Best And Most Authentic Kundali Matching Software LeoStar
By: Future Point | 11-Feb-2022
Views : 4555
In India and other Asian countries, matching kundlis of prospective bride and groom is a mandatory process to find the level of compatibility between the couple. The practice is more prominent in Hindu culture where parents staunchly believe in matching kundlis to avoid any inauspicious results later in their children’s lives.
Matchmaking is believed to bring marital bliss and prosperity to the couple. Matchmaking astrology is getting popular day-by-day as it permits a marriage after checking compatibility and general characteristics of the couple.
For match-making it is very important to have reliable, authentic and most accurate marriage horoscope software to get valuable information. LeoStar series is the most accurate and highly professional astrology software to be widely used by astrologers worldwide. It has proved its excellence over the years and is ruling the astrological market trends.
Marriage Compatibility by Date of Birth
Match making is done to know about any adverse possibilities that may spoil marital bliss in the lives of the couple. It may detect any dosha creating problems later in married life. There are several astrological doshas like manglik dosha, nadi dosha, bhakut dosh, kal sarp yoga and guru chandal yoga which may create problems in life depending on their intensity.
They bring bad luck, difficulties and disharmony in the lives of married couples. People generally opt for free kundli matching by date of birth to rule out any of these doshas and to get rectification measures in time.
Horoscope Matching by Name and Date of Birth
Kundli matching by name and date of birth is performed within a complete process called Gun Milan through using marriage horoscope software. In Vedic astrology, there are 36 gunas in total and they all are checked on specified perimeters. At least 18 gunas should match for a compatible match or marriage. More is the score attained out of 36 more are the chances of a happy marriage.
The names and birth details of the boy and girl are used to test their compatibility on a score based system of gunas. Kundali matching softwares help to determine how prosperous the marital relations are going to be.
The most important astrological charts used for marriage
Our lagna chart is the main chart that shows the promise of success or failure of a marriage. The astrologers particularly put emphasis on the seventh house, Jupiter and Venus both are karaka of marriage in a horoscope among other factors.
Our navamsha chart or D-9 chart also gives important indications about the married life of a person. The Best Astrology Software for kundli matching by date of birth gives accurate calculations of all divisional charts including the navamsha chart. A careful analysis of these charts and related planets along with kundli matching lays down the foundation of a happy and successful marriage.
LeoStar Marriage Horoscope Software
LeoStar kundli software is the most popular and the most trusted astrology software used for making astrology predictions including marriage. It may guide over various aspects like education, career, business, health etc. as well.
With LeoStar matchmaking astrology software, all you need to do is to fill up a form given at the website of Future Point, select preferred language and click enter to get a free basic report on match making. It clearly tells about the compatibility or non compatibility of the marriage.
Salient Features:
- Predictions based on Indian panchanga: LeoStar is the most authentic marriage astrology software that makes use of the indications of Panchanga to decide about the general characteristics of the boy and girl. The characteristics should match in order to ensure mutual understanding between the couple.
- Marriage predictions: LeoStar software facilitates easy and accurate online kundali matching for marriage. It studies the placement of houses and planets in an individual’s horoscope in the most exhaustive manner before producing any result.
- Manglik or Kuja dosha: Kuja or Mars is known to create manglik dosha with its placement in certain houses. Kuja dosha or mangal dosha creates problems in married life. The LeoStar software accurately calculates manglik dosha and also suggests required remedies to nullify the dosha. The software performs mangal dosha matching to make sure that Mars has equal influence or cancelling any negative effects in the birth chart of both individuals.
- Planetary transits: LeoStar gives exact information of the current transits that helps a lot in predicting the success rate of a is important to calculate shani dhaiyya or sade saati at the time of marriage.
- Marriage report: LeoStar produces a Marriage report that gives important insights on how your married life will be? What will be the positive and negative side of your marriage? When will be the happy or troublesome period in marriage etc? Marriage report is a most beneficial feature which can be accessed to get the timeline of your marriage.
- Planetary placements: Planets play the most dominant role in bringing fortunes or threats in married life. LeoStar helps to detect these planetary alignments and suggests ways to use the same for your benefits.
- Nadi dosha: Nadi dosha is accurately calculated to ensure that there is no nadi dosha which causes problems in progeny later.
- Bhakoot dosha: Bhakoot dosha may ruin mental peace in the relationship based on their moon or rashi Lords compatibility. So, it is important that no bhakoot dosha should be there for a successful marriage as it results in lack of mutual understanding among the couple.
- Auspicious muhurat: The LeoStar software also finds out the best tithi and muhurat for getting married.
- Prosperity: Based on their birth chart details, the online astrology software seeks to find the level of prosperity in the couple’s life.
- Longevity: The kundali matching software also determines different negative yoga causing early death or ill health of any of them.
- Health: Serious health issues may also be detected using kundali matching software.
- Chances of separation or divorce: The astrology software LeoStar may also find out the possibilities of separation or divorce using various calculations.
- Financial stability: Financial stability may also be ascertained using LeoStar astrology software so as to avoid any arguments due to financial fluctuations.
- Rashi compatibility: One may also check rashi compatibility between you and your partner to avoid any conflicts later in life.
- Ashtakoot: Both ashtakoot and dashtakoot matching not just give an overview of the influence of stars on your marriage but also suggest required remedial measures to rectify ant existent dosha.
- Astro details: One may get Astro details explained in simple language to understand the main astrological points of their horoscopes.
LeoStar marriage astrology software provides detailed predictions for individuals as a couple so that their families are assured of happiness and prosperity in the lives of their children. With most accurate astrological algorithms and calendars, the marriage horoscope software promises luck and fortune in married life. It is always beneficial to generate various reports related to different aspects of life.