1st Lunar Eclipse of 2020: With 5 Planet Conjunction
By: Future Point | 10-Jan-2020
Views : 2937
The first Lunar Eclipse of 2020 will aid the powerful and make the timid more meek. As per the Vedic Astrology Predictions for Eclipses in 2020, the Full Moon on January 10th, 2020 will cast a huge impact on every zodiac sign as the planet Sun conjuncts Mercury, Jupiter, Ketu, and the mighty Saturn in Sagittarius zodiac sign. This Planetary Conjunction isn't labeled as benefic in nature due to the impact of these 5 strong planets on the highly sensitive Moon. With the impact of the Lunar Eclipse lasting about 15 days, the Moon in conjunction with Rahu will be afflicted by these 5 planets, creating a highly volatile situation for each zodiac sign.
हिंदी में पढ़ें - २०२० का पहला चंद्रग्रहण: जानिए आपकी राशि पर क्या होगा प्रभाव
Why is this Lunar Eclipse so Important?
On the 10th of January 2020 in the Paush Hindu Month’s Purnima, a penumbral Lunar Eclipse will be observed. As per Vedic Astrology, this is going to be highly malefic in nature, as the Eclipse would be afflicted by all the Evil Planets of Vedic Astrology. The Eclipse would be in the Gemini zodiac sign, where Moon is posited with Rahu, and this conjunction will be aspected by the all the malefic planets, i.e. Mars, Sun, Saturn, Mercury, and Ketu in the Sagittarius zodiac sign.
The Moon is also under the ‘KemDrum Dosha’ which wouldn’t allow it to yield any good result to anyone at all. Since planet Moon represents the inner workings of the mind and with it being affected by such strong forces, it will likely affect the mind and the ability to find coherence. Planet Jupiter is also posited in the Sagittarius zodiac sign with Sun, Mercury, Saturn, & Ketu and despite his benefic nature- it will not be able to change the verdict at all due to Planet Sun’s influence.
Date of Lunar Eclipse in 2020
The first Lunar Eclipse of 2020 will be observed on the 10th of January, 2020. It will be visible in India and would mark the First Eclipse of the new decade.
This will be a penumbral Lunar Eclipse, which means it will be hard for people to distinguish it from a Full Moon.
Visibility of Lunar Eclipse
The Lunar Eclipse would be visible in Delhi, and all parts of India. It can be seen by the naked eye, unlike a Solar Eclipse which needs special instruments and proper care to be viewed by a human eye. The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse will begin at 10:39 p.m. on the 10th of January and end at 02:40 a.m. on the 11th of January 2020.
Talk to an Expert Astrologer on Phone and learn how this could impact your future in 2020.
The Impact of Lunar Eclipse on 12 Zodiac Signs
For the Aries native, this Eclipse is going to be productive and will yield plenty of good results. Those who have been trying really hard to move on in life will be able to do so with little to no difficulty. Projects and tasks that have not been finished yet will near their completion. You are advised to remain calm and reign in your temper. At work, you will be appreciated where appreciation is due.
Wear a 3 Faced Rudraksha.
Worship the Sun God, and if possible donate jaggery to a brahmin.
The Lunar Eclipse will not turn out to be good for the natives of the Taurus zodiac sign. This will be effective in the 2nd house and will impact money & finance-related matters. You are advised to keep your temper & voice in check, otherwise minor tiffs at work or home might hamper your mood. When it comes to maintaining good relations with the in-laws you are to pay heed to what everyone says and act accordingly. During the period of the eclipse, you might suffer from some ailment or a grave mishap, so stay vigilant & cautious.
Respect your parents & elders, and wear a 6 Faced Rudraksha.
You can also donate milk, silver, or white-colored items in a place of worship.
The Lunar Eclipse will have the maximum impact on the natives of the Gemini zodiac sign. This Eclipse will be taking place in this zodiac sign, thus maximizing the impact furthermore. During the eclipse, you will face sudden altercations at work and in familial relations, due to which you will remain anxious. Your mental peace will be hampered and there will be too much chaos for you to focus on just one thing. At home, there are chances that someone might fall ill. A confrontation or argument with a partner is likely. Your own health might face some hiccups down the road. You are advised to be patient and calm.
Chant the Vishnu Sahasranama on a regular basis.
Donate 1kg rice and 1kg jaggery at a place of worship.
The effect of this Lunar Eclipse will be mixed for the natives of the Cancer zodiac sign. The eclipse would impact the 12th house, due to which your expenses are predicted to sky-rocket. You might have to plan and go for unnecessary travel trips in this duration. There are major issues and confrontations predicted between married couples. Those who have an inclination towards visiting an overseas country will be overjoyed as the time might come bearing good news. You are advised to think twice before going for anything at the moment and avoid any arguments whatsoever.
