Chandra Grahan 2023: Date, Timings, ‘Sutak Kaal’ & Effects
By: Future Point | 27-Oct-2023
Views : 2639
From an astronomical point of view, eclipses are celestial phenomena that keep on occurring multiple times in a year and there is nothing unusual about them. However, as per the ancient occult science of Vedic Astrology, eclipses are events that cast an enormous impact on the lives of people that come under their influence based on a number of parameters such as their ascendant signs, the place where they are at the time of eclipse etc.
What is a Chandra Grahan or Lunar Eclipse?
A Chandra Grahan or Lunar Eclipse is a celestial phenomenon that occurs when the Earth, Moon and Sun align in such a way that the Earth comes in between the Moon and the Sun. This obstructs the Sun’s light from falling onto the Moon and rather the shadow of the Earth covers the Moon’s surface resulting in what is referred to as a Lunar Eclipse or Chandra Grahan.
Chandra Grahan 2023: Date, Timings and ‘Sutak Kaal’
- The last Chandra Grahan or Lunar Eclipse of 2023 will take place on 29th October 2023.
- In India, the Chandra Grahan will begin at 01:05 AM and will end at 02:24 AM.
- It will be a ‘Partial Lunar Eclipse’.
Sutak Kaal is a period of prohibition that in case of a Chandra Grahan starts 9 hours before the grahan or eclipse begins. Many activities are prohibited during this time as the entire period right from the start of the Sutak Kaal till the end of the eclipse is very intense in terms of the energies that prevail in the cosmos.
Activities such as worship in temples, bathing, cooking, eating, sleeping, cutting of nails/hair must be avoided during the Sutak Kaal. It is also advised to put a ‘Tulsi’ leaf in the vessels that contain milk products and food that was cooked before and is currently being stored. It must be noted that Sutak Kaal is only observed in those geographical places where the grahan or eclipse is visible from. Since this Chandra Grahan will be visible from India, the rules for Sutak Kaal will apply as well.
Sutak Kaal for Chandra Grahan 2023 in India will start at 4 PM on 28th October 2023.
Ultimate Remedy for Chandra Grahan
The cosmic energies become highly intense not just during but some time prior to as well as after the Chandra Grahan. It is highly advised to get one of the most powerful Vedic Puja (worship) rituals being performed in your name before the Sutak Kaal to shield yourself from any & all energy related negative shake-up that directly casts its effects on you.
Yes, we are talking about the Rudrabhishek Puja which is performed to get the blessings of Lord Shiva and stay protected from all malefic cosmic influences that lurk around to harm us at the time of a Chandra Grahan or Lunar Eclipse.
Future Point offers you an incredible opportunity to get the Rudrabhishek Puja being performed in your name by a highly learned Brahmin Priest.
So what are you waiting for?hield yourself from the negative effects of this last Chandra Grahan of 2023 by booking a Rudrabhishek Puja from Future Point!
Effects of Chandra Grahan 2023
Let us look at the effects that people from all 12 Ascendant Signs can expect upon themselves from the Chandra Grahan 2023.
Your peace of mind could be disturbed and anxiety will prevail. This could lead you into making bad decisions that you will regret later. Chances of getting injured in the upper portion of your body are quite high.
The element of harmony will get disturbed in your family and relationships with your near & dear ones could deteriorate. Keep a check on what you speak and choose your words consciously.
Chances of financial gains are signified for you but will you be able to grab the opportunity in time, remains in question. Do not make financial decisions fuelled with fear or greed.
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Keep your temper in check and consciously strive to maintain a calm state of mind. Avoid arguments as they could spill over into a problematic situation. Have a rational approach while dealing with people in the professional sphere.
This is not a great time for making key decisions in life. Relationships with your children could get troublesome. Be mindful of what you eat as chances are high that you might get into digestion related problems.
Defer a vehicle or real estate sale or purchase since you are not likely to get a good deal. Perform due diligence while trusting a person that you do not know much about. Take very special care of your eyes.
This is not at all a good time for your relationship with your spouse. There could be bickering leading to heated arguments that will ruin marital bliss & harmony. Avoid arguments as keeping quiet for the sake of maintaining peace will prove to be worthwhile later.
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Chances of sudden expenditures on the health front are high. Some past or chronic ailments might exacerbate. Maintain a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and moderate levels of physical activity.
This is a time when your reputation could get tarnished. You need to be very careful while getting into a conversation with the opposite sex. Steer away from getting into differences of opinions that could morph into unpleasant allegations.
You will be tempted to spend on comforts & luxuries. Keep your expenses in check & well justified else they will put a hole in your pocket and will damage the already fragile state of finances in your life.
You could get into legal hassles or litigation resulting in loss of mental peace. Beware of your enemies both open as well hidden. Some unjust competition in your professional domain will keep you anxious & worried about your career or future.
This is not a good time to foray into big or risky ventures. Avoid going for an expansion in your business. You will be tempted to get into earning through speculation, but it will not prove to be a prudent step at all.
Prepare yourself to go through this Chandra Grahan 2023 safely and ensure a bright future by getting the immensely auspicious blessings of Lord Shiva through the Rudrabhishek Puja. Contact Future Point today itself and take the wise & prudent step of insulating yourself from the upheaval in cosmic energies that occurs during eclipses.
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