Weekly Horoscope 16th-July to 22nd-July | Future Point

Weekly Horoscope 16th-July to 22nd-July

By: Future Point | 16-Jul-2018
Views : 2202Weekly Horoscope 16th-July to 22nd-July


The beginning of the week is favorable for speculation, share market investment, entertainment business, relations with children, and love life. This is right time to take decisions regarding making plans for the future of children. For students it is auspicious time to take final decision regarding education. The mid of the week is not good for health.

There might be some tensions about the possibilities of cropping up of legal issues related to property. The remaining part of the week would be extremely auspicious for conjugal bliss, married life and matrimonial development for those who are unmarried. This is the right time to take decisions for setting a new business. Your partners would be happy with you. You would also be getting opportunities to get into new partnership ventures. General health would remain good throughout the week.


The beginning of the week indicates problems of mood swings, tensions regarding the health of mother. There would be some problem in your vehicle. This time should be utilized for the maintenance of your house.Few domestic issues would give mental tensions. The middle of the week appears to be favorable for your education and children. The guidance of friends would tempt you to invest in share market and other speculative activities.

The remaining part of the week is giving an indication of possibility of solution for the problems caused by enemies and in addition to that you would be able to take some concrete decision to formulate plan for paying of loans. You are advised to take precautionary measures to protect your-self from diseases. Your increased social reputation won't let your enemies to create problems for you. Some useless journey would increase your expenses.


The beginning of the week would mark your active and vigorous participation in social welfare expeditions. You would emerge as a favorite of your family, relative and friends. This would keep your enthusiasm at its peak and you won't leave any stone unturned in coming up to the expectations of your own people. Your health and confidence would remain intact throughout the week except some mental tensions in the mid of the week however.

There are slight indications of unnecessary intervention of few unwanted obstacles in the way of your progress. You would be paying lot of attention while taking care of health of your mother.The concluding part of the week appears to be beneficial for your education, children and speculative activities. This is the right time for making investment in shares. If there is some tensions in your relation with your kith and kin, beloved, friends & children then this is the right time which could be utilized for solving such issues.


Some good news regarding the elimination of family related tensions would please you in the beginning of the week. There would be financial betterment with a decent inflow of money. You would be planning to purchase some vehicle or jewelry too. Your increased confidence would tempt you to work for public, friends and relatives in the middle of the week. Your relations with younger siblings would get improved.

The continuous support of your kith and kin would tempt you to work for public welfare organization. During weekend days you would have some fatigue, mental worries etc. however the support of family and especially mother would keep your confidence intact. During this time your vehicle needs to be repaired and in addition to that you shall have to organize your all types of documents. Take care of cleanliness at home. Be cautious about the cleanliness of storage place of eatables at home.


The beginning of the week gives an indication of lethargy, tiredness, physical weakness, lack of confidence and energy. You wouldput efforts to cope with the stress coming out from so tiring and frustrating situations. Your success in restoring working efficiency and confidence would prove to be very average. In the middle of the week you would find yourself slightly better in association with your family members but even then the lack of confidence would not let you enjoy life peacefully.

In addition to that it would be difficult for you to bring in effective solution for the rectification of issues related to scarcity of funds and lack of harmony in the family. The remaining days of the week shall be good enough to enjoy life with friends, siblings and relatives. Your family atmosphere would also improve andyou would be attending all social gatherings.


The beginning of the week is not favorable for accomplishing important tasks undertaken therefore this time should not be considered favorable for starting any new task. Your expenses would remain uncontrolled. You might have to go on some tiresome journeys which might cause problems like loss of health and money and in the process the problem of mood swings is sure to chase. Don't get irritated, postpone important task, work with patience and try not to lose your confidence.

The mid part of the week is auspicious as you would be focusing all your energies for the consolidation of source of income, increasing the possibilities of gains thereby multiplying resources of income by creating new sources. The increased inflow of money would be the main hall mark of this week. The concluding part of the week would be extremely auspicious for financial gains, increase in saving potential and prosperity in the family. The sufficient financial gains would please all family members and everybody at home would be happy. All needs of all family members would be fulfilled and any desire won't remain unfulfilled because of shortage of money.


