How Varshaphal Astrology Software Revolutionizes Yearly Forecasting | Future Point

How Varshaphal Astrology Software Revolutionizes Yearly Forecasting

By: Future Point | 04-Dec-2024
Views : 168How Varshaphal Astrology Software Revolutionizes Yearly Forecasting

The Varshphal method is important in itself. Through Varshphal we can predict the events that will happen in a year. In the Varshaphal Kundli, the mutual aspects of the planets are different from the Parashri aspects. Here we use Tajik aspects. In the Varshaphal Kundli, the mutual aspects of the planets situated in the 3rd, 5th, 9th, and 11th houses are called friendly aspects. The mutual aspects of the planets are situated in the 2nd. The 6th, 4th, and 12th houses are called equal aspects. The mutual aspects of the planets situated in the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses are called enemy aspects.

Tajik yogas have a lot of importance in the yearly horoscope. These Tajik yogas are formed in both auspicious and inauspicious ways. There are many yogas but sixteen yogas have more importance. These are as follows:

  • Iqbal yoga
  •   Induvar Yoga
  •  Itthashal yoga
  •   Ishraf yoga
  • Nakta yoga
  •  Yamaya yoga
  • Manu yoga
  •   Kambool yoga
  •  Gary Kambool yoga
  •  Khallasar yoga
  •  Cancel totals
  •  Dushphali Kutha yoga
  • Dutthakuttira yoga
  • Tambir yoga
  •  Kutha yoga
  • Duruf yoga

Features of Varshaphal Kundali:

  1. Muntha: Muntha is also very important in the Varshaphal Kundali. We consider Muntha like a planet. In the Varsha Kundali, the house in which Muntha is situated and the condition of the lord of that house are seen. Is it strong or weak? Muntha being situated in the 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 12th, house is not considered auspicious. Similarly, we also see the condition of Varshaesh and Panchadhikaris in the Varsha Kundali. If the position of Varshaesh is weak in the Kundali, then it is not auspicious. Apart from these, Triptaki Chakra is also formed. The results of Varsha Kundali are also interpreted on thier basis. Saham is also important in the Varshaphal Kundali. If good Sahams are being formed then good results can be obtained.
  2. Dasha system: three types of Dashas are used in the yearly horoscope. The first Dasha is Vimshittari Mudda Dasha. The second Dasha is Vinshottari Yogini Dasha. The third Dasha is the most important Dasha which is called Patyayani Dasha. The calculation of Mudda Dasha and Yogini Dasgha is similar to Parashari calculation but the calculation of Patyayani Dasha is different from these in this Dasha the order of Dasha is decided on the basis of Bhogansh of the planets in the yearly horoscope.
  3. Bala: The calculation of the Vinshopak force or Vishwa Force is also important in the Vaeshaphal Kundli. This Bala is based on seven planets except Rahu/Ketu. We can calculate this force through mathematical methods. The maximum number of this force is 20. The planet that gets force between 15 to 20. The planet whose force is between 12 to 20 is very strong. The planet that gets force is between 15 to 20 is very strong. The planet that gets force between 10 to 15 is weak. The planet which gets force below 5 is very weak.

The Varshaphal kundli is made on the above rules. Varshaphal Kundali has no independent importance. If there is no good yoga in the birth horoscope of a person and Varsh Kundali is showing good yoga in that year then the good results of Varshaphal Kundali will have no importance.

What is Varshaphal Astrology Software?

Varshaphal Kundli software can calculate Varshphal Horoscope Charts - lagna chart, moon chart, Hora chart, Dreshkana chart, Chaturthansh, Panchmaansh, Shashtyansh, Saptmansh, Ashtmansh, Navmansh, Dashmaansh, Ekadshansh, Dwadshansh, Triptaki charts etc. including Varshphal Dashas - Patyansh, Muddda and Vimshotri Dasha accurately. It also gives Muntha, Munthesh, Varsesh, and Varshlagnesh predictions. In Varshphal software we get details like planetary degrees, birth details, and all kinds of strengths of planets, Pancwargeeya Bala, Maitri Dwadash Vargas, Harsha Bala & Dwadashvargeey Balas have been shown. Calculation of Varshesh, Sahams of 60 types, three types of Dashass – Patyansh, Vimshotri Dasha, and Mudda Dasha including five-level calculations. Prediction of Varshphal based on Muntha, Munthesh, Varshesh, and Varsh Lagnesh, Sixteen Yogas of Varshphal with the information of presence and absence of these yogas. Varshphal of any year can be made.


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Features of Astrology software of Varshaphal:

  • Yearly calculation on traditional, Sayan, and Narayan systems, exact sun degree system
  • Varshphal Horoscope Charts - lagna chart, moon chart, Hora chart, Dreshkana chart, Chaturthansh, Panchmaansh, Saptmansh, Ashtmansh, Navmansh, Dashmaansh, Ekadshansh, Dwadshansh, Triptaki charts etc. with accurate calculations.
  •   Varshphal Grah Spasht - Planet, Bhava Degrees.
  •  Varshphal birth details.
  • Varshphal Bal - Pancwargiy Bal, friendship chart, Dwadash Varga, and Harshbala. Varshesh, saham
  • Varshphal Dashas - Patyansh, Muddda, and Vimshotri Dash.
  •   Varshphal Prediction - Muntha, Munthesh, Varsesh, Varshlagnesh, and 12 months predictions.
  • Varshphal Yogas - All Varshphal Yogas are included in this Software like Ikkbal, Induwar, Itthshal, Israf, Nakta, Yamaya, Manau, Kambul, Gary Kambul, Khallasar, Radd yoga, Dufali Kutth Yoga, Dutth Kutthir, Tumbir, Kutth, Duraf yoga etc..
  • Astrograph - health, financial situation, mental state, graphical analysis on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and 10-year basis available.

Benefits of astrology software:

  1. This software gives information about the events and opportunities that will happen to a person in the coming year.
  2. Astrology software is an important part of astrological study.
  3.  This software is part of Indian astrological tradition and is prescribed under Vedic Astrology.
  4.  This software is prepared based on the position of planets and constellations at the time of the person’s birth.
  5. Through this astrology software, you can achieve success in your career and business. This software will guide you in this area.
  6. This software aims to predict Varsh Kundli’s results accurately for one year from the yearly chart.


Just as the events of the entire life are seen in the birth chart, a detailed analysis of the events of one year is done in the yearly chart. There are many methods of predicting the results in Indian astrology, one of which is to predict the results of one year from the yearly chart. To calculate Varshaphal kundali we can use Varshphal astrology software. With the help of this software the year entry is calculated and the year horoscope is made on the latitude-longitude of the place where the native was born. After this, the bhogansh of planets has calculated the strength of all the planets, Panchvargiya strength, Muntha Dasha, etc. are calculated.