Astrological Remedies for getting Government Jobs | Future Point

Astrological Remedies for getting Government Jobs

By: Future Point | 27-Mar-2018
Views : 29619Astrological Remedies for getting Government Jobs

Getting a government job has now become as important as cracking the IIT exams. But, cracking the qualified exams is not a piece of cake. It takes hard work, dedication and many sleepless nights to crack the official SSC exams conducted every year by the government of India.

There are many individuals who are well qualified, intelligent, and fulfill all basic requirements for a particular kind of job of their choice. Still they fail to crack the entrance exams even after many attempts. After getting a punched of failure, candidates get demoralized and end up quitting their dream job.

Those who are facing such kind of situation can get a government job of their choice by adopting several astrological remedial measures. Chances of getting into a government job can improve manifold just by applying below mentioned simple and useful astrological remedies.

According to astrologers, facing failures in examination after putting all your efforts could be due to the alignments of your Zodiac stars which are creating obstacles in your life. But, there’s a way out from your problems, you’ll get the fruit of your hard work if you follow the mentioned astrological remedies for job.


    • Worship a Shani Yantra daily. Make a room or a positive place for Shani Yantra, light a lamp with mustard oil. This remedy will surely work for you. Recite Saturn mantra "OM PRAANG PREENG PRAUNG SAH SHAESHCHARAAY NAMAH" 108 times daily in front of this yantra after having bath. Recite this Mantra 19000 times within 40 days to get quick results.
    • Worship lord Hanuman regularly. Lord Hanuman is the only deity which can help you in all the problems related to Saturn. Lord Hanuman and Lord Shani Dev are friends and respect each other, as per the chronicles of Hindu mythology.
    • Donate Mustard oil, black Urad and sesame seeds and black cloth on Saturday. Help the needy and serve physically weak and impaired persons. This astrological tip for job will dispelled negativity from your life.
    • Have a fast on every Saturday and Recite "Dashrathkrit Sani Strotam".
    • If you can wear gemstones, wear Lapis lazuli of 8 or 13 carat with silver ring in the middle finger of right hand. This is used as a substitute of blue sapphire. It brings optimism and mental abilities and helps one to focus for achieving goals in life.
    • Wear blue sapphire gemstone in the middle ring, if you’re under the malicious shadow of the planet Saturn. The blue sapphire gemstone will remove Saturn’s malefic effects from your life.
    • Each morning before 8 am, offer clear water mixed with jaggery and yellow flowers to the Lord Sun and chant the Gayatri Mantra 108 times. Continue to do this remedy for 11 consecutive days starting from Sunday.
    • Those in public sector or government employees who are seeking a transfer to a particular place, should offer water mixed with 21 seeds of red chilies to the rising Sun for 43 consecutive days. In addition, have an “Abhimantrit Narmadeshwar Shiv Linga” and offer a daily abhishek of plain water or water mixed with milk to the Linga.




  • For people in clerical job or working in lower cadre, they can offer food to a handicapped person or alternatively give money for food to a handicap person once in two months.
  • Purchase a steel lock on Friday but do not open this lock and do not also let the shopkeeper open the lock. The lock has to be purchased without opening by anyone including you. Now keep this lock at a place where you sleep on Friday night. Offer this lock in any religious place on Saturday morning without opening it. Whenever any person will open this lock he or she will be opening the lock of your Luck. Do it with full faith.
  • Take Tilak from Hanuman Ji right leg thumb and have it on your forehead and pray to Lord Hanuman Ji for bestowing success on you.
  • Wear 14 mukhi faced rudraksha and clean it with Ganga jal. 14 mukhi rudraksha is known as the tears of lord Shiva. This will keep the presence of lord Shiva around you and you I’ll attain success in life.
  • Take a white cloth and put some black rice in it. Bind both together and offer it to Maa Kali in a temple.
  • Take twenty one coins of One rupee and bury these coins in a new flower pot and plant Tulsi in it. Regularly offer water to the plant and take eleven parikrama (Circumambulation) daily. Do this remedy until you get a job and when you get job, collect these coins from the plant and distribute them to small girls below 9 years of age.




If you are still having delayed for getting your government job, then jump to our page where you’ll get astrological remedies for getting a government job prescribed by our professional astrologers. Try our astrological consultation to find the way out of your problem.


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