Mercury Transit in Aquarius: Impact on 12 zodiac signs | Future Point

Mercury Transit in Aquarius: Impact on 12 zodiac signs

By: Future Point | 25-Jan-2021
Views : 2374Mercury Transit in Aquarius: Impact on 12 zodiac signs

Planet Mercury has been described as the planet of intelligence, wit, wealth & business in the ancient Vedic Indian Astrology. By the grace of Mercury, the native is blessed with great reasoning ability and communication skills making him/her a scholar of sorts. Mercury is also responsible for your ability to choose intellectually, so that you can differentiate between good and evil. If planet Mercury holds a strong position in one’s kundli, then the person enjoys great marketing ability. Their strength lies in charming people with their sweet tonal quality. Their soft voice has the ability to sway people in their favour.  

Being in the auspicious position of Mercury planet, the person is proficient in the art of speaking and is an excellent orator. These people are fantastic speakers, poets, teachers, skilful singers and musicians, storytellers who can easily fascinate & pull people towards them. People with a strong Mercury have the grace & blessings from Maa Saraswati, thus are born great orators & storytellers.  

A person affected by the planet Mercury has a lot of attraction power. In Vedic Astrology, planet Mercury symbolizes intelligence, receptive ability, reasoning, decision-making, memorization, thinking ability, speech, speaking ability, pronunciation, behavioural skills, information, communication, business, commerce, calculative topics, writing, communication and In-depth study. In order to decipher any of these factors in one’s life, the position of planet Mercury is considered, thus it plays a highly crucial role in our life.

Planet Mercury changing its sign and moving to another zodiac sign thus has both auspicious & inauspicious impact on the horoscope of a native. In astrology, the transit period of Mercury is very short. This planet stays in each zodiac for about 24 days. But this period can also increase if the planet is in retrograde motion. 

This time, planet Mercury will transit from Capricorn zodiac sign to Aquarius zodiac sign on Monday 25th January 2021, at 16:28 p.m., and will remain in this zodiac till 04 February 2021. It is imperative that you learn how this could impact you and the ones close to you.  

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For the natives of the Aries zodiac sign, planet Mercury is going to transit through the 11th house of your horoscope. During this time you can expect your income to manifold which will be great for those in the business sector as you will be able to engage this new monetary surplus in your next projects. On the health front, the placement of Mercury will be auspicious for your well-being. However, Mercury in the 11th house symbolizes land benefits & deals which will be a successful venture. 

Apart from this, support from your children will help you stabilize your emotions. Your kith and kin will root for you as go about tackling your inhibitions in this period. Green colour is extremely beneficial for you during the course of this transit, so if you can- wear green or keep a green kerchief with you at all times. During this time you will be active in social gatherings. A trip or a vacation is also highly probable for some. On the love & relationship front, you will have a brilliant time. Those looking for a life partner will be blessed in this duration as you’ll meet someone new. If you have been looking to tie the knot with your partner, the timing is perfect to set the date! You will also get favourable results in terms of education whilst learning new things and adding them to your skill set. 

Remedy: Performing Shiva Abhishekam with honey on Wednesdays will be great to get the grace of Lord Mercury in your life. 

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For the natives of the Taurus zodiac sign, planet Mercury is going to transit through the 10th house of your horoscope. This will be a significant period in your life as there will be plenty of opportunities for you to advance in your career. You will be able to excel in your chosen field; your performance is going ti improve for the better as you work on your strengths through your knowledge and intelligence which will yield you excellent benefits. Your constant efforts at work and all the hard work that you put in will come handy as new opportunities come your way. 

By using the wit you have acquired, you will be able to handle your tasks skillfully & effectively. This will also garner you much deserved appreciation from seniors & colleagues alike and also strengthen your image at work. Those involved in the business sector, the period of Mercury Transit can turn out to be a fantastic time to expand your family business. At home, your relationships will be pleasant as you work towards pleasing everyone. Relations with father will improve for the best. You can also expect monetary aid coming in from your parents in this duration. 

Remedy: Feed wheat & jaggery to a bull on Sundays.

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The transit of planet Mercury through the 9th house of your horoscope is going to be highly auspicious for you. Your decision making prowess will be tested in this duration, however you will come out victorious as the decisions made by you in this period will prove to be beneficial later. On a personal level, you will be inclined towards religious and spiritual works. Your nature will attract people towards you, thus gaining clout and respect for you in the public life. Positive attitude that you possess can take you places, albeit you stick to your gut feeling and do not bother others. 

During this transit, your confidence will soar high, so that you will be able to attract others by expressing your thoughts and suggestions in the best way at your workplace. This will garner support from your colleagues & seniors alike. From the business point of view, time will be favourable for venturing in new business prospects and introducing new policies. People related to foreign schemes and import-export are likely to get the sweet taste of victory as stars will be in your favour. On the familial front, the Mercury transit will be a happy transitional period as you will develop new & strong relations with everyone at home. 

