Lucky Car Colour according to Date of Birth | Future Point

Lucky Car Colour according to Date of Birth

By: Future Point | 13-Dec-2024
Views : 2597Lucky Car Colour according to Date of Birth

There are many colors around us that affect our minds and brains. Colors also reflect our emotions. According to astrology, colors that please the mind make our mood good while colors that do not please the mind can also create negative feelings within us. 

Have you ever noticed that your car keeps breaking down and you keep getting it repaired again and again? If the same problem persists it is the same with you as well. Whatever you have at the moment is the vehicle that is bothering you or causing any harm. It is not lucky for you from the point of view of this problem. 

Because the colour of your vehicle is not compatible with your planets. It may also happen. Let us tell you how to choose your lucky car colour with the help of numerology according to your date of birth:

In Vedic astrology selecting a lucky car colour based on your date of birth involves analyzing the planetary ruler of your birth number (calculated by adding the digit is achieved). The favorable colors are then chosen according to the ruling planet and its elemental association:

  • Calculating your birth date number: write down your full date. Example: 16 July 1992. Add digits: 1+6= 7 thus your Moolank is 7.
  • Find the ruling planet: each birth number (Moolank) corresponds to a planet:
  • 1= Sun,
  • 2= Moon,
  • 3= Jupiter,
  •  4= Rahu,
  •  5= Mercury,
  • 6= Venus,
  • 7= Ketu,
  • 8= Saturn,
  • 9= Mars,

Determine the lucky car color according to your Moloank:

Moolank 1: if you are born on 01, 10, 19, or 28 of any month then you should keep the total of your car number 1, 4, 7, and you should buy a vehicle of yellow, golden, and light color. Do not keep a vehicle with number 6, or 8, and never buy a vehicle of blue, brown, purple and black color otherwise there can be some loss or accident. Sunday is a very auspicious day for you.

Moolank 2: for people who are born on 02, 11, 20, and 29, the total of their vehicle number should be 1, 2, 4, and 8. Keep in mind that you should not keep a vehicle with the sum of number 9. It will be good if you buy a white or light-colored vehicle. Do not buy a red or pink colored vehicle. Sunday and Monday are very auspicious days for you.

Moolank 3: If you are born on 03, 12, 21, or 30 the total of your vehicle of yellow, purple or pink color will be auspicious. Do not buy a vehicle with number 5, or 8, and avoid buying a vehicle of light green, white, or brown color. Thursday, Friday, and Tuesday are the best days for you.

Moolank 4: such people who are born on 04, 13, 22, and 31 of any month. The total of the vehicle number of the people with these numbers should be 1 and 4. Do not buy vehicles with numbers 9, 6, and 8. Buy vehicles of blue and brown color. Do not buy vehicles of pink and black color. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday are very auspicious days for people of this number.

Moolank 5: If you are born on 05, 14, or 23 of any month, then you should keep the total of your vehicle number as 5. Do not buy a vehicle with numbers 3, 8, or 9. Buy light green, white, or brown Colored vehicles can cause damage. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are considered very auspicious days for people with the number 5.

Moolank 6: people who are born on 06, 15, and 24 of any month. The sum of the vehicle number of people with the number 6 should be 3, 6, and 9. Avoid buying vehicles numbered 4 and 8. Light blue, yellow, and pink colored vehicles will benefit you. Avoid buying a black-colored vehicle. Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday are beneficial days for people of this number.

Moolank 7: if you are born on 07, 16, or 25 then the total of your vehicle number should be 1, 4, and 7. Do not buy a car with 8 or 9 numbers. Buy a blue or white colored car. Do not buy a yellow or black colored car. Sunday and Monday are considered very auspicious days for people with the number 7.

Moolank 8: people who are born on 08, 17, and 26 of any month. People with the radix number 8 should keep the total of their car numbers as 8. You should not buy vehicles with numbers 1, and 4. You can buy black, blue and purple colored cars. Red or pink colored car can be harmful. Saturday is the most auspicious day for them. Sunday and Monday also give good results.

Moolank 9: if you are born on 9, 18, or 27 then you should choose a number for your car whose total is 3, 6, or 9. Cars with numbers 5 and 7 can cause harm. You should buy a vehicle of dark red, pink or turquoise color. Do not buy a car of black or dark blue color. Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday are the days that increase good fortune for you.

Some more tips for car selection:

  •  Choose an auspicious day based on your Nakshatra and planetary alignments to finalize the car.
  • Ensure the car number resonates with your birth number in numerology for added luck.


In numerology calculations are made on the basis of the characteristics of the nine planets, Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Rahu, Mercury, Venus, Ketu, Saturn, and Mars. For each of these planets a number from 1 to 9 has been assigned which has a profound impact on human life. To know about your lucky birth number (Moolank) and destiny number (Bhagyank) in detail consult our best numerologist and astrologers.