Why get a Janampatri from an Astrologer?
By: Future Point | 18-Aug-2018
Views : 4413
A Birth Chart or Janmapatri, is the screenshot of all that is captured in the form of ascendant, moon sign and the position of the remaining eight planets along with their bhava (12 houses) in a native’s horoscope or Kundali.
In other words, a Janmapatri is the blueprint of a native’s life; a roadmap to show how a native’s life will shape up, right from childhood into their career, business, marriage, family life and above all their personal well-being. This blue print is also known as horoscope and extensively used for astrology consultations.
A Janmapatri essentially hides the true secrets to solutions of all the problems faced in a native’s life. As mentioned earlier, in a Janmapatri, the Ascendant, Moon sign and the position of the remaining eight planets are captured along with their bhavas, this representation tell us or forms the basis of prediction by a learnt and expert astrologer.
Now, this representation is very important, since the time at which it is captured, tell us the nakshtra of constellation of the individual. Further with the correct position of the various planets, ascendant, Moon sign and the nakshatra of the individual forms the fundamental for accurate prediction.
Hence, the birth details Visa viz: the date of birth, time of birth and place of birth is given adequate importance. Any incorrect details can thwart the purpose of making an accurate Janmapatri.
Hence, many a time one would find that the events that should occur in their life is either denied or delayed completely. Then, the hypocrites criticise that astrology is a superstitious belief. It is nothing but a money-making spin and discourages anyone genuinely interested in seeking astro guidance to know their existence and the reason of their living.
Now, in Hinduism, the human existence is based on four pillars. They are Dharma which means duty, Artha which means career and income, Kaama: meaning desire of a native and finally Moksha which is liberation.
Therefore, to endure these four phases in a native’s life, it is only the subject of astrology which plays the key role of a compass and directs the human beings to finally attain Moksha. In fact, a native must ensure the first three, to attain moksha.
Hence, at the time of a new born, the inquisitiveness to know about these four pillars in detailed is given importance through astrology only.
So, a Janmapatri which holds these secrets only demands three basic inputs. These three basic inputs are the tripods which give accurate birth chart of an individual and they are Date of Birth, time of birth and place of birth. In fact, these three are so important that a leant and expert astrology will first cross check the accuracy of these details.
For instance, one of the first steps is to check if a horoscope is that of a Male of Female. There are various methods to cross check the same, but one of the common methods is to check the position of Ascendant/Lagna and its bhava along with the positions lagna in Navamsa kundali.
Especially at the time of kundali making, these points are analysed in minute details before drawing upon a concluding. In case, of any errors, then they are rectified and cross checked too.
This is done only by an expert astrologer who would analyse the married life horoscope through a horary chart which will give a glimpse of the married life. Thus, there are many advantages of getting a Janmapatri written from a learn and expert astrologer only. As, this will ensure that the horoscope is error free.
There is another advantage of getting the Janmapatri made by an astrologer. In the present age, it has been seen that when a new born baby is born usually there is a time gap in recording the correct birth details of the child.
There are various reasons for the same, but one such reason is that when a baby is born, the priority of a doctor is the see to it that the mother is free any unease. Therefore, they immediately hand over the new born to a nearby nurse who in turn would hand over the baby to a paediatrician.
Therefore, a considerable time is lost in this process and many a time a doctor may miss to reckon the exact time of birth due to commotion. This is a pure human error and thankfully the Vedic astrology has given many ways to check the exact details to cross check the exact details of a child birth.
This is one of the main reasons where the elderly generation even time, get the Janmapatri done by an expert astrologer only. In fact, readers can also avail through benefit through us, as we at Future point are a team of expert and learnt astrologers. We have been practising astrology for the past 3 decades and have provided various astrological solutions to our clients. Readers can write to us at mail@futurepointindia.com or Visit our web site at www.futurepointindia.com.