Astrology of Divorce or Separation in Horoscope | Future Point

Astrology of Divorce or Separation in Horoscope

By: Future Point | 21-Jul-2018
Views : 9511Astrology of Divorce or Separation in Horoscope

Marriage is considered to be a Union ship between two Individuals, Man and a Women. It is seen when the duo reaches the age of adulthood, they decide to get along with each other and plan to settle in a mutual relationship of love, romance and nuptial knot. Usually, in India, when an arranged marriage takes place, the prospective bride and groom’s horoscope are matched for mutual companionship. If the horoscope of the duo would match, then they would lead a happy married life. This has been the belief for ages.

However, in certain cases, this is not the pre-norm which means, the nuptial knot is purely out of love and mutual understanding. But, is it love or infatuation. One can always debate this angle. But the duo decides to marry each other after initial courtship which they term it as love or romance.

Now, it has been seen, some of the marriage relationship is not long lasting. So, are we blaming love marriage, the sole reason, for any divorce or separation? No, not really. It is into a norm that all love marriage would lead to some kind of legal separation. Sometime this legal separation can be brutal and time consuming.

But the disastrous ending can be avoided otherwise through a proper horoscope match making process. Though a separation in any married life is a painful exercise to be endured. In fact, the bride and the groom try their best to endure and try to get going in their relationship. If unresolvable then they decide to take the extreme step to legally separate and end their relationship.

Some of the reasons for Divorce can be as follows:

  • Lack of mutual love, trust and respect. This is a very common problems which if not addressed then can lead to permanent separation.
  • Emotional quotient may not match up. This is another reason where natives do not love each other and lead to problems and divorce.
  • Poor sexual life or physical compatibility. To further a married relationship physical intercourse is a must. As this would lead to progeny which will lead to family expansion.
  • Financial prosperity is missing. No doubt physical and emotional quotient is a must for a successful marriage. However, one cannot lead a life without Money. If this aspect is missing, then too one would see divorce as an outcome.
  • The other common problems these days has been extra-marital relationship. Due to lack of time between the husband and wife, the new age problem has been of extra-marital problem.

So, the list of problems can be listed in all forms of possibility. But the true solutions do not lie in listing these problems. The ideal solution has been to find out what causes these problems of divorce or legal separation and then suggest any remedy if possible. If no remedy exists, then do not proceed at all with the relationship.

It is here that astrology plays a very important role in helping the man kind.

For e.g: If a native suffers from Mangal Dosha, then an appropriate remedy should be suggested to them after analysing in detailed their horoscope. Mangal dosh, if not given appropriate remedy then can lead to Divorce.

Some other astrological combination which can lead to divorce is that of placement of Planet Sun in the 7th house from Ascendant or Moon sign. This can lead to very serious legal battle and divorce is certain. Here too appropriate remedy is needed before solemnising marriage between a man and women.

Rahu and Ketu can also lead to separation. In fact, if Rahu is placed in the Moon sign or ascendant can make the native suffer from infatuation. These natives are one who easily fall for others and see constant problems in relationship and end up divorcing many a time. This is one reason that gives space to the debate: is seen that is Love genuine or mere Infatuation. Here too, one would need remedy before considering a marriage proposal. So, here horoscope matching is the only solution as various other aspects of Rahu and Ketu will have to be analysed before deciding an appropriate match.

One more common problems is the placement of Saturn in the ascendant, moon sign or in the 7th house from these places. Here again, one would need to match the horoscope of two natives suffering from similar problems. As two negative’s can lead to one positive, the ideal is always to match the horoscopes in such cases.

Therefore, astrology always come handy to help a native in analysing the prospects of their married life. Hence the age old practices still exists in India, where the horoscope of the two native’s, Visa Viz: prospective bride and groom, are matched, astrologically.

When 7th lord/ 7th house is under the influence of separative planets Rahu, Saturn and Sun and deprived of the influence of Jupiter and Venus then divorce is sure to happen.

To know more about any remedies, or to check compatibility between two horoscope, the readers can write to us at or visit our website for personal one to one consultation. We at Future point are a team of expert astrologers who can provide valuable insights to take appropriate decision.