How to Get Rid of Manglik Dosha After Marriage | Future Point

How to Get Rid of Manglik Dosha After Marriage

By: Future Point | 04-Sep-2018
Views : 17594How to Get Rid of Manglik Dosha After Marriage

In India, traditional marriage or the arranged marriage relies heavily in horoscope match making of the prospective bride and the groom. Here, an expert and learnt astrologer would check the compatibility of the duo through a match making method known as Ashtakoot. In Ashtakoot method, an astrologer would check out 8 different parameters of compatibility. This includes Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, Graha Maitri, Gana, Rashi and Naadi Koota. These eight parameters consider the nakshatra of the bride and the groom and then reckon their compatibility.

However, this method alone may not be enough. Since, an expert astrologer will also consider for any yog or dosha in the two horoscopes. The former is auspicious however the later is a curse. Hence, when two horoscopes are matched, even the dosha part in either of the two horoscopes or Kundli is checked in detailed. One such dosha is that of Manga or Manglik Dosha.

Let us understand how a Mangal dosha is formed. A Manglik or Mangal dosh usually is seen through the placement of Planet Mars in a native’s horoscope. Especially when the placement of Mars is in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th form the ascendant or Moon sign of the native’s horoscope.

Though this is easily said than done, the degree of seriousness of Manglik dosh would warry from one horoscope to the other. Hence, it is very important to check how severe is the Mangal dosh is, apart from mere checking for the dosha.

Ideally if proper care must be taken before marriage, then a couple can lead a happy married life. But, if not carefully done, then the problems would multiple. Hence, a Manglik or Mangal dosh is given much importance while matchmaking is done. Thankfully, Vedic astrology has provided solutions for Manglik dosha even after solemnizing a marriage. Though this will take some time to reduce the negative effects, but certainly gives good results if practised with dedication.

Some of these astrology solutions have been listed down for the benefit of the readers. These are to reduce effects of Manglik dosh and bring peace and happiness in a married couple’s life. These remedies are as follows:

  • A native suffering from Mangal dosha can wear Red coral in the ring finger, embedded in Gold. This can also be in the form of an amulet.
  • Observing fast on Tuesdays will be beneficial to the couples. This must be done by both, Husband and the wife to enhance the positive effects.
  • The coupes can keep a Mangal Yantra at home and offer daily poojas to the same. The lead, between the couples, should be by the native suffering from Manga dosha.
  • A couple can chant Mantras such as: Purusha Sukta, Hanuman chalisa, Nav-graha Mantra or Sukta, on Tuesdays.
  • Again, a couple can visit Nav-graha temple every Tuesdays. This can also include temple of Lord Hanuman and Lord Karthikey/Subramanian.
  • On Tuesdays, the couples can also do Ganapathy Pooja with Sweets and Jaggary. These sweets and Jaggery can also be offered to neighbours around.
  • Native can also donate Red Cloth on Tuesdays to the needy. This will help them to reduce their negative effects.
  • Feed grains and sweets to birds and animals.
  • The Manglik native can also donate blood once in a quarter to the needy.

These are some of the commonly recommended solutions for Manglik dosha remedies post marriage. however, if the effects are severe, then only a learnt and expert astrologer can check the Manglik dosh in a native’s birth chart and recommend solutions accordingly.

Read: Match Analysis Detailed

In fact, we at Future Point, a team of expert and learnt astrologer have been providing astro solutions for the past three decades. Readers can visit our website site for more details at Or write to us at . For personal one to one consultation. Readers can also seek Manglik dosha report and suitable remedies for the same.