Overcome the problems in your job with some astrological help
By: Future Point | 11-Oct-2018
Views : 3824
In the corporate world only one theory is applicable, that is survival of the fittest. There is no dearth of petty politicking, back biting, chipping away at each other's image etc which rips you off your mental peace and you have to cut short your stint in that office as a result. But by giving in you are only establishing yourself as a weak person before the world. It really becomes tough as a result to face your family and friends too after you have quitted because you are too shy to give them the real reason.
A job only becomes satisfactory when you are placed somewhere which deserves you and you deserve them back. It is a symbiotic relationship and as a team of professionals, you need to support each other a lot without putting each other down.
Then there are people, who would use you as a ladder to climb up in their career and forget you when their job is done. This leads to a massive disillusionment to think that how brutally you have been exploited. Also, in a cut-throat competition of this world, the job market is narrowing down and money is becoming a primary concern among people. There is scarcity of jobs and the standards of lifestyle is skyrocketing which compels you to compromise in many given occasions.
That aside, the unemployment is also a major concern among today's youth. They put themselves through rigorous professional training and the colleges promise a horizon of opportunities to them but everything becomes obsolete when they are not placed in a job which seems to satisfy them. Also, there are times when you pound the pavement for moths but can't score a proper job. No wonder, the cases of depression is growing manifolds these days due to unemployment. Whilst, this is a general concern which is a major responsibility of the government, but on the individual front, you need to push your boundaries and do something that makes a better individual out of you.
How seeking astrological help will solve this problem?
Astrology has solution for almost all your life problems so of your professional career. There are times when even if you study well, nothing seems to work for you. To tell you the truth, there are 3 planets that need to positive in order to get a good job such as Moon, Sun and Mars. One need to appease these planets to get a good job and here are some remedies to do that.
1. You need to start worshipping the Sun everyday in the wee hours of the morning. There after, you need to pay your heartfelt gratitude completely to the Sun chanting 'Om khakolkaya Namah Svaha' while holding a spoonful of mustard oil. You need to chant this mantra at least 108 times until the sun has completely risen.
2. You need to keep something made of silver with you always.
3. You need to chant "om kraam kreem krom sah bhomaaya namah" and wear 'anantmool' root in a thread around your neck.
4. If you are looking for a government job, offer almonds every sundays to the Sun.
5. You can also offer a small amount of sweets made of Jaggery or offer some Jaggery in the flowing water.
6. Chant the mantra 'Om Ghrini Suryaye Namah'
7. If you are facing problems with a contract, you can make some wooden coal from dried wood and flow it in the dirty body of water for consecutive 43 days.
8. You can also offer sugarcane juice to Shivling on sundays in case if you are facing some problems to get a government job.
For a perfect job offers water or jal to surya dev in the morning. It will also give you blessings of sun.
These are the ultimate solutions, astrological solutions that is to say, to solve your job disputes. However, you can always visit a renowned astrologer in order to seek his guidance so as to understand whether or not you will get the job that you are pitching for.