The beginning of the week is going to be excellent for sudden gain of money and increase in income because of your glorious performance in your area of work. The advice, support and cooperation of spouse and siblings would be an additional advantage for your increase in the inflow of money. The mid days of the week won't be auspicious for your children's health and state of mind. You shall also be worried about the health of your spouse. It would be difficult for you to accomplish your tasks on time and eventually this would give you the fear of losing image at work place.

The remaining days of the weekyou will be taking all necessary steps for the improvement of your health, research work, administrative skills and enhancement of occult power. You would plan to purchase lottery ticket and learn the techniques of making money from gambling and speculation. The support of spouse would help you maintain your health. Although you are much focused, systematic, well organized and prefer to work in a well-planned manner but in spite of that the continuous intervention of hindrances would be the main hall mark of this week.


The beginning of the week is giving indication of betterment on professional front with the hidden support of seniors. Your unique talent of management in handling the complicated issues would win special recognition as you would earn fame by turning government and authority in your favor but remember some seniors shall be jealous of you and they might develop a tendency to conspire against you so don't disclose your plan of action to others.

The mid part of the week indicates gain of unearned money and lottery etc. The speculation and gambling would also prove beneficial. The remaining days of the week indicate development of some foreign connection, problems of mood swings, disturbance of mind, financial losses and mental stress. Be cautious and don't undertake a new activity.


This week would be slightly better as compared to the previous week in terms of gain of health and accomplishments of tasks.The beginning days of the week appear to be slightly positive as the advice of your parents, friends and in-laws shall prove fruitful. You also might go on a journey to refresh your mood. The confidence would start coming back gradually.

The mid days of the week would be perfect for your confidence and the progress in work would keep you satisfied. You would be getting the favor of your senior bosses, government officials which is auspicious for increase in your reputation and credibility as a professional. The remaining days of the week are auspicious for inflow of money but health would be average only. The support of siblings and brother in-law can bring sudden favor of destiny.


In the beginning of the week although there might remain some mood swings related problems however sudden financial gains from speculation, lottery, gambling or some other unexpected source are also indicated very strongly. These gains might come from family also. You might be frustrated also because of health related trivial issue however there is no need to lose patience as it shall get cured shortly. The mid of the week is auspicious for going on beneficial journeys.

The journey would be related to business or else you might go to address a social gathering somewhere. The support of brothers would prove instrumental for the enhancement of your destiny. The remaining part of the week is auspicious for getting up gradation on professional front. The quick betterment in business/work can be expected. The seniors shall turn in your favor suddenly. You are advised to stay in their good books as the impressions made during these days would certainly prove beneficial for your future.


In the beginning of the week you would be highly attached to your spouse. The destiny and advice of spouse shall help you earn more gains. Partners shall also be happy with you. There would be better compatibility between you and your spouse. The conjugal bliss shall get enhanced. The mid of the week won't be auspicious for your health, happiness, confidence and working efficiency. You would suffer from the problems of mood swings and expenses would go out of control.

It would be difficult to accomplish your tasks however journeys would bring lot of pleasure. The remaining days of the week are beneficial for earning better favor of destiny and more inflow of money. The support of elders and respectable people in society for your very religious objectives shall make you feel fortunate. This is also right time to serve Gurus and seek their blessings. You would spend money on pilgrimage or a journey for some social cause with your father.


In the beginning of the week you would be spending money in solving litigation matters, curing health problems etc. in the mid part of the week. Abstain from paying bribe to bankers and avoid getting into some illegal activities. The mid of the week indicates that you would be spending lot of money on your spouse and in addition to that there is strong probability that you might visit a beautiful hill station of tourist attraction along with your spouse.

There would be excellent conjugal bliss in your married life. In nutshell the whole week would be absolutely auspicious for family life and reputation with an increase in the compatibility between husband and wife. The concluding part of the week is not auspicious for your health, happiness and confidence. You would be having obstacles in accomplishing important tasks. Don't get frustrated and try to keep your patience intact.