Remedy: For the grace of Mercury in your life, gift green clothes to your aunt or your sister on Wednesdays. 

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The lord of the 3rd & 12th house of your horoscope, planet Mercury will be transiting through the 8th house of your kundli. Due to this planetary movement, there will be plenty of ups and downs in your work place which might make you feel that your efforts are not completely successful and your mind may deviate from the work at hand. Unnecessary expenditures might create a situation of chaos in your personal life. The transit of Mercury in your 8th house also predicts health related problems, which could cause you to suffer mentally & physically. 

There will be plenty of new ways to increase your income during this period. Unexpected gains are highly probable. Due to Mercury’s presence, you can use your intellect and wit to gain wealth through secret methods in this duration. If you are planning to go abroad and study in a foreign university, the time is highly auspicious. Long distance travel can prove beneficial for you. But at the family level, this transit can prove to be challenging for you.

Remedy: Offer water and bel leaves to a shivlinga on a daily basis. 

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The natives of the Leo zodiac sign will get to see Mercury transiting through the 7th house of your horoscope. During this transit period your business will grow and prosper due to your constant efforts in the right direction. If you want to start any new venture in this duration, the time period is perfect for that. Whatever you start in this period will attain success as your lucky stars will be shining bright. You will have the full support from your kith & kin which will help channel your resources towards your goal. Unexpected gains are highly probable as you move swiftly towards your goals. 

During the period of the Mercury Transit, your father will get some kind of benefits in his work which will be a source of joy for the entire family. You will be content in your life, thus helping you count your blessings. New contacts established through foreign sources will yield great results. This phase of Mercury Transit will be particularly good for the students as they’ll be excelling in their field of education. Those appearing for competitive exams will likely get good results due to their constant hard work.

Remedy: Worship the Sun god by offering water daily. 


For the natives of the Virgo zodiac sign, planet Mercury is going to transit through the 6th house in your horoscope. During this period, your expenses are predicted to skyrocket, which will be a major source of stress and anxiety for you. Health wise, you are advised to eat a balanced diet and practice regular meditation to avoid stress & anxiety. Take time out of your schedule to keep yourself in good shape. A little carelessness could potentially put you in trouble. On the career front, you will be able to get favourable results in your job and your hard work will bring you closer towards achieving your long term goals. A promotion is on the cards for some. Along with this, chances of garnering appreciation from seniors and colleagues at work are high. You will get success in the field of debate due to Mercury’s presence, but during this time your opponents may be a little strong and try to damage your image. Try to move past the jobes they throw your way and work on achieving bigger & better things in life. 

Remedy: Chant the mantra “Om Bram Breem Broum sah Budhaya Namah” daily for 108 times. 

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For the natives of the Libra zodiac sign, planet Mercury will transit from your zodiac in the fifth house. This will prove to be a fantastic event for you as your income will increase exponentially and your plans will move forward without any hindrances or obstacles. By defeating competition in the market, you will be able to scale up your competitors and get better bang for your buck. Business people will be able to yield great benefits in this period. Your work will be appreciated by colleagues & seniors alike. On the financial front, you are advised to stay a little cautious as expenses are predicted to increase manifold during this period. 

Singles will find someone lovely during this time. The Mercury Transit is going to be wonderful for your love life; to make your partner happy, you will shower them with affection and make sure they feel loved and appreciated. To win your partner’s trust, you might even make a special promise to them at this time. For those who have been in a loving relationship for long, time is perfect to tie the knot and start a new chapter of your life. Married natives of the Libra zodiac sign will be seen spending some beautiful moments with their partner. This will act as a bridge that will mend broken relationships and strengthen your bond. Students preparing for higher education will get favourable results. With this, those students who were aiming to take admission in foreign universities or institutions are also likely to get good results from their continued efforts.

Remedy: Gift green bangles to a married woman. 


For Scorpio people, Mercury will transit in the fourth house of your zodiac sign. During this time you might think about purchasing a new vehicle or investing in a new house. On the business front, your spouse will be extra supportive which will give you a much needed boost in your career. There is no need to be worried about the health of your mother during this time, because due to this planetary shift her health is predicted to change for the better. 

Students who face a hard time concentrating on a certain topic are advised to practice Yoga & Meditation to curb this problem. In order to achieve the desired results, you will have to work diligently in your field without skipping a day or a practice session. Your thought process during the Mercury Transit will be quite intense due to which you might run into some trouble at work. The transit of Mercury in Aquarius will decrease your instability and put you in a deep sense of contentment. You will be pleased with your achievements and chart a course to maximize them further. 

