Getting the best from free love compatibility horoscope readings
By: Future Point | 24-Dec-2018
Views : 2510
According to Vedic astrology, karma has a significant role in the field of marriage and love. When planets are positive and positioned in the benefit house then it may attract two persons as the lovers but when planets transit into another house or become afflicted then it becomes the cause of split and conflicts between two partners. Marriage astrology helps us to understand the compatibility between two partners.
In the concept of love marriage and intimacy is expected between two partners and it is considered the best love marriage solution in harmonizing the love relationship. Love marriage rarely verifies the marriage horoscope.
How love and astrology connect with each other?
Generally, love marriage relation is handled by the partners themselves and parent’s interference is rare and even partners do not consult with their partners. In India, love marriages are not accepted by most of the people. The prosperity and compatibility between loving couples can be seen by free love compatibility horoscope. In love marriage prospect, kundali matching is not regarded necessary by a majority of the couples.
During the native’s birth position of planets has an influence on their fate later on and the building of their character. A successful marriage is not depending upon the affection between two individuals. The compatibility in a relationship largely depends upon the position of planets.
Love compatibility
Compatibility is the key factor to keep harmony and love in the relationship of marriage. Free love marriage astrology can help you to know about the compatibility between you and your spouse. Female horoscope should be analysed for a long marital happiness. When you feel affection for someone then you just neglect the shortcomings of your partner.
According to Marriage Astrology, Venus is the planet of love and affection. While ascertaining love compatibility Navmanshakundali too has its role. You should not consider the uncertainty in life and take your love relationship ahead with full of confidence.
Horoscope matching for love marriage
Many couples do not consider horoscope matching in love marriages. But nowadays it becomes very easy to check the compatibility between the two partners via online kundali matching tool.
In Indian kundali match making an eight-fold Vedic test of birth chart matching or Gun Milan is done to ascertain the suitability of the man and woman’s kundali before their marriage. For the commencement of marriage 36 points is arrived at based on various parameters. According to Marriage Astrology, at least 18 points are needed for the compatibility between two partners. If this not happens then the couple will face problems after their marriage and here, they need the help of love marriage solution. You must check the online kundali matching before the marriage. When the horoscope difference is detected, it displays the possibility of split, unhappiness and differences of opinion.
For a blissful and happy marriage, there should be at least 18 gunas match among 36. The most important aspects covered under these 18 gunas relate to mental compatibility between husband and wife, Manglik dosha, the durability of the relationship, the tendencies that are contrary to each other, approach and attitude towards each other, health perspective, sexual compatibility and others. If 18 gunas or more than it matches in guna Milan then the marriage will consider successful and blissful in future.
Also Read: Astrology of Love and Relationships: Finding the right Soulmate at the right time!
Astrological remedies for a happy love life
- Wear a Gauri Shankar Rudraksha or you may keep it in your purse or at the place of worship in your house.
- Keep Rabbits in your house and feed them with your own hands.
- Planting a Banana & Anar (Pomegranate) plant in the temple or at any place of worship for expediting the matter.
- Keep a Tulsi plant in your house and give it water mixed with Kesar (Saffron).
- Mix a pinch of Haldi (Turmeric) in the water and take bath with it.
- Couples should worship the Venus god who is the god of Love.
- Offering Flute and betel leaves to Lord Krishna will surely help you to get your loved.
- Girls should fast for 16 Mondays or SolhaSomvar to get a handsome and loving husband.
- Wear a Diamond or Opal or Zircon (substitutes of diamond) to attract love in your life. These stones are for Shukra/Venus, which is the Lord of love and luxury in your life.
In Hindu marriage concept, horoscope matching is important. It is carried out before the future bride and groom see each other. Parents of the bride and groom consult to the best astrologer for marriage.
The online matchmaking is considered for the lasting married life. Many times, astrologers suggest astrological remedies which are taken to rectify any problems found in kundali matchmaking. In astrology, several methods are used for love compatibility, matchmaking and marriage horoscope. These methods are generally based on place of birth, date and time or name.
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