Learn Astrology Online with Expert Teachers
By: Future Point | 23-Sep-2020
Views : 3152
Astrology which is as old as Ved is known as the Chakshu (eyes) of Vedas. This is directly related to Astronomy & tells us the impact of all planets on the human body.
Astrology which was confined to only Pandits who used to do Karmkand is now popular among masses. These days everybody wants to learn it as now people know that it's neither that difficult nor forbidden for a common person to know. In fact it is the only scientific tool to know the future of self or others.
Learning online astrology is rather more easy because you can learn as per your convenience without going anywhere.
So while starting to learn Jyotish what should we see or what factors we should keep in mind for selecting an institute. There are so many institutes & persons who are teaching.
Points to Consider
- Experience of the person/institute
who is teaching astrology online/offline.
- Authenticity of Study material
What study material is being provided to the student. It should be authentic & simple to understand.
- Content of the Course
- Language of Text
- Certification of Course
These five points should always be considered while selecting an institute to learn astrology online.
All India Federation of Astrologers Societies was constituted in 2001 & was registered with Govt. of India under Society act.
It has been teaching astrology, Vastu, Numerology, Palmistry & Tarot for at least twenty years.
In fact Future Point, its sister concern has been teaching astrology since 1987 after its inception by Dr. Arun Kumar Bansal who is the pioneer of computer Astrology in India.
Future Point teaches astrology/Jyotish in four levels.
Jyotish Ratna, Jyotish Bhushan, Jyotish Prabhakar & Jyotish Shastracharya.
Jyotish Rishi & Jyotish Maharshi are Research oriented courses.
Jyotish Ratna
Jyotish Ratna is designed for armature students who are pulling their first step in astrology.
This astrology course on line comprises Astronomy brief, fundamentals calculation, planets in different signs, houses of Horoscope & prediction of Yogas in the Horoscope are also taught in this.
Jyotish Bhushan
This is a second step in astrology learning. In this analysis of all houses & horoscope analyses of Dasha & Transit is taught. How the transit of planets affects us. Remedies & Yogas are taught in detail with numerous examples. Horoscope matching of boy & girl is also taught in this course in detail.
Jyotish Prabhakar
This is a third levels of learning astrology-
In this course - Bhav Chalit, Ashtakvarga, Shadbala (Six fold planetary strength) is taught with Muhurtha. Muhurtha of all types are taught.
Jyotish Shastracharya
This is the last step of Jyotish course. In this course complete horoscope analysis in detail with many examples & live Horoscope of all students on screen by Leo Star Software are taught practically.
All types of Remedies are taught which includes Remedies by Yantra, Mantra, Rudraksha, Pooja, Havan, Gems, Lal Kitab Remedies.
Besides this Horary & Varshphal (annual Prediction) details are taught. In case somebody does not have the correct time of birth then horary is a very useful tool to know this prediction.
These are the four levels of astrology which makes you a professional astrologer to do astrology for the public.
For all levels there will be Viva on line & after that certificate of each course will be sent to by bost.
Course books are also sent by post in Hindi or English to all students.
Jyotish Ratna Course Material
- A Text Book of Astrology
- Ascendant & Astrology Tables
- Six month membership of online magazine Future Samachar & Research Journal of Astrology & many other books available online.
Text Book of Jyotish Bhushan
-Dashaphal Sutra/Prediction through Dasha System
-Kundali Milan
- Saral Upay Vichar
-Saral Gochar Vichar /Transit of Planets
Text Books of Jyotish Prabhakar
-Divisional Charts
- Text Book on Shadbala
- Muhurta
- Saral Ashtak Varga
Jyotish Shashtracharya Course Material
-Jyotish Sutram
-Horary for Beginner
-Timing of Event
Other Facilities given to Students
- Facility to read all Books, Future Samachar, Research Journal or Ast. on line
- Download of Free evaluation Astrology Software Leo Star on your system.
Mail of all PPTs & link of Recording.
- PPTs of all classes are sent by mail to students.
- Recordings of all classes are added in private you like & its link is sent to students to view the same.
Course material of Jyotish courses & other facilities on line