Remedy: Wear ek mukhi rudraksha to get fruitful results. 


The natives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign will experience the transit of Mercury through the 3rd house in their horoscope. This house represents your younger siblings, bravery, & strength to face adversities in life. In the duration of this transit, your bravado will increase; if you are in a partnership business, the timing is perfect to give you a much needed boost in your finances. Your siblings will be on your side throughout the duration of this transit. To gain momentum in your business, you might have to go on certain trips in this duration which will help you accumulate wealth as well. You are advised to stay vigilant throughout your trips.

Fame & fortune would be on your side during this Mercury Transit, which would help you chart a relationship with new people. Monetary benefits will keep you happy & content. As a result of this transit, your ability to work will increase, and you will find yourself completely capable of facing all adversities that come your way. At work, your hard work will be appreciated by colleagues & seniors alike, which will increase your energy & courage. One advice would be to keep yourself away from all unnecessary disputes during the transit of Mercury, or else people close to you might get offended by your harsh words.     

Remedy: On Wednesdays, donate as per the best of your ability in a place of faith. 

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Planet Mercury is going to transit through the 2nd house of your horoscope. Being the lord of the 6th & 9th house of your horoscope, Mercury would enhance your charisma and tonal quality. You will be able to charm your way through anything, and will possess the quality to impress anyone with your oratory skills. However, another thing that comes with this skill is the ability to quickly judge everyone. You will hold a prejudice against people around you, which if not controlled could potentially lead to tiffs. You are advised to think twice before saying anything to eliminate the chances of misunderstandings. 

For those in the trading business, the Mercury Transit in Aquarius is going to be a fantastic period to maximize your benefits. Your ability to map the future would aid you in expanding your business further. In this duration, your partner will be more committed towards your family, which will in a way strengthen the relationship you share with them. However, one piece of advice would be to pay heed to their health. The income of your family would increase; matters related to property would settle in your favour gaining you monetary favours. During the time frame of this transit, you are advised to avoid lending money to anyone. This specifically correlates to your friends; avoid lending them money if you want to stay clear off fights & arguments with them. Always keep in mind that money should never become a factor in friendships. There is a high probability of sudden financial gains for the natives who are into share market & trading.  

Remedy: Donate wheat to the poor & needy on Sundays. 

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For the natives of the Aquarius zodiac sign, planet Mercury is going to transit through the ascendant of your house. This planetary transit is going to be excellent for your house. On the familial front, relationships will be stronger than ever. At work, your strengths would be tested, however you will come out victorious in the end, no matter what. Your superiors will compliment your ability to navigate through all tough decisions effectively. The presence of Mercury in your own sign will also impact your skill set and mind, helping you work hard on yourself. 

During this time frame you will be consumed with the feeling of working hard on yourself. This will also help you attain laurels in your own field, along with attaining creative liberty. You will be inclined to test new fields that could potentially aid you in honing your present skills. Your partner on the other hand will be cheerful and will leave no stone unturned to make your life better with playful banter & hope for a better future. On the love front, you will be able to spend some beautiful moments with your lover and effectively profess your love towards them. Those in partnership business will get great monetary benefits in this duration. If you have been planning to start a new business venture, now is the perfect time to execute this plan. In this time frame, you can also start a new renovation project in your home. For some natives, a new renovation project at home could kickstart a fortuitous event that will bring a smile to everyone’s faces. 

Remedy: Wear a 4 mukhi rudraksha around your neck for best results. 

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Planet Mercury is going to transit through the 12th house of your horoscope, which is going to yield mixed results in your life. You are going to spend much of your earnings on luxuries in this duration. You will be inclined towards luxuries and make way for fancy things in life. There is a high probability that you might have a vacation or a trip during this period. You will be able to establish contacts with people of high importance, which is going to be beneficial in the long run. Moreover, this networking with the mighty & influential will also prepare you for a trip abroad. If your business dealings are with a foreign organization, you might get to take a business trip or gain substantially well in this duration. 

During the transit, planet Mercury will be aspecting the 6th house in your horoscope. You are advised to stay calm under all circumstances. Your enemies will try really hard to instigate negativity and put you on the edge, however it will be in your best interest to not pay heed to them & continue doing your best. You are advised to stay away from court proceedings & legal matters in this duration, as things might turn sour for you. You might end up losing money if you do not pay attention to your spendings. 

Remedy: Chant “Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya Namah” regularly.

Planet Transitions and movements are always hard on some, and yet excellent for some. However, if you are of the former group and are suffering through hardships in life, we highly recommend you consult our Astrologer. You can Talk to Astrologer on Phone or Video Call an Astrologer for a detailed reading of your life. With remedies aimed at simplifying your life, you can also prepare yourself for the days to come with the expert’s guidance.