Why you must consult with an Astrologer for Horoscope Matching and getting an auspicious Wedding Date?
By: Future Point | 23-Apr-2019
Views : 2524
Marriage is not only a stepping stone in the lives of two people who decide to spend their lives together but it is an alliance that requires the highest levels of commitment. When two people marry, they basically agree to stand by each other's side during all times and have virtues like unconditional love, trust, loyalty and faithfulness for each other in their hearts.
This is what makes marriage a beautiful union in the life of a person. However, since marriage holds such an important place in the life of a couple, it is only prudent to look at the event of marriage from all angles before tying the holy knot!
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Role of Astrology in Marriage
Astrology plays an extremely important role in marriages in the Hindu community. Since times immemorial, the practice of horoscope matching for marriage is prevalent in the Hindu society and it is this practice that reveals whether the marital alliance between the boy & girl is going to be one that would bring joy & prosperity in their lives or will be a union that would bring bickering & bitterness.
Kundali Milan for Marriage reveals certain crucial details about the couple that play a decisive role in determining their compatibility with each other. The core of Horoscope or Kundali Matching is Guna Milan...Read Why Guna Milan is important in Marriage?
Guna Milan is considered as extremely important for Marriage as it matches the horoscopes of the couple on various parameters such as nature, health, childbirth, sexual compatibility, impact of their marriage upon their cumulative finances etc. Remember, marriage is a lifelong commitment and a couple must not get swayed by emotions and neglect the subtle yet incredibly powerful influence of planets upon them.
Otherwise they may find out at a later stage in their married lives that the love between them got shattered by the harsh realities that certain malefic planetary effects as per their respective horoscopes posed in front of them.
Also Read: 8 Common marriage problems that can be resolved with Astrology
The Love Factor
There is not even an iota of doubt about the fact that love is the sweetest emotion that an individual can experience. However, one must act before hand to know whether that love element will kindle in the times to come or not. So, what should one do?
Simple, get your Love Horoscope analyzed to decode the state of love in your life and perform timely remedies that are specific to your horoscope and have the potential of removing all problems & obstacles that are affecting your love life. This way not only you can get rid of ongoing problems but also make sure that the planetary problems that are slated to appear in the future, get resolved even before they spring up in life.
Wedding Date with an Auspicious Muhurat
After getting the horoscope successfully matched, the most obvious thing that comes to people's mind is the 'Wedding Date'. Yes, it is very important that the wedding must take place at an auspicious date. Every date comes with a lot of planetary influences and these influences affect the outcome of many events on that day to a surprisingly large extent.
No matter how noble or genuine your intention may be, but if you perform an auspicious task on an inauspicious day & time, the result (both in the short as well as the long term) will not be favourable to you. That is why the concept of Muhurat is given so much importance in the Hindu culture.
Muhurat is the astrological classification of time based on the positioning and movement of different planets. Whether it is buying a new vehicle or a property or in this case the most important event of life- marriage, everything must be done at an auspicious Muhurat.
For knowing the best & auspicious Muhurat for wedding, one must consult with an experienced astrologer and tie the knot on that particular day and time to ensure the support of the cosmic bodies and enhance the quality of their married life ahead. To reiterate- "The positive effects of a task increase manifolds when that task is performed in the right Muhurat."
Last but not the least, there are remedies in the form of gemstones that bring positive vibrations of planets as per the horoscopes of both the couple that promote a blissful married life. Therefore, every couple must consult with a professional astrologer to know the Best Gemstones for Marriage as per their personal horoscopes.
So, if you are looking for the Best Marriage Astrologer in India, just contact Future Point.
Future Point also provides the facility of an in-depth and comprehensive online horoscope analysis performed to decode the actual state of planets affecting the marital & love aspect of your life. We also suggest incredibly powerful and effective astrological remedies that have the potential of making your marriage a living manifestation of bliss, joy, love & prosperity!
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