13 Simple Vastu Tips for Wealth and Prosperity | Future Point

13 Simple Vastu Tips for Wealth and Prosperity

By: Future Point | 14-Jul-2018
Views : 497113 Simple Vastu Tips for Wealth and Prosperity

Wealth and prosperity is a must for the advancement of every human being. One spends his entire life time to accumulate wealth and if possible bequeath the same to the subsequent generation. Thus, one would plan accordingly and to earn and accumulate wealth, a sign of prosperity.

We as human beings accumulate our wealth in the form of Cash or property and ensure the same is properly taken care. If cash, we keep a major portion in our Bank account and if in the form of property, we keep the documents safe for life. However, the temptation of a human being is that one should work hard to earn more and prosper more.

It is here the ancient science of Vaastu Shastra from our Vedas come in to our rescue. This ancient science is used for the design, direction, layouts, measurements, ground preparation, space arrangement and spatial geometry while constructing a house or any place.


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Therefore, while constructing any building and its rooms/space are undertaking only after carefully considering the rules laid down as per, Vastu Shastra. Since the idea of proper Vaastu is to negate the negative energy and enhance the positive energy that would emanate from a place.

Hence, in India, especially in our Hindu culture, we give special importance to the science of Vaastu shastra while constructing our house or even our business premise. This bring peace and prosperity at our home. Also, a better career and business prospects in our office or any place of work.

13 Vastu Tips for Wealth & Prosperity

Hence, we at Future point have laid down 13 Vaastu tips for the benefits of our readers.

  • If constructing a bungalow, make sure you do not build any water body or a swimming pool, lower than the normal ground level in the South-West Direction. This is also applicable to any office or commercial complex if build.
  • Keep a cash box in your house, preferably in a cupboard. Make sure that is placed in the South or South west side of the cupboard, so that the box will open facing the North or North East. As this is the direction of Lord Kubera, the lord for amassing wealth. One will see their cash count improving.
  • Now to increase the cash flow, one can keep a Mirror facing the Cash box. This will enhance the flow of money and you will amass wealth.


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  • Please avoid keeping your cash box below a beam. This leads to cash crunch and the flow is tightened.
  • Always, keep the North-East portion clutter free, both at your home and in your office premises. No heavy objects should be stationed in this direction. Though one can also keep a Money planet in this direction. Also, do not have any stairs case in the North-East direction.
  • Again, no spiral stair case to be placed in the North-East direction. Two reasons, this will lead to a curve both in the space where the stair case would be constructed and the stair case itself. This will lead to erratic cash flows.
  • Please chose a plot or a house for residence which does not have a high-rise building to its North-East direction. This is very important for prosperity. In case one is not able to find a suitable property accordingly, then make sure, the shadow of that high rise does not fall upon your building or plot. The same rule is applicable for office space or building.
  • Always keep the South-West portion of roof higher than the North-East portion. In other words, the building roof must slope from South-West to North-East. This will enhance the follow of income and build wealth.
  • One can plan big and high trees on the South-West direction of your residence of premise of office. Since, this will balance the flow of energy and finances would remain stable for long.
  • This is also true and please do not have big and high trees in the North-East direction which will lead to imbalance of money flow.


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  • Always keep your store room in the South-West, or the Western side of the residence of business premise.
  • One can keep a Fish pot in the North-East direction for better prosperity and earnings.
  • Similarly, one can keep a pyramid shaped object in the North-East direction to enhance wealth and money flow.

The above is a few sets of examples in general. To know more or get personalized advice on Vaastu tips, one can visit our website www.futurepointindia.com or write to us at mail@futurepointindia.com. Future Point has a team of experts to advice you more.