Reawaken Your Love: A Guide to Reigniting the Spark in Your Married Life | Future Point

Reawaken Your Love: A Guide to Reigniting the Spark in Your Married Life

By: Future Point | 03-Feb-2023
Views : 1722Reawaken Your Love: A Guide to Reigniting the Spark in Your Married Life

Marriage is arguably the most important phase of a person’s life. It is the marital domain that introduces a person to a whole new facet of life. One can only understand the true significance of life, post-marriage.

For a marriage to function smoothly, it is of utmost important that both the boy as well as the girl must be compatible with each other in the ‘real sense’ and this is where Astrology comes into the picture.

People in India, as part of a tradition that has been prevalent since ancient times, Talk to Astrologer before finalizing a marriage. This is done to ascertain that the boy & girl who wish to tie the knot, are compatible to each other as a married couple based on the planetary influences upon the marital aspect of their lives, as signified in their individual horoscope or kundli.

How to Bring Love Back into a Loveless Marriage?

Unfortunately, either due to ignoring the process of Kundli Matching altogether before marriage or not incorporating remedies for certain troubling planetary influences well in time, many couples get into a state of lovelessness in their marriage.

Therefore, if you are a couple experiencing little or no love in your married life, then immediately contact Future Point to Talk to Astrologer and get your natal horoscopes thoroughly analyzed. The highly experienced astrologers of Future Point decode the horoscope or kundli to determine the real & specific planetary problem that is responsible for a loveless marriage.

Furthermore, the astrologers suggest powerful remedies to directly & efficiently address the real celestial reason behind the bitterness in a marriage.

Get Your Free Kundali Matching With Online Software

How to Bring Love Back into a Relationship?

The Love and Compatibility Report offered by Future Point is an amazing guide that reveals the actual state of the element of love & relationship in your life.

This report offers highly useful insights into your love life and suggests incredible remedial measures that have the potential of bringing the kind of love & affection from your partner that you so deeply desire!

How to Love Someone Again After Losing Feelings?

Well, first know the reason behind the loss of feelings for that person. If the reason is due to a clash of individual natures, then Talk to Astrologer to get your horoscope and if possible, the horoscope of that person analyzed to know if there is really a hope for some meaningful reconciliation.

The astrologer would present an honest opinion to you based on a lot of complicated astrological factor, few of which are:

  • Overall planetary placements in your horoscope.
  • State of the 5th house of love.
  • Current Vimshottari Dasha.
  • Ongoing Planetary Transits, especially that of Venus and the planets involved in the current Vimshottari Dasha. 

If you have entered a conducive period in your life that promotes love & a healthy relationship, then you can for sure go ahead and reconcile wholeheartedly with your loved one.

Plus, if there are some hurdles in your path of having a blissful reunion with your love interest, then the astrologer would suggest powerful astrological remedies to ensure that your love life turns out to be a beautiful manifestation of love, happiness, commitment & loyalty!

Read also 👉 What Love Horoscope 2023 Can Reveal About Your Love Life?

How Do You Know When the Love is Gone in a Marriage?

Sadly, there are such marriages that were simply not meant to work but the couple did not consult a good Marriage Astrologer and did not perform the relevant astrological remedies “in-time” that could have dispelled the negative planetary influences from damaging their marital domain.

However, astrology is a science that “if approached timely & correctly”, could do wonders and make the impossible- absolutely possible!

So, if there are never-ending nasty bickerings taking place between a couple and their marriage is getting filled with seemingly unfathomable bitterness, then the couple should immediately Talk to Astrologer.

By doing this, the couple can make sure that even if there is a bleak chance of getting their marriage back on track by means of powerful astrological remedies that are specific to their natal charts, then an honest attempt could be made to save their marriage.

Therefore, contact Future Point to Talk to Astrologer and rekindle love & bliss in your married life by incorporating incredibly effective remedies that have the potential of attracting immense marital bliss & happiness in your life!

The Love and Compatibility Report by Future Point is the most comprehensive guide that reveals the state of love & relationship in your life and also offers invaluable astrological guidance to enjoy a loving & blissful relationship all life long!

Also Read: How To Win Love This Valentine's Day 2023?

10 Tips to Bring Back the Passion in Your Marriage

It is always prudent to Talk to Astrologer for getting the tips/remedies for your marriage or love relationship, that are specific to your very own horoscope.

However, strictly in a generalized way, the following are the 10 Tips that have the potential of bringing back love & passion in your marriage, do try them out:

  1. Surprise your partner by taking an initiative to do something that is simple but he/she doesn’t expect from you e.g. cooking a special dish, decorating the room, etc.
  2. Write a love letter and express the love that you have within your heart for your partner.
  3. Get a modest gift for your partner that would go a long way in reminding your partner about how much you love him/her.
  4. Place a picture of yourself with your spouse in your bedroom and light a scented candle to create a romantic ambiance.
  5. Wear the color or outfit that your spouse likes the most and take him/her out for a romantic date.
  6. Plan a surprise outing to a nearby place that your spouse has been wanting to visit.
  7. Gift your spouse with a season-relevant clothing article ahead of an upcoming season to show your concern for his/her well-being.
  8. Dig up some old photos and sit with your spouse to cherish sweet memories from the past.
  9. Take up a new habit or resolution that would make your spouse happy and make sure that you follow that diligently.
  10. Book an astrological consultation for couples from Future Point and get the horoscopes of both you & your spouse thoroughly analyzed to know the remedies that would further strengthen the bliss & love element in your marriage.

To ensure that your relationship is ever-lasting, consult Futurepoint's renowned astrologers and get proper guidance.



Q. Can You Bring Love Back into Marriage?

A. By taking the help of the divine occult science of Astrology, yes you can bring love back into marriage.

Q. Can a Marriage Survive With No Love?

A. If a marriage has no love in it, then it is just a loveless compromise.