Vedic Astrology vs Lal Kitab | Future Point

Vedic Astrology vs Lal Kitab

By: Future Point | 24-Mar-2018
Views : 15891Vedic Astrology vs Lal Kitab

Though the Lal Kitab is supposed to be derived from the ancient Vedic Astrology, the stark difference between the two cannot be ignored. Both these texts are important in their special way and have a team of followers from across the world. Our ancestors and sages from over the centuries have mostly believed in the treasured text of Vedic Astrology whereas the Lal Kitab has many believers in the modern world due to its simplicity and scientific background. A few mentionable differences between the two are:-

    • Vedic astrology came into being after extensive research and study by learned sages, rishis and munis who studied every bit of astrology completely. But the Lal Kitab was derived out of a singular Vedic astrology with different theories and principles.
    • While Vedic Astrology is written in Sanskrit, Lal Kitab is said to be written in Persian/Urdu.
    • Vedic Astrology focuses more on predicting future and whereas Lal Kitab does the same, it also gives remedies to eradicate all the negative happenings of life.
    • Vedic Astrology is more theoretical in nature and Lal Kitab is practical.
    • More than planets, the house (bhava) is taken into consideration in a Lal Kitab. Though the position of the planet in any house is left undisturbed, signs will change as per “Kaal Purush”.


    • In Vedic Astrology, each person has a different ascendant which is calculated by the rising zodiac sign on the eastern horizon and in the Lal Kitab the ascendant of every person on this earth is Aries. Second house is Taurus and so on. Also in the Lal Kitab, movement of the planets is not taken into consideration.
    • In Vedic Astrology the natal chart of a person according to the position of their moon is important but this is not so in the Lal Kitab. In Lal Kitab, the planets are differentiated based on them being malefic or beneficial. More than planetary planets defining a person’s behavior and nature, it is correcting previous life’s karma by dos and don’ts of this life that is mentioned in the Lal Kitab. That according to the Lal Kitab is the key to a peaceful and successful life.
    • The mathematical calculations of Vedic Astrology and the Lal Kitab also vary. Vedic astrology makes its predictions based on the vargh, navmasha, dashamsha kundli. Whereas in the Lal Kitab, predictions are based on andhi and nabalig kundli.
    • Vedic Astrology also gives remedies or “upays” but those require a lot of work like travelling to distant holy places, wearing specific gem stones for specific problems and performing yagnas and extensive poojas which go on for many days. As compared to this, the Lal Kitab presents very simple to carry out remedies.
    • Lal Kitab also does not name planets based on their positions, but Vedic Astrology does that.
    • Lal Kitab is very much related to palmistry and forms a good combination of astrology and palmistry whereas Vedic astrology sticks to ancient methods of astrology.
    • Though both Vedic Astrology and the Lal Kitab contains the houses and planets, in Vedic Astrology the houses are fixed and not the planets and in the Lal Kitab, both are fixed.
    • The remedies for each weak planet is different in Vedic Astrology and the Lal Kitab For example, if the moon is weak, Vedic Astrology suggests never going against one’s mother’s wishes, keeping pets and milk to them and not spending time in solitude. A against this, Lal Kitab states that for strengthening the moon, one should use utensils made of silver and wear silver jewelry, sleep with a crystal under the pillow, and not offering donations to educational institutions, nor offering free education to someone.
    • In case of the sun, Vedic Astrology suggests offering water to the rising sun in a copper vessel is beneficial and Lal Kitab suggests having utmost respect for one’s father as the apt remedy.
    • The calculations done in both these streams of astrology differ too.
    • Where in Vedic Astrology the sun, the moon or the planet of first house is said to be the most important planet, Jupiter or Guru is the most important planet according to the Lal Kitab due to its ability to negate the effects of malefic planets.
    • In Lal kitab, Rashis are not taken into consideration.
    • It can be concluded that Lal Kitab is a part and parcel of the Vedic Astrology. But less ritualistic and more practical in nature.
  • Palmistry is given a lot of importance in the Lal Kitab and it also forms the base of the Lal Kitab. It is a combination of palmistry and Hindu Astrology. And this is not the case in Vedic Astrology.
  • In Vedic Astrology, the horoscope of the native is made based on rashi or zodiac signs whereas in the Lal Kitab, house is taken into consideration.