Wear a Gauri Shankar Rudraksha.
With the Lunar Eclipse impacting the 11th house, the results of the eclipse would be beneficial in nature. You are in for a treat as the planets will be giving you a chance to gain exponentially in this duration. Any losses that you have incurred previously will find their way back to you as gains. A surprise gift from someone at home will lift up your spirits. However, the time isn’t right for love relations and partnerships. You might have minor arguments with your partner, so stay tight-lipped and avoid any confrontations or debates at all costs.
Feed Chapati & jaggery to a cow.
Bathe with red sandalwood infused water on the day of the eclipse.
A mixed result would be observed by the natives of the Virgo zodiac sign. The Lunar Eclipse would impact the 10th house, thus impacting the work lives. You will have great partnerships at work and will be in great spirits throughout your day. However, you are strictly advised against starting a new venture in this period. Familial relations might suffer in this period. Take good care of yourself and eat healthy foods, otherwise, you might fall prey to illness. Mental agony is predicted in this time period so stay cautious.
Donate green items to transgenders. Feed Green fodder to cows.
Worship Lord Hanuman in this period.
With the eclipse impacting the 9th house, you are likely to face a tumultuous time in your relationships. It will be affecting the House of Luck, which could either make you or break you! Take matters in your own hands and only trust your gut instinct above everything else. Hasty decisions might come to bite you in the neck later, so think wisely before you act. Stay on cordial terms with everyone in the family.
Wear 7 faced Rudraksha.
Feed cows, crows, and dogs regularly.
The Lunar Eclipse will not be great for the natives of the Scorpio zodiac sign. This eclipse would impact the 8th house, which infers that they will have to be extra cautious when it comes to making a choice or a decision. You will have plenty of obstacles lined up in your way to progress, which means that it will be a hard road to success. Stay vigilant while driving. Your health might also dwindle in this period, so stay extra cautious. Give thought to every choice that you ake before implementing it.
Wear a 12 faced Rudraksha
Offer vermillion (Sindoor) to Lord Hanuman.
The implications of this Lunar Eclipse are going to be adverse for the natives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign. This will be impacting on the 7th house of your Kundali, which is going to create tensions at home and challenge your mental sanity. There are chances that you might have to suffer some financial losses in this period, so tread slowly. You are advised against partnerships of any sort with anyone. Since the time is really challenging for you, make sure that you do not exert yourself in difficult situations on your own.
Light an earthen lamp with Ghee and worship Lord Vishnu. Chant the Vishnu Sahasranama as well.
Respect your parents and elders.
Recite the mantra ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय |
This Lunar Eclipse will have a mixed result in the lives of the Capricorn natives. The eclipse will cast an impact on the 6th house in your Kundali. This is the period where you will outshine your enemies and come out with flying colors. Court cases in this duration will reach their completion and will turn out to be in your favor. Anything that comes in your way in this moment in time will have to eat the dust since this will completely be your period to shine. However, you are advised to take proper precautionary measures to maintain your health and not succumb to minor health ailments. Water borne diseases might hamper your growth. Stay vigilant.
Either wear a Hanuman Yantra or keep it with you at all times.
Feed ants and crows on the day of the eclipse.
The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse of 2020 is going to be excellent for the natives of the Aquarius zodiac sign. The eclipse will impact the 5th house in your Kundali. During this period, you will get great results from your kids. If they're students, expect some good news coming your way in terms of exam results. In terms of love relations, the time period is going to be extremely gracious. You will get to enjoy a peaceful time with your partner, and have ample of beautiful memories to last a lifetime. At the family front, someone at home might suffer from a stomach related ailment. Take good care of what you eat and the portion size to live a healthy and balanced life.
Chant the mantra ऊँ प्रां प्रीं प्रौं स: शनिश्चराय नम:||
Offer yellow-colored items to a Lord Vishnu temple on the day of the eclipse.
The Lunar Eclipse will offer you mixed results. The eclipse will impact the 4th house of your Kundali, this wreaking havoc on major areas of your life. With the impact of Moon in conjunction with Rahu, you mother's health might dwindle and create certain problems for you. You happiness in general would also face a severe hit. If you had been planning on buying a piece of land or a vehicle, the time isn't in your favour. Don't make any hasty decisions in this period to avoid a havoc later. You are advised to keep an eye on your marital and familial relationships so that the spark doesn't die and you don't drift apart. Think carefully before you take any chances.
Wear a 9 faced Rudraksha.
Feed a Chapati folded with jaggery, turmeric, and gram pulse to a cow.
In case you are facing a severe problem or have an issue that has been bothering you, we highly advise that you consult an Astrologer and take expert remedies based on your Kundali.