in your relationship. Be the cure, not the problem.

By the mid of the year, you might have to go on a work related trip away from your family. This duration beckons you to balance your work and private life well, so that none feels neglected. In case there are way too many fights happening at home, try to reason with everyone instead of distancing yourself.

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