Astrological Remedies For getting successful career in Abroad
By: Future Point | 27-Feb-2018
Views : 20349
With lucrative and wonderful career opportunities at abroad, many people dream of getting a permanent job and career at foreign land. It is in the recent years, with travelling becoming cheap and staying becoming cheaper, the craze for settling abroad has just doubled up.
If you are also the one who is constantly try for abroad career opportunities, but continuously failing to do so. Then, you may take the aid of astrological remedies.
Astrology as an ancient science has always been proven to be effective when it comes to suggest the best of remedies to settle abroad and help in getting successful in career. If you are looking for a lucrative career overseas, try implementing the following astrological remedies for getting instant success in doing so:
The Charisma of Reciting Durga Saptashati:
It is said and believed that one of the best astrological remedies to get a job in abroad is to recite the Durga Saptashati. The eleventh and first chapter of the Durga Saptashati is said to be magical and working in making all your abroad career opportunities to be as true.
The working philosophy of this is that it quells the negative and ill effects of the planet ‘rahu’ and further facilitates the process of change in one’s life. It is said that whenever this Strorta is recited, it brings in a cosmic vibration and works in the favour of settling abroad. For best of results, recite this mantra for 1800 times at the night time daily.
The Benefit of chanting Rahu strotam:
Reciting versus of Rahu Strotam is said to be one of the effective astrological remedies to get a job abroad. Regularly chanting these mantras or versus will turn all the negative and ill effects of the planet Rahu in positive effects and this in turn will favour and increase your chances of getting a job abroad and settling down in the foreign land.
If you do not have much time for these astrological remedies for a successful career in abroad, then you can chant these versus 108 times a day to feel and see its best of results.
Wear 8 Mukhi Rudraksha:
According to astrology Consultancy and theories, wearing 8 mukhi Rudraksha will prove to be beneficial for everyone who has a malefic Rahu and ill placement of Rahu in the horoscope.
Wearing an eight Mukhi Rudraksha will help to negate all the ill & bad effects of this planet and will also help in bring peace, joy, happiness, prosperity and harmony in the individual’s life. It further removes all the obstacles and hindrances that were coming up your way to go abroad and settle down.
Wear the gemstone “Gomed” Or “Hessonite”:
Wearing this gemstone can said to be as a working miracle and catalyst to fetch all the positivity and good effects of Rahu that are present in your horoscope.
Doing so often results in getting a job opportunity in abroad and getting settled in the foreign land. But, it is also advised to consult an esteemed astrologer before wearing this gemstone to know about the suitable size (ratti) and weight of the stone as per your horoscope online.
Observe Fast on Saturdays:
Another of the very effective astrology remedies for foreign job is to observe fast on Saturdays. This will the “foreign planet” aka Rahu to bestow its positive effects in your life. Rahu is the planet which is responsible for managing the accounts of foreign land and therefore, if Rahu is bestowing favourable effects, then the person is most likely to get a good job opportunity in abroad.
Help the “Poor” & “Needy”:
To favourably turn and convert all the negative and ill effects of Rahu, one of the best and easiest astrological remedy is to always help the poor and the needy. Also, if you can donate the poor with the basic necessities of life, it would also be beneficial and will help you to get a job abroad easily.
The benefit of Kalabhairava Ashtakam Strotam:
If you been looking for ways to eliminate and negate the ill effects of Rahu in your horoscope, then you must consider doing this astrological remedy to appease and seek the blessings of the planet Rahu.
This strotam is said to be powerful in pacifying all the ill effects of Rahu and can also help in negating the adverse effects of the Rahu Mahadasha.
The other benefit of chanting these versus on a regular basis includes that it further cleanses the surrounded negativity in the aura and also regularly boosts the chances of getting a job in abroad and settling there on a permanent basis.