Weekly Horoscope 16th October to 22nd October
By: Future Point | 16-Oct-2018
Views : 2279

The beginning of the week is auspicious for going on beneficial journeys. The journey would be related to business or else you might go to address a social gathering somewhere. The support of brothers would prove instrumental for the enhancement of your destiny. The mid part of the week is auspicious for getting up gradation on professional front. The quick betterment in business/work can be expected. The seniors shall turn in your favor suddenly.
You are advised to stay in their good books as the impressions made during these days would certainly prove beneficial for your future. The remaining days of the week are giving indications of gains from siblings and gains of siblings. There would be increase in your income for sure. You might plan to generate a new source of income for which you shall be getting the valuable advice of your children too...Read More

The beginning of the week won't be auspicious for your health, happiness, confidence and working efficiency. You would suffer from the problems of mood swings and expenses would go out of control. It would be difficult to accomplish your tasks however journeys would bring lot of pleasure. The mid of the week are beneficial for earning better favor of destiny and more inflow of money. The support of elders and respectable people in society for your very religious objectives shall make you feel fortunate.
This is also right time to serve Gurus and seek their blessings. You would spend money on pilgrimage or a journey for some social cause with your father. The remaining part of the week is favorable for getting the favor of seniors and bosses. There would be betterment in your work. Quick progress in work is indicated. Your good relations with seniors shall prove beneficial for your career growth...Read More

The beginning of the week indicates that you would be spending lot of money on your spouse and in addition to that there is strong probability that you might visit a beautiful hill station of tourist attraction along with your spouse. There would be excellent conjugal bliss in your married life. In nutshell it is absolutely auspicious time for family life and reputation with an increase in the compatibility between husband and wife.
The mid part of the week is not auspicious for your health, happiness and confidence. You would be facing obstacles in accomplishing important tasks. Don't get frustrated and try to keep your patience intact. The concluding part of the week would be favorable for going on a journey. You might go on a long and beneficial journey. You would travel extensively for up grading your reputation by organizing seminars and conferences at various places. The favor of father and elderly figures would enhance your confidence always. This is a beneficial time for spiritual practices and blessings of Guru...Read More
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There would be health issues in the beginning of the week. General happiness would get affected. Some enemies would create unnecessary tensions for you. Legal issues won't get settled easily. Some loan related tensions are indicated. You would be worried on account of some probabilities of diseases. The mid of the week is absolutely auspicious for your happiness. There would be good compatibility, understanding, harmony and love with more conjugal bliss in married life.
The continuous support of spouse would keep you delighted but in the remaining days of the week the possibilities of disappointment and frustration on account of failures in accomplishing tasks is indicated very strongly. There would be hindrances coming all of a sudden in the way of your success. This is not the right time to under-take a new task. These concluding days of the week are not at all good for your health and happiness...Read More

The beginning of the week is favorable for arranging meetings with influential people. It is a good time to develop contacts with people holding senior posts of responsibility. You would be able to win lot of appreciation for your ability of giving right advice to right people at right time. You would be enthusiastic for making investment in share market. The entertainment business shall also attract you. Your emotional relations are likely to improve.
In the mid of the week you need to be cautious about health for which you are advised to take enough rest and keep yourself relaxed and drink lot of water. You would be busy in developing strategies to compete with your adversaries and pay of your loans and to solve the problems related to litigation. The remaining part of the week is giving indications of beginning of deliberations regarding matrimonial development. Those who are married would be happy with the intensity of love in their life...Read More
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There would be some bitterness in your mind in the beginning of the week. To overcome this bitterness you are advised to worship lord Shiva on regular basis. There would be an atmosphere of love, laughter and peace at home which would go on increasing with the passage of time especially in the middle of the weak. The middle of the weak is auspicious for your education, emotional relation and children's health and happiness.
You can think of investing on share market and other speculative activities. You would be highly interested in theatre and other entertainment related activities. You would also plan to go on a visit to a tourist place along with your family members in the last part of the weak. To increase your energy you are advice to feel happy at heart always and in addition to that the regular warm-up exercise would also prove beneficial...Read More

