Solar Eclipse Dosh Shanti Puja 2022 – Get Lucky this Diwali! | Future Point

Solar Eclipse Dosh Shanti Puja 2022 – Get Lucky this Diwali!

By: Future Point | 19-Oct-2022
Views : 2451Solar Eclipse Dosh Shanti Puja 2022 – Get Lucky this Diwali!

Diwali is the country's biggest festival, celebrated greatly by people of all cast and religions. In 2022, there will be a solar eclipse on Diwali, which is not an auspicious sign. Solar eclipse dosh Shanti puja may help us to overcome the harmful effects of the solar eclipse. We worship Goddess Lakshmi to ask for wealth and prosperity on this day, but a solar eclipse may not let our wishes be fulfilled. The solar eclipse will occur on Tuesday, 25th October, a Kartik month per the Hindu calendar. There will be Swati nakshatra and the Sun in the Libra zodiac sign. 

The eclipse is more threatening for those already having Grahan yoga in their horoscope. Those people with solar eclipse or lunar eclipse yoga in their birth chart must perform solar eclipse dosh Shanti puja on this occasion. However, the Puja is beneficial for all and will help remove the adverse effects of Surya Grahan dosha in a person's life. The Sutak period will start on Tuesday from 04:23 a.m. 

Solar Eclipse Dosh Shanti Puja

Surya Grahan Dosh Nivaran Pooja is necessary to achieve success, name, and fame. It helps to relieve mental and financial stress while removing obstacles and misfortunes.

The Mantra Japa is highly effective in this Grahan or eclipse period. The mantra Japa during this time yields beneficial effects while safeguarding against the harmful effects of the solar eclipse. Chanting on the river banks is more beneficial; otherwise, one can also do it in the house.

Purna Surya Grahan Dosh When the Planets Sun and Rahu are in the same house in the horoscope, or they are casting an aspect on each other, then the person has the Purna Surya Grahan Dosh in the kundli.  

Partial Surya Grahan Dosh - When the Planets Sun and Ketu are in the same house in the horoscope or casting an aspect on each other, the person has a Partial Surya Grahan Dosh in the kundli. The solar eclipse dosh Shanti puja is required in both cases.

People with Solar Eclipse in their horoscope should perform chanting using red sandalwood beads (mala). For the elderly and children, the sutak will start at 1:23 p.m. on the 25th of October.

Sun mantra – “Om Ghrini Suryay Namah “ (Mantra Japa – 7000 times)

It is usually not possible to chant the mantra in the required number as it is huge in number. This is where the need for Solar Eclipse Dosh Shanti Puja is necessary. 

All about the Grahan Dosh in the birth chart

In Astrology, the Grahan dosha is a highly inauspicious or negative yoga in a person's horoscope. The person fails in every aspect of life, and there is no peace. It makes an individual's life annoying. There is no financial growth, and the person has to struggle even for the smallest thing in life. It also causes a threat to the longevity of that person. The father has to undergo several miseries in life as well. If a person takes birth on a Solar or Moon eclipse, he has Grahan yoga in the kundli. This time is also when Rahu or Ketu comes with the Sun in the same house. The Surya Grahan dosha brings obstacles, miseries, failure, and problems in life. The person attracts misfortunes, bad health, and ill-fame and gets no respect. A female faces problems in progeny. To overcome all these problems, Future Point provides Online Solar Eclipse Dosh Shanti Puja services. 

Grahan Dosha Nivaran Puja brings confidence, fame, success, power, financial growth, mental peace, and happiness. 

Precautions at the time of Surya Grahan

Hindu texts prescribe avoiding eating, drinking, or doing anything during the time of the solar eclipse or grahan. The time is usually meant for chanting and doing religious activities. The grahan also has negative effects on the food grains or food items in the house; it is good to put Tulsi or basil leaves in the food containers to protect them against harm. It is also good to take a bath immediately after the Grahan ends. The doors of the temple in the house should be closed.

  • Do not use a knife or scissors
  • Do not pluck the leaves or flowers
  • Do not wash clothes or hair
  • Do not brush your teeth
  • Do not milk buffalo
  • Do not eat or drink
  • Do not speak rudely
  • Do not travel
  • Do not sleep

Special precautions for pregnant women

  • Do not step out of the house and avoid looking at the Grahan.
  • Do not use sharp objects like knives, needles, scissors, etc. 
  • Do not sleep at the time of a Grahan, as it may cause damage to the baby.  

Benefits of Solar Eclipse Dosh Shanti Puja

  • Say goodbye to the problems of stress, obstacles, and misfortunes.
  • The Puja gives confidence, power, prosperity, and happiness.
  • The Puja is beneficial for gaining professional growth and success.
  • It helps to get peace in relations and life. 
  • It helps to achieve success, fame, and recognition. It removes negativity and the evil eye. 

Charity for Solar Eclipse

To gain desired results of the puja rituals, it is essential to perform charity for poor people, animals, and birds. The Hindu scriptures ask for performing sat karma, where a person should donate a few items to the poor people, should offer a few in the temple, and few items should be offered to the animals and birds. The Satkarma increases the power of the puja ritual and brings favorable results for the native. The items include food, clothes, money, metal, gemstones, etc. 

The online solar eclipse Shanti puja by Future Point ensures-

  • The Sankalpa for Puja is taken properly to specify the purpose of performing Puja. 
  • Puja is performed by highly qualified Siddha pundits
  • The devotee gets a video recording of the Puja. 
  • The devotee may connect using online means or WhatsApp. 
  • The video clipping of chanting of mantra and yajna performed will be sent to the devotee.

In the puja services provided by Future Point, the priests take a Sankalpa before starting the Puja. Once the Sankalpa is taken the person is bound to complete the stated number Japas. Thus there is surety and genuineness in all puja rituals. The person gets the positive effects of the Puja as soon as it completes. 

Book your Solar Eclipse Shanti Puja Now

Book your solar eclipse Shanti puja now with Future Point to get the maximum benefits. The Puja, as performed most authentically and genuinely, brings happiness, growth, and prosperity in life. Gain confidence, health, name-fame, and growth in life by propitiating the planets in the right manner only with Future Point. The solar eclipse or grahan in your horoscope may be the prime reason for failure and miseries. Remove obstacles and financial troubles by rectifying the Grahan yoga in the kundli. The Sun is the most important planet, and one must strengthen it to achieve success in life. This Diwali, attract luck and make fortunes in its real sense!