Plan your day according to Numerology | Future Point

Plan your day according to Numerology

By: Future Point | 01-Aug-2018
Views : 9977Plan your day according to Numerology

Which day is good for specific act. Everybody is interested to know which day is good for a particular act, like if somebody is signing a contract, wants to start a new venture or do some meeting with business associates etc.

So with the help of numerology we can find out a specific day, which is suitable for doing specific act.

For this we only have to take our date of birth, month of birth and today's date e.g., if someone's birthday is on 21.3.1982 and today's date is 3.5.2009.

So we take,

Date of birth 21

month of birth 3

24 [2+4] = [6]

Today's date

Day 03

Month 05

Year 2009

2017 = [2+0+1+7] = 10= [1+0]=[1]

So for him today's day is No. 7 [6+1] so, he can plan his day according to No. 7 and will get success.

Significance of Numbers - 1 to 9

No. 1 : Related to planet Sun

1. Starting a new project and work on it.

2. Expressing your ideas.

3. Trying for a competition.

4. Developing a new friendship.

5. Go for a business trip.

6. Purchasing machinery and equipment.

7. Participate in music & dance activity.

8. Do work related to Govt. department.

9. Your confidence will be high on that day.

No 2 : Related to planet Moon

1. Try to be diplomatic today.

2. Improve your financial status

3. Try to get co-operation from others.

4. Selecting a life partner.

5. Enter into a contract

6. Today is the best day to collect your blocked payments.

7. Do some creative work.

No. 3: Related to planet Jupiter

1. Best day for writing, editing and teaching work.

2. Meeting new people specially business associates.

3. Try to achieve your ambition.

4. Making new investments.

5. Taking legal advice.

6. Studying a new subject.

7. Plan to meet your relatives.

No. 4: Related to planet Rahu

1. Trying one's luck in race or lottery

2. Dealing with agriculture projects.

3. Complete your pending work.

4. Arrange your home or office.

5. Consult a Doctor.

6. Work hard today for getting success.

No. 5 : Related to planet Mercury

1. You will get favour from opposite sex.

2. Good day for business meeting.

3. Do some research work.

4. Attending a party.

5. Impress your boss today with your convincing power.

6. Give talk on the radio.

No. 6 : Related to planet Venus

1. Try to make yourself look attractive and charming.

2. Decorate your home.

3. Visiting beauty parlour.

4. Taking rest and reading books.

5. Spend time with your lover.

6. Listen to the music.

7. Go for shopping and enjoy yourself.

8. Patching up old quarrels.

9. Keep yourself happy and cheerful.

No. 7 Related to planet Ketu

1. Better to stay at home and relax.

2. Take care of your diet.

3. Controlling unwanted talks.

4. Go to a spiritual place.

5. You will be out all day and it will be very tiring.

No. 8 : Related to planet Saturn

1. Studying mysticism.

2. Donate to charitable institution.

3. Looking after financial matters.

4. Do spiritual healing

5. Work very hard and you will get good results.

6. Serve poor people.

7. Sign legal matters

8. Applying for loan

No. 9 : Related to planet Mars

1. Dealing with masses

2. Advertise your product.

3. Participate in Artistic thing.

4. Show your performance in public.

5. Do some creative work.

6. Rectifying your mistakes.

7. Be courageous in your work.

8. Abstain from getting into any type of arguments.