The beginning of the week indicates your active and vigorous participation in public welfare activities. Your influential status in society would help you achieve the desired objective and your kith and kin would be happy from you. The support of society, friends, siblings and relatives would make you more ambitious in terms of gaining public support. In this connection you would execute your plan of action in the middle of the week.
There would be some mental tensions on account of some blockage in the inflow of money in the mid of the week. In the weekend days you would be paying due attention towards the health and education of children. During this time you would be interested in share market and speculative activities too. You would win recognition because of your valuable advice to your friends. You would succeed in finding out a solution for money related tension by the end of the week...Read More
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In the beginning of the week you would find yourself slightly better in association with your family members but even then the lack of confidence would not let you enjoy life peacefully. In addition to that it would be difficult for you to bring in effective solution for the rectification of issues related to scarcity of funds and lack of harmony in the family. The mid days of the week shall be good enough to enjoy life with friends, siblings and relatives.
Your family atmosphere would also improve and you would be attending all social gatherings. The concluding part of the week is not favorable for your state of mind, general happiness, health of mother and domestic issues would trouble you. The worries related to maintenance of house and vehicle would also not let you concentrate at work. The increased expenses would also add to your worries. Children related worrieswould be more painful...Read More

The beginning of the week is auspicious as you would be focusing all your energies for the consolidation of source of income, increasing the possibilities of gains thereby multiplying resources of income by creating new sources. The increased inflow of money would be the main hall mark of this week. The mid of the week would be extremely auspicious for financial gains, increase in saving potential and prosperity in the family. The sufficient financial gains would please all family members and everybody at home would be happy.
All needs of all family members would be fulfilled and any desire won't remain unfulfilled because of shortage of money. The remaining part of the week is favorable for the enhancement of your reputation in society. You would help people in their difficult times and that only would enhance your reputation quickly. Your behavior in society shall be very nice and you would speak sweetly with people around you. The support of siblings is indicated very strongly but you won't be taking their favor because of your very strong feeling of self-respect...Read More

The beginning of the week won't be auspicious for your children's health and state of mind. You shall also be worried about the health of your spouse. It would be difficult for you to accomplish your tasks on time and eventually this would give you the fear of losing image at work place. The mid days of the week you will be taking all necessary steps for the improvement of your health, research work, administrative skills and enhancement of occult power. You would plan to purchase lottery ticket and learn the techniques of making money from gambling and speculation.
The support of spouse would help you maintain your health. Although you are much focused, systematic, well organized and prefer to work in a well-planned manner but in spite of that the continuous intervention of hindrances would be the main hall mark of this week. In the remaining days of the week the support of spouse would be especially appreciable when her advice would miraculously help you solve family related issues thereby creating substantial increase in your saving potential. The atmosphere of harmony and peace in the family would keep you highly enthusiastic and confident...Read More

The beginning of the week indicates gain of unearned money and lottery etc. The speculation and gambling would also prove beneficial. There would be increase in income as a new source of income shall get generated with the support of your siblings. The mid of the week indicates development of some foreign connection, problems of mood swings, disturbance of mind, financial losses and mental stress. Be cautious and don't undertake a new activity.
In the concluding part of the week you will be channelizing your all energies for the development of your destiny and you will be successful in getting the desired results. You are a go getter and you believe in your actions. Your confidence, health, immunity, enthusiasm and working efficiency shall be at its peak. People would be giving you lot of respect for your impressive personality and the talent of resourcefulness...Read More

The beginning days of the week would be perfect for your confidence and the progress in work would keep you satisfied. You would be getting the favor of your senior bosses, government officials which is auspicious for increase in your reputation and credibility as a professional. Professionally the gains would be sudden and more than expected. The mid days of the week are auspicious for inflow of money and fulfillment of desires but health would be average only.
The support of siblings and brother in-law can bring sudden favor of destiny.Your elder brother would do better professionally. The remaining days of the week are indicating loss of health, happiness, immunity, energy, mental peace, patience and self-confidence. There would be decrease in confidence especially because of failure in the accomplishment of your tasks. This is a highly inauspicious time for undertaking a new task therefore you are advised to skip the Muhurat related activities...Read More