Astrologer Arun Bansal spills the beans about Marriage Guidance through Horoscope Matching
By: Future Point | 21-Feb-2019
Views : 5760
Marriage is scared union where two people spend their lives together with an intention to love each other at all times irrespective of the situations that they go through. Married couples also bring fresh form of lives into this world and nurture them in the best possible way so that this world goes into better hands after they depart.
Marriage is perhaps the highest level of commitment that a person can display and it really tests a person to his/her core. But it is often seen that despite the best of intentions, married couple find it very hard to maintain the kind of harmony in their relationship that they dreamt of.
In some cases the problems rise to such a level that the couple have to go through the heartbreaking and unfortunate process of divorce. Without any disrespect to any community of the world, the Hindu community since ages have seen major marital engagements in the arranged form and still the rate of divorces in this community is extremely low.
While on the other hand, the western society who deems arranged marriages as regressive & absurd have the maximum number of divorces despite going for what they refer to as "love marriages".
So what is the secret of a successful marriage? Well, in the Hindu community it is not a secret rather an age-old tradition that is proven incredibly effective by time.
Yes we are talking about the process of Horoscope Matching! Astrologer Arun Bansal who has over 40 years of experience and is a highly renowned & well respected name in the astrological community, spill the beans about why marriage guidance through Horoscope Matching is the best way to ensure a successful marital union.
Vedic Astrology is an ancient science that analyzes the planetary alignments in the horoscope of a native and decode what the planets have in store for that native with respect to different domains of the native's life. This obviously includes marriage as well and that is where the process of Horoscope Matching comes into picture.
The primary objective of Horoscope Matching is to match the marriage horoscopes and make sure that the boy & girl are suitable for each other as a favourable match. The individual horoscopes of both of them are analyzed in isolation first to decode what the planets signify for each of them and then their horoscopes are jointly analyzed to decipher cumulative results.
This process is also called 'Kundali Matching'. So for a layman, what are main points that make sure that the boy & girl are more than likely to have a successful marriage?
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Remember it is all about striking the right balance in terms of:
This is most important factor that has the potential of becoming a deal breaker while performing the process of Horoscope Matching.
An astrologer by analyzing the horoscopes of both the boy & girl finds out their true nature and ascertains by what the planets reveal, whether they are compatible with each other or not.
Health is an aspect that cannot be ruled out while matching horoscopes of a couple as this aspect is directly proportional to the quality of married life that the couple will enjoy. Plus health of the couple especially the wife, must be conducive for childbirth as well otherwise without a child, the life of the couple tend to become depressing. Stress taking a toll on your well-being? Buy the Health Report to prepare for a problem-free life.
Spending life in a materialistic world and raising a family requires sound state of finances and if one of the couple has weak monetary situation signified by the planets as per his/her horoscope then the financial aspect after marriage deteriorates. Hence it doesn't matter whether it is only the husband who is earning or both of them are earning, in the end both should have favourable planetary significations as per their individual horoscopes. Having troubles saving up for your future? Buy the Finance Report and surge ahead in life
Marital Harmony
The horoscopes of either of the couple must not signify bickering and bitterness in marital relations and rather point towards love, mutual trust, care, understanding and loyalty to experience a blissful & loving marriage. If you are facing problems in married life, access the Love & Marriage Prospects Report.
Manglik Dosha
This is flaw that is formed by the ill placement of Mars in the horoscope of a native and if even one of the spouse has Manglik Dosha in his/her horoscope then this Dosha can do irreversible damage to the marriage even resulting in the death of one of the partners unless treated timely and properly through powerful astrological remedies specific to the inflicted horoscope.
Also Read: 10 best successful Remedies for Manglik Dosha
These are just the broader points that are looked for while matching the horoscopes of both the Bride & Groom before marriage.
It is prudent for a couple to always go for Horoscope Matching before tying the knot as there is no point in becoming adamant and ignoring the incredibly powerful & strong planetary influences and going ahead in a marital union that is not going to work. On the other hand, a marital alliance favourable on the grounds of Vedic Astrology manifests itself into a blissful, joyful, successful and prosperous reality!
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