Impact of planetary Yogas | Future Point

Impact of planetary Yogas

By: Future Point | 06-Aug-2018
Views : 3957Impact of planetary Yogas

We have seen how Dasha and transit determine the period of the happening. In this lesson, we shall see how different yogas affect the life of the native.

We continue with the example cited in the last article : Date of Birth 13 :12: 1956, Time of Birth 23 :10 at Delhi. Lagna Kundli is given as :

Art Of Prediction Art Of Prediction

Smt. Indira Gandhi 19/11/1917

There are thousands of yogas mentioned in the text and it is not possible for an individual to learn and apply all the yogas manually on a horoscope. Therefore we give few important yogas, which one can check on a horoscope easily and can decide effectively.

Exchange yoga : This yoga is formed when two planets exchange their respective houses i.e. planet A is in house of B and planet B is in house of A. exchange yoga is good if it occurs between kendras and trikonas. The exchange makes the affected planets strong, either good or bad, depending upon the house it represents.

In the given horoscope also, there is a exchange between mercury and Jupiter from 2nd to 5th house, making the native good in calculations and astrology. This also gives the native income from mental work.

There can be maximum three exchange Yogas in a horoscope involving six planets . In the horoscope of Mrs. Indira Gandhi there were three exchanges.

There is an exchange between Moon and Saturn from Lagna to 7th house, exchange between sun and Mars from 2nd and 5th house and Jupiter and Venus from 6th and 11th house. These three exchange made her a very strong lady. However, she was killed in the dasha of Saturn- Moon, because Saturn and Moon, both gave result of 7th house and became maraka for her.

Gaj Kesari Yoga : This yoga is formed when Jupiter is in Kendra from Moon . It gives wealth and power to the native.

Chandra Mangal Yoga : When Moon and Mars are together, or there is nutural aspect between them, this yoga is formed. Because of this yoga man is passionate.

Sunapha Yoga : When there are planets in 2nd house to Moon this yoga is formed. In this yoga native will have good wealth.

Anapha Yoga : When there are planets in 12th house to Moon this yoga is formed. if natural benefic planet is there, it gives name, fame, wealth and success, while natural malefic gives trouble.

Durudhara yoga : When there are planets both in the 2nd and 12th houses to Moon, benefits give good result and malefic cause trouble. benefic and malefic combined give neutral results.

Kemadrum yoga : This yoga is formed when there are no planets on both sides of Moon . Native is very poor in this case.

Vesi Yoga : When there are planet in 2nd house from Sun this yoga is formed. Natural benefic planet give good result and malefic cause trouble.

Vasi Yoga : When there are planets in 12th from Sun this yoga is formed. Natural benefic planets give good result and malefic cause trouble.

Ubhayachari Yoga : When there are planets both in the 2nd and 12th house to Sun benefits give good result and malefic cause trouble. Benefic and malefic combined give neutral results.

Pancha Maha Purusha Yogas : Following are the five yogas formed by five planets- Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Saturn :

(a) Ruchaka yoga : When Mars is in exaltation or own sign and is in kendra to lagna or Moon, this yoga is formed . In this yoga native will have good health, wealth and get higher position in defence or police.

(b) Hansa Yoga: When Jupiter is in exaltation sign or own sign and is in kendra to lagna or Moon, this Yoga is formed . In this yoga native will have good personality and good moral character.

(c) Bhadra Yoga : This yoga is formed when Mercury is in its exaltation sign, own sign and is in kendra to Moon and lagna. With this yoga person will have good proportional limbs and strong body, with wealth and comforts.

(d) Malavya Yoga : When Venus is in its exaltation sign, own sign or is in kendra to lagna and Moon, native will be wealthy, handsome, well built body and will be happy with his family. He will have good comforts in life.

(e) Sasa Yoga : When Saturn is in its exaltation or own sign and is in kendra to lagna or Moon, native will have many servants and also have good wealth and health.

Raj Yogas and Dhan Yoga:• When more than three planets are in exaltation sign or own sign and placed in Kendra, this yoga is formed.• When Lord of 2nd, 9th, 5th, 11th or one of these occupies kendra from lagna or Moon, this Yoga is formed.• Three or four planets having digbala.• When Kendra lord and trikona lord make relationship between them, this yoga is formed like :

(i) 9th lord is in Ist, 4th, 7th and 10th.(ii) 5th lord in is Ist, 4th 7th and 10th(iii) 1st lord is in 9th or 5th(iv) 4th lord is in 9th and 5th(v) 7th lord is in 9th and 5th(vi) 10th lord is in 9th and 5th(vii) Exchange of house between kendra and trikona.

All raj yoga and dhan yoga give name, fame, wealth, all kind of comforts and authority to the native.

Above yogas are few of the important yogas, which, when applied to the horoscope, give a fair judgement of the strength of the horoscope.