Jupiter Conjunction with Saturn after 20 years! | Future Point

Jupiter Conjunction with Saturn after 20 years!

By: Future Point | 24-Mar-2020
Views : 7436Jupiter Conjunction with Saturn after 20 years!

A Navagraha Shanti Puja performed during this major astrological phenomenon can bring an unparalleled expansion of wealth & prosperity in your life! The last time when Jupiter was conjunct with Saturn in a sign was in the year 2000 and now both these massive planets are coming together again in a sign in 2020.

Jupiter will transit in the sign of Capricorn on 30th March 2020 and will remain there till 30th June 2020 before starting its journey back to the sign of Sagittarius again. Do remember that Jupiter will go retrograde on 14th May 2020.

After transiting back to the sign of Sagittarius while being in retrograde motion, Jupiter will become direct on 13th September 2020 and finally enter again into Capricorn on 20th November 2020. But for now, let us only focus on this immediate transit of Jupiter in Capricorn from 30th March to 30th June 2020. This will be a very significant cosmic event and will impact all of us as Jupiter will be conjunct with Saturn during this time that is already in Capricorn since January this year. Furthermore, Mars has just transited in Capricorn on 22nd March 2020 and will remain there till 4th May 2020. So, basically you have two arch enemies -Mars and Saturn already conjunct in Capricorn and soon Jupiter will follow suit.

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However, the thing that makes this transit of Jupiter in Capricorn very significant, is the principle of Neech Bhang Raj Yog that is prescribed in Vedic Astrology. Neech Bhang Raj Yog says that the state of debilitation of a planet in a sign is nullified, if the Lord of that sign is present there.

We all know that Jupiter becomes debilitated in the sign of Capricorn but since Saturn being the Lord of Capricorn is present in that sign, Jupiter’s state of debilitation is getting nullified which is making the naturally benefic Jupiter all the more strong! So, while the deadly conjunction of Mars and Saturn will push things to the edge, Jupiter will try to bring peace & calm around and eventually take matters to normalcy.

This will be a good period for most of the people with few hiccups “provided” they take care of the negative effects emerging out of the Mars-Saturn conjunction. One must take full advantage of this cosmic phenomenon that takes place just a few times in one’s lifetime to align all the planets with each other in such a way that they eventually take things towards success & growth in the years to come. The best remedy that one can adopt to remain protected from all malefic effects of a Mars-Saturn conjunction during this time and reap maximum benefits of Jupiter, is to go for a Navgraha Shanti Puja which calms down all aggravated planets at any given time and strengthens all the benefic ones!

Let us see what this transit of Jupiter in Capricorn from 30th March to 30th June 2020 is signifying for the people of all 12 Ascendant Signs.


Jupiter is the Lord of 9th and 12th houses of your horoscope and is transiting in the 10th house which is the house of Name, Fame and Career. This is a good time for your professional life as you can get that well deserved promotion after all. However, what you get might not be as per your expectations, still, you will witness an expansion in your career. You might consider going for a job change as well during this time as many lucrative job opportunities are likely to come your way. If you are thinking of buying a property, then this is a particularly favourable period to invest in real estate. However, do not take any decision in a hurry.

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Jupiter is the Lord of 8th and 11th houses of your horoscope and is transiting in the 9th house which is the house of Fortune, Spirituality and Foreign/Long Travels. You will be inclined towards spirituality and will discover a new calm within yourself. This will be a time that will make you strike a perfect work-life balance and incorporate spiritual wisdom in life. Luck will favour you and some long as well as short distance travels are likely to introduce new avenues of success in your life! If you are facing some issues related to documents, then those issues will get sorted during this transit. Remember to take extra care of your father’s during this time as this period might put some stress on your father’s health.


Jupiter is the Lord of 7th and 10th houses of your horoscope and is transiting in the 8th house which is the house of Inheritance, Obstacles, Sudden Gains/Losses and Accidents. You are likely to get some sudden unearned income. If you are having disputes related to inheritance, then this transit will solve those disputes. Your bank balance will significantly increase during this time but refrain from getting into unnecessary expenditures as you might regret your decision of spending later on. Exercise caution while travelling and drive with utmost care during this time.


Jupiter is the Lord of 6th and 9th houses of your horoscope and is transiting in the 7th house which is the house of Life-Partner, Business and Partnership. If you are unmarried and have been waiting for a good marriage proposal, then this transit will start the process of ringing wedding bells in your home this year! Your personality will get refined and you will experience high levels of energy. Also, there will be an unprecedented increase in your confidence. Your efforts will bring due gains in your life and you will reap the benefits of certain actions that you performed a long time back.

