Role of Astrology in both Love & Arranged Marriages
By: Future Point | 27-Mar-2020
Views : 2421
When it comes to marriages in India, one witnesses a whole gamut of cultural traditions that have a very vibrant element of celebrations attached to them. While every community has its own set of rituals that constitute the overall process of a marriage, one ritual that is considered as extremely vital and is found common in marriages happening in all communities is- Kundli Matching!
A Kundli or a Horoscope is a celestial map that contains all the information in an astrologically coded form about how the planets are going to impact various areas of an individual’s life. Remember, the impact of planets on our lives is so huge that it would be absolutely justified to say that planets literally shape up our destiny to a significant extent.
Once we know the will of planets, we can easily align our actions with the movement of planets that are beneficial to us as per their positioning in our Kundli/Horoscope and thereby, harness maximum planetary support in our lives to ensure success & prosperity.
Also, we can timely prepare ourselves for the negative impact that certain ill placed planets in our Kundli are signifying for us. In fact, astrology suggests certain incredibly powerful remedies that if performed well in advance, could negate or minimize the harm that an ill placed planet is slated to bring in our lives.
What is so special about Kundli Matching?
Kundli Matching or Kundli Milan as it is called popularly, is a process in which the kundlis of both the boy & girl and carefully analyzed and then matched on the basis of various parameters to know whether the planets are signifying a blissful marital union for them or not. The sheer efficacy of this astrological process since times immemorial, makes it an absolutely necessary process to follow in India when it comes to marriages.
It is this process of Kundli Milan by date of birth & other birth details, that has kept the rate of divorces abysmally low in Indian societies as compared to the western ones. This is simply because a marital union forged after getting a thumbs up from this process, continues to reap the positive effects of planets in the times to come and bliss, love & harmony all become natural consequences in the married life of the couple.
An astrologer performs Kundli Milan to analyze the compatibility factor between the boy & girl on various grounds. It is this compatibility factor that paints a precise picture of how the proposed marital union will pan out in the future.
Following are the grounds on which Kundli Milan is performed:
Innermost Nature of the Couple
A person can put on any number of masks while dealing with the outside world but astrology reveals the real nature of that person that is a reflection of his/her subconscious mind. When it comes to analyzing a proposed marital union, an astrologer identifies the true nature of the couple and evaluates whether the couple’s nature would ensure smooth & harmonious functioning of their marriage or not.
If the natures of the couple are not in tune with one another, then having a successful marriage would only seem to be a far fetched dream. The couples that go through bitter arguments and constant bickering post their marriage, are usually the ones that do not have compatibility of nature based on astrological principles.
General Health of the Couple
We always hear that sound health is wealth, but seldom do we realize that sound health is extremely vital post marriage to carry out the responsibilities that come along. A person after getting married, cannot afford to go through continual phases of bad health as it will put unnecessary burden on his/her partner and refrain the couple from enjoying their marital union and carrying out their social duties as a couple with grace.
That is why an astrologer makes sure that the planets in the couples’ individual horoscopes signify an overall good health at least throughout most part of their lives.
The Financial State of the Couple as per Astrology
Let's get one thing absolutely clear- Money is the only commodity that ensures the smooth functioning of life in this materialistic world. Moreover, people cannot ignore the importance and need of having a strong financial state to support their family after marriage.
Therefore, it is absolutely crucial that both the boy & girl must have strong finances signified by planets in their individual horoscopes, otherwise one partner having a weak financial state would have a negative rub off effect on the finances of the other and eventually the married couple as a whole would face repeated financial crunches in their lives.
Welcoming that “Bundle of Joy” in Life
The greatest moment of joy in the lives of a married couple comes when they become parents and welcome their baby into this world. Raising a child is a privilege that every married couple wishes to have in their lives.
The 5th house in a horoscope is the “house of child” and if this house in the horoscope of either the boy or girl is weak or negatively affected, then the prospects of childbirth become very dim.
Hence, an astrologer makes sure that the couple must have their horoscopes cumulatively signify the event of childbirth in their lives.
Astrological Solutions for Problems After Love Marriage
Couples who go for love marriages often ignore the ancient wisdom of Kundli Milan as they have anyway decided to tie the knot no matter what astrology says about their union. The idea of marrying your sweetheart entices many people in today’s modern world. But if the marital union is not supported by astrology, then soon the couple would confront the crude reality of life and realize that they are in for a rough ride ahead.
However, astrology offers certain highly powerful remedial measures that can do effective damage control and bring much sought after peace & harmony in the lives of couples who are going through a tough time post their love marriage. This is because the primary reason for having troubles in a marriage is the disturbed planetary state in the individual horoscopes of the couple and also a discord between their horoscopes at large, based on the principles of Kundli Milan.
Once the remedies suggested by a love problem specialist start to pacify the aggravated planets and start balancing the two Kundlis as much as possible, things slowly start to move towards normalcy. There are certain remedial measures that if adopted timely and diligently, can bring unimaginable bliss & harmony in a love marriage that was earlier destined to be doomed because of being non-compliant on the basis of the fundamentals of Kundli Milan.
But for such powerful astrological remedies that are precise and provide a pinpointed solution to the specific problem at hand, one should contact Future Point to consult with the best love marriage problem solution astrologer in Delhi and take the only steps that can save their marriage and bring the kind of bliss & happiness in their love marriage that they never thought would have been possible in the first place.
In order to know what different planets hold for your marriage, go for the extremely useful love marriage or arranged marriage prediction by the incredibly talented & experienced astrologers of Future Point. It does not matter whether you are about to get married or are already in a marital union, simply talk to astrologer and get the professional guidance that would ensure a marriage that is full of love, joy & laughter!