Weekly Horoscope: 8th to 14th January 2024 | Future Point

Weekly Horoscope: 8th to 14th January 2024

By: Future Point | 08-Jan-2024
Views : 1239Weekly Horoscope: 8th to 14th January 2024

The New Year 2024 celebrations are over and we are now in the second week of January. Mars has recently entered the fiery sign of Sagittarius which is ruled by Jupiter. Now, we all know that Mars is friendly with Jupiter and since Sagittarius is a fire sign, the fiery Martian energies are expected to find their full expression.

Moreover, Jupiter which is currently transiting in Aries, also turned direct on the new year’s eve. Therefore, both Mars and Jupiter are getting very intense and are casting strong effects upon people and playing a decisive role in how things are shaping up in the world at large.

On the level of collective consciousness, the chances of new regional/geopolitical tension rising are very high during this time which could have an adverse impact on global finances. However, such flare-ups will be quickly contained before they could spiral out of control.


To Know More About This week, Talk To The Best Astrologers


Coming to individual consciousness, Sun in Capricorn will usher a fresh start in the lives of many as the period of ‘Uttarayana’ has started which is considered as a very auspicious period when it comes to spiritual progress. The Holy Vedic scriptures consider this period starting from the festival of ‘Makar Sankranti’ as highly conducive for advancing in ‘sadhna’ or spiritual practice.

Makar Sankranti in 2024 will be celebrated on 15th January when Sun will enter in the sign of Capricorn. 

So without further ado, let us look at what the second week of January 2024 has in store for natives belonging to all 12 ascendant signs. But do remember to get your Free Horoscope from Future Point!


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This week is expected to be tough on your health and you are likely to get under the weather. Some ailment from the past could resurface and dampen your mood. Stay alert as some rewarding opportunity might come your way but it will not be there to grab for long. Know more about Weekly Aries Horoscope


You will meet new & interesting people who could very well point you towards a potentially rewarding opportunity of professional growth. Stay focussed on your goals and avoid negative thoughts to remain in a state of enthusiasm that will keep you on track to success. Know more about Weekly Taurus Horoscope


This is a time that will test your patience and determination as you will face new challenges in life. You will find this time mentally taxing with no respite in sight. Practice ‘Pranayama’ or yogic breathing to ensure a peaceful and balanced state of mind. Know more about Weekly Gemini Horoscope 


You will build on to the positive momentum that you have been enjoying in your life of late. This is a good time to formulate a proper strategy to achieve your objectives. You should focus on finishing the tasks at hand one by one and not letting the burden of unfinished business pile on. Know more about Weekly Cancer Horoscope


To know more about the eclipses this year, click here.


Your ego would create friction in your relationship with those around you. Differences of opinions are expected to rise with your colleagues or business partners. Do not get into arguments with a female as it might do irreparable damage to your public image. Try to maintain a low profile. Know more about Weekly Leo Horoscope


This is a good time to express what is in your heart to your loved one. You are poised to take charge of your life, especially on the health front in a disciplined manner. This is a good time to start a new dietary & exercise routine but try to be practical so that you could follow it easily without stress and reap long-term health benefits. Know more about Weekly Virgo Horoscope 


If you are unmarried then you are likely to face some more delay when it comes to tying the knot. However, this is a good time to add new professional skills to your resume. Be prepared to travel to distant places for your work and avoid eating food that is not good for health. Contact Future Point for your Yearly Horoscope 2024 Report to get the best occult insights for making informed decisions in life. Know more about Weekly Libra Horoscope


Free Online Birth Horoscope


Be cautious of injuries while playing a sport or being a part of outdoor adventures. This period warrants extreme caution as the chances of getting injured are high. You could also suffer on account of low immunity so, this is a time to strictly abide by a diet that is healthy. Know more about Weekly Scorpio Horoscope


Your hard work of the past is slated to bring you the desired results especially in the academic and professional sphere of life. You will enjoy sound health during this time both on the physical as well as the mental front. Some rewarding job opportunities might come your way in the least expected manner. Make the most of what you get. Know more about Weekly Sagittarius Horoscope


You are expected to encounter sudden expenditures in life which will cast a negative impact on your financial state. Your digestive system might get upset during this time. Go light & easy on your stomach and stay away from street or junk food at all costs. Resist unnecessary spending to avoid a financial crunch in your immediate future. Know more about Weekly Capricorn Horoscope


You could get some good news pertaining to your job. You will get full support of your seniors in executing some complicated task at hand and will register efficient output. You could expect due recognition of your performance but remember to stay away from office politics or unnecessary gossip outside your palace of work. Know more about Weekly Aquarius Horoscope


Brihat Horoscope For All The Valuable Insights Into Future


This is a great time for the health as well as the financial domain of your life. You will clock handsome monetary gains and will experience a peaceful state of mind. This is a good time for long-term financial planning. You might get some good news from a foreign land that could open the doorway of unforeseen success in your life. Know more about Weekly Pisces Horoscope