Find out if Yellow Sapphire Gemstone is meant for your zodiac sign
By: Future Point | 21-Jun-2019
Views : 4094
Yellow sapphire (Pukhraj) Stone is associated with the planet Jupiter and is often known as ‘Spiritual Planet’. It removes the malefic effects of the planet, Jupiter and provides the native wisdom, wealth, prosperity, respect, etc. This gemstone removes all the negative thoughts from the wearer’s mind and derives the positive energy of this planet. It is also worn to improve financial status.
It is considered as one of the biggest gemstones among all the other stones. This gemstone improves the position of the planets in a native’s horoscope. But according to Astrology, it should be worn after taking certain precautions and taking these can bring immense success to an individual’s life.
These Zodiac Signs should wear Yellow Sapphire
The planet, Mars is the Lord of Aries sign. There is a friendly relationship between Mars and Jupiter because of which it is beneficial for the people belonging to this zodiac sign to wear a Yellow Sapphire. This gemstone brings happiness and peace in the life of these people. Yellow sapphire blesses the native with good luck, good relation with father, name, fame, and success in life. This gemstone acts as a highly efficient gemstone in the Mahadasha and an Antardasha.
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The planet, Venus is the Lord of The Taurus zodiac sign. There again exists a friendly relationship between the planets, Venus and Jupiter. As a result, wearing a Yellow Sapphire is considered as auspicious for the people who belong to this zodiac sign. It brings a new source of income for these people and gives them a long and peaceful life. The possessor should wear Yellow Sapphire gemstone only in the major period (Mahadasha) or sub-period (Anatardasha) of Jupiter.
The Lord of the Gemini zodiac sign is the planet, Mercury and the planets, Mercury and Jupiter share a very normal bond. Therefore, it is advisable for the natives who belong to this zodiac sign to wear a Yellow Sapphire. Wearing this gemstone can help the native in getting a good partner and will bless him/her with success and development in the professional field. This gemstone should be worn in the Maha and the Antar Dasha of the planet, Jupiter.
The Lord of Cancer is the planet, Moon and it shares a very cool and calm bond with the planet, Jupiter. Therefore, the people who belong to this zodiac sign are suggested to wear a Yellow Sapphire. It will bless the wearer with name, fame, and fortune. This gemstone will create more opportunities for the native and he/she will probably get more love, respect, and development in business.
Also Read: Yellow Sapphire stone can evict every hurdle of your married life
The Lord of the Leo zodiac sign is the planet, Sun. This planet shares a very positive bond with the planet, Jupiter. As a result, it is very beneficial for these people to wear Yellow Sapphire. It blesses the wearer with abundant knowledge and information and brings success for the children in the education field. This gemstone gives good fortune to its wearer. This should be worn in the Antardasha and the Mahadasha of the planet, Jupiter.
The Lord of the Virgo zodiac sign is the planet, Mercury and there is a friendly relationship between the planets, Mercury and Jupiter. As a result, it beneficial for these people to wear Yellow Sapphire. It should be worn in the Anatdasha and the Mahadasha of the planet, Jupiter. Yellow Sapphire brings peace, stability, and happiness in an individual’s life. There is a probability that the natives will get full support from their blood relations and friends.
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The planet, Mars is the Lord of the zodiac sign, Scorpio. Both the planets, Mars and Jupiter share a friendly relation. As a result, it is beneficial for these people to wear Yellow Sapphire. On wearing this Sapphire an individual will get immense benefits of higher education, excellent memory, and deep concentration. It blesses the wearer with wealth and money. It helps in increasing the love and trust between the members of the family.
The Lord of the Sagittarius zodiac sign is the planet, Jupiter only. And these people should wear a Yellow Sapphire without any doubt because it is really beneficial for them. The possessor after wearing the Yellow Sapphire gets success and happiness in all aspects of life. There is a probability that the wearer can get a beautiful house after wearing it. Yellow sapphire ensures good health to the wearer.
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The Lord of this zodiac sign is also the planet, Jupiter. As a result, wearing a Yellow Sapphire can be highly beneficial for them. Yellow Sapphire makes its wearer more healthy and strong. The wearer gets a spiritual tone in his/her life and will have a positive attitude. The wearer is blessed with career achievement and a better professional life.
The Lord of this zodiac sign is the planet, Venus. The planets, Venus and Jupiter share an ordinary bond. As a result, these people should not wear Yellow Sapphire. Wearing a Yellow Sapphire will make things worse for them instead of improving them.
The Lord of the Capricorn zodiac sign is the planet, Saturn. Saturn shares a very malefic bond with the planet, Jupiter. As a result, these people are advised not to wear a Yellow Saphire.
The Lord of this zodiac sign is the planet, Saturn. Saturn shares a malefic bond with the planet, Jupiter. Therefore, these people should not wear Yellow Sapphire because this will not make things better for them and will only worsen the situation.
You can buy a Yellow Sapphire from the online store of Future Point. These Gemstones are capable of making things better for you but for full assurance and to know how to energize this gemstone for better results you can contact our panel of world famous Astrologers. Before buying a particular gemstone, you are recommended to take a Gem Report from Future Point. Gemstones are considered to be powerful astrological remedies, which is why before buying one, you must always Consult an Astrologer Online.