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Jupiter is the Lord of 5th and 8th houses of your horoscope and is transiting in the 6th house which is the house of Job, Competition, Loan, Enemies, Illness and Litigation. You will emerge victorious over your enemies and if you are appearing for a competitive examination during this time, then you will have luck on your side “provided” you work really hard in your preparations. Take care of your health, especially your digestive system and avoid eating junk food or street food. Those of you who are entangled into some legal troubles will find things moving in your favour. A job opportunity is likely to come your way. Initially it may not seem to be promising enough to you but it would lay a strong foundation for your career in the long run. If you are looking for a loan to expand your business, then this is a great time to go for it!


Jupiter is the Lord of 4th and 7th houses of your horoscope and is transiting in the 5th house which is the house of Love, Children, Speculation and Comprehensive Intelligence. This is a very favourable period that is signifying extension of family in your life. If you are a student, then this transit points towards a nice overall growth in your academic life and you are likely to narrow down on a career field that you eventually want to be into. You can plan some long term investments during this time however, stay away from gambling or unnecessary speculations. If you are looking to make a marriage proposal to someone with whom you are in a relationship, then this transit is the perfect time for taking that step.

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Jupiter is the Lord of 3rd and 6th houses of your horoscope and is transiting in the 4th house which is the house of Mother, Comforts, Vehicle and Property. Time has come for the purchase or construction of a property. You can also go for the renovation of your house during this time. Your status will increase and you will get professional recognition in the form of a promotion or appraisal. You will make expenditures that you have been holding back for so long but remember not to go overboard otherwise you will regret later on. You will spend some quality time with your mother.


Jupiter is the Lord of 2nd and 5th houses of your horoscope and is transiting in the 3rd house which is the house of Hardwork, Courage, Communication, Documents, Siblings and Short Travels. If you are a writer and are looking to publish your book or a piece of work, then this is the best time for it. People in the marketing field will witness career growth and their travels will prove to be fruitful. You will turn the tide of luck into your favour through your sheer hard work and will take certain bold & risky steps in your career. If you are a journalist, then get ready for the biggest scoop of your life! You might have some difference of opinion with your younger siblings. However, it would be wise to work towards keeping relationships harmonious with everyone.

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Jupiter is the Lord of 1st and 4th houses of your horoscope and is transiting in the 2nd house which is the house of Accumulated Wealth, Bank Balance, Speech and Family. You are poised to witness an unexpected gain and a significant increase in your accumulated wealth. However, the prudent thing to do would be to invest your money rather than splurging that money on things that you do not need at all. Keep your speech in check and avoid using harsh words while conversing with your family members. Take care of your eyes and do not ignore any irritation as it could lead to an infection. Make it a point to eat a healthy & balanced diet as your health is at risk here.


Jupiter is the Lord of 12th and 3rd houses of your horoscope and is transiting in the 1st house which is the house of Self, Personality and Confidence. Your energy levels will be high during this time and you will have an enthusiastic approach to everything that you do. Your will face all challenges that come your way with confidence and clarity of mind. You will develop a problem solving attitude in your personality. However, some people might take your self confidence as arrogance and start keeping distance from you. This transit will affect your body structure and your appearance. Marriage is on the cards for you if you are waiting to tie the knot!


Jupiter is the Lord of 11th and 2nd houses of your horoscope and is transiting in the 12th house which is the house of Expenditures, Hospitalization and Foreign Travel/Settlement. You are likely to have gains from foreign lands. If you have made an investment in the past, then you are seen to reap nice profits from it. Also, you can make a new investment for the future during this time as well. Take very special care of your health and do not ignore any unusual symptoms. Some friend of yours might play a key role in bringing a lucrative business proposal to you or a job offer that you would find hard to resist! However, do not take any career or business related decision hastily.


Jupiter is the Lord of 1st and 10th houses of your horoscope and is transiting in the 11th house which is the house of Gains and Realization of Desires. This is a truly auspicious time for you with multiple gains coming your way. A well placed naturally benefic Jupiter is signifying success and growth in your life. It is the right time to make long term investments. If you are planning to buy real estate, then this is a conducive time for that and you are likely to get a really good deal. Your friends will be supportive to you and will encourage you in your endeavors. Your days of struggle are over and soon you will start to witness things moving in the favourable direction as far as your finances are concerned. Just remember to keep working hard with your eyes & ears open to immediately identify and grab a lucrative opportunity that comes your way! So, make the best use of this transit by pacifying the aggravated Mars and Saturn through a Navgraha Shanti Puja and at the same time, strengthening Jupiter to ensure abundant wealth and sound health in life!

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