Solve Any Type Of Marriage Problem With The Best Guidance Ever!
By: Future Point | 23-Jul-2022
Views : 1364
Marriage Astrology is that branch of Astrology that deals with all aspects of a marriage. Astrology gives valuable insights related to our married life. A kundali reading for marriage may predict-
- When will you get married?
- What type of life partner you will get?
- Which direction you may marry?
- Will you go for love marriage or arrange marriage?
- Where will your spouse come from- own nation or foreign
- Any delays in marriage
- Quarrels or clashes in marriage
- Parental or outside interference in your marriage
- Possibilities of separation and divorce
- Health and personality traits of your spouse
- Immoral or unethical behavior on the part of the spouse if any
A good astrologer by looking at your kundali may predict whether you are going to face marital bliss or live in despair in your married life. Dr. Arun Bansal ji has gone through more than several thousands of horoscopes for kundli matching. Thus, he holds a great experience and expertise in the field. Any marriage astrologer may look for the basic Gun Milan or Gun Matching as shown by ordinary mobile app or software but Bansal ji goes deep to the roots of kundli milan. Automated services may give a broader view but to introduce oneself to a clearer and true picture, going into depth is something which is required. The best astrologer in the country may amaze you with-
- Saying, Yes to a kundli Milan with less than 18 points!
- Saying, No to a kundli Milan with more than 18 points!
Why so? Only a learned astrologer can answer this because when we take the most important decision of our life we just can’t judge a book by its cover. There are many other things apart from the general guidelines which need to be checked before arriving at a final decision. For e.g. a general kundli Milan may indicate a nadi dosha for a couple which straightaway means that the marriage can’t happen. But here, an experienced Astrologer will also check the relations and lordship of the nakshatra of the Moon in both the charts. It may happen that nadi dosha is cancelled while for a kundli with no nadi dosha, it may be created. So, it’s a 50-50 game.
One should never take free marriage prediction by date of birth as the final decision and it must be followed by an astrological consultation. It is only then that we can determine the true compatibility of a couple.
Kundli Matching
Many of us go for free online kundli matching which we have just explained is not sufficient. The Mangal dosha, nadi dosha and bhakoot dosha are the major influencers when it comes to deciding about a marriage. It is to the delight of our readers that in many cases where a marriage calculator shows denial of a marriage due to presence of any of these, a marriage may happen! Astrology is a vast ocean of knowledge consisting endless yoga and their cancellations.
Bansal ji with an experience of 40+ years with a never ending list of satisfied clients can never guide you wrong. He gives equal importance to the Astronomy along with Astrology which takes him closer to the planets like no one else.
Not just the points or score obtained but the reading of the karaka of marriage, janm nakshatra, navamsha chart along with the deep analysis of the lagna chart is important to exactly know how compatible the partners are.
Love marriage Astrology
Love marriage astrology has been gaining prominence these days. All thanks to social media and gigantic internet exposure. Most of the youngsters remain worried about making their love partner as a life partner. Here, many things like parent approval, background differences, religious preferences, financial status and many others need to be concerned on the part of the love partners. They may or may not get permission of the parents or society to marry each other. There are following concerns-
- Are they really meant for each other?
- Will the parents agree to the marriage?
- Even if they are permitted, will the marriage be successful?
- Will you derive any kind of monetary benefits from your love marriage?
- Will your ex-love partner come back to your life?
Things vary before and after marriage, everything that seems lovey-dovey may turn into complete mess after marriage. Yes, it has been experienced by many love partners! So, love relations may be a deceptive trap for some unfortunate ones. The possible reason is lying deep inside the placement of planets. It is important to match kundali even if you are going for a love marriage as planets definitely take their toll once you marry each other.
A marriage astrologer may answer all your love marriage related queries instantly. He is the best person to tell you the fate of your love life and also whether you should actually go for it? Don’t hesitate to follow his advice even if it is not acceptable to you, think otherwise and take the best decision for your life!
Delay in marriage
Some people don’t succeed to marry at the right age. There might be unforeseen causes for delay in marriage which may go completely out of control of the native. In such situation, a marriage astrologer may help you. After analyzing your kundli, he may find out the possible cause of delay. The bad effects of the planet at the seventh house or placement of the 7th lord in bad houses cause delays and other problems in marriage. A sight of Saturn in the 7th house may also cause delays in marriage. An astrological consultation helps you determine the possible causes and ways to remove them. It has been seen that within 2-3 months of following suggested astrological remedies, natives got married successfully. With a talk to astrologer you may-
- Determine the cause of delay in marriage
- Get the best astrology remedies to remove any delays
Pre-marriage and post-marriage counseling
There are people who ignored the importance of Astrology in taking the life changing decision of marriage. They repent later in the form of quarrels, arguments, constant stress, loss in career and financial decline. Everything depends on your peace of mind, if its unstable nothing falls in place. With a troublesome marriage nobody can maintain a calm mind. For this reason we suggest you to take pre marriage and post marriage counseling.
A pre marriage counseling helps you understand-
- The flaws in native’s own kundli and also those present in the partner’s kundli
- The co-operation and adjustments required on each others’ part
- The weak and strong areas of the partners as a couple
- The financial prosperity together
- Favorable timings for planning a child
- Child happiness
- Career prospects of both the partners
- Their health cautions
- Rectification in karmas if needed
- Astrological remedies to live a blissful life together
- Things to be done on daily basis
The post- marriage counseling helps the partners to understand-
- Probable reasons of fights and clashes
- Ways to improve their married relations
- Astrology remedies to be performed to maintain peace in married life
- Counseling at a psychological level
- Their future together as a couple together
- Pros and cons of separation or divorce
- Their future as divorced individuals
- Fate of children after separation
To sum up
Future Point is the ultimate destination to solve all your marriage related queries. The best astrologers here, guide you genuinely keeping everything crystal clear. Their main motto is to serve and not to deceive the mankind in the name of astrology. They provide the most genuine advice with simple to follow remedies to see miracles happen in your married life. Visit today for any kind of marriage related problem and get solutions instantly!