Buy Kidney Stone (Jade) Online at Best Price | Future Point

Kidney Stone (Jade)

Jade Gemstone or Kidney Stone is a naturally forming semi-precious gemstone which has mystical powers in it. Kidney Stone is the birthstone for March month. The factor that attracts the people towards the gemstone is that it represents the spiritual world. It enhances the luck factor of the wearer as it multiplies the prosperity and abundance in wearers’ life. After touching the stone one can feel their deepest dreams and desires in life nearing their fruition.



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One can also Buy Kidney Stone Online as it brings about good abundance and wisdom in an individual’s life. It is also believed that jade bestows the wearer with wonderful healing properties. It safeguards the wearer from the ailments of the bladder and kidney. It is also called Kidney stone because it protects the wearer from kidney ailments. According to astrologers, it is considered best when it touches the wearer body.

It is mainly valued for its mystical powers, beauty, and protection. One can experience the stability in life as the Jade Gemstone brings peace to the individual mind. It can be worn by the natives who belongs to the creative sector. Kidney stone also protects the wearer from all types of misfortunes and dangers. In China, it has become the most highly esteemed gemstone.

Purpose of Kidney Stone

The natives who are facing problems in getting proper sleep then they are considered to wear the Jade gemstone. It safeguards the wearer from nightmares and protects them from the ill effects of the evil eye. It is mainly worn to get rid of the disease that is related to the kidney. It facilitates the wearer to the spiritual world as it enhances the ritualistic knowledge in the individual.

It is believed that it ensures the wearer with a long life. It also harmonizes the wisdom in wearers life by discarding negative energy. It is also known as the protective stone as it protects the wearer from every type of obstacle in life. According to ancient scriptures, it is considered as a symbol of serenity, tranquility, and purity. It is also said that after wearing it one can experience good luck, peace, and harmony in his/her life. Due to such magical properties, it is considered as a versatile stone. One should always have an Astrology Consultation with a Top Astrologer that states how to wear kidney stone, as it possesses magnificent power.

Types of Jade Gemstone

According to Vedic astrology, Jades comes in two different types one is Jadeite and other Nephrite. Both types of gemstones are having different properties which benefited individuals. Before buying one should always have the knowledge about both the Jades.

  • Nephrite Jade: This is the type of Jade that is commonly used in burial ceremonies. It is strongly believed by the astrologers that it can bless any person who came in the contact of this stone. It protects the wearer from the diseases that are related to the kidney, and liver. It bestows the wearer with a peaceful mind by keeping him/her away from all type grudges. It also helps in the recovery of bacterial and viral infection and pain relief for bone and joint pain.
  • Jadeite Jade: It is the rarer and expensive type Jade, which is slightly different properties from the common Nephrite Jade. Jadeite gemstone deals with the problems that are related to health, love life, and longevity of life. It enhances the health of the individual by protecting them from a serious illness. It also safeguards the wearer from accidents and obstacles. When the gemstone is worn as the jewelry then it helps the individual in expressing love.

The technical composition of Kidney Stone (Jade)

According to the scientific term, the name of the gemstone (Jade) is shared by two different minerals. Nephrite, calcium magnesium silicate and Jadeite is taken from sodium aluminum silicate. They both are exceptionally tough stones as they both are having different compositions, hardness, densities and crystal structures. Differentiation in properties doesn’t affect their look as they look similar in appearance. The mining of the Jade gemstone is usually done in Burma, USA, and China. According to Vedic Astrology, Chinese Jades are considered best to wore as they are more pure and precious.

Astrological benefits of Kidney stone (Jade)

The gemstone carries many magnificent and mystical powers in it which bestows the wearer with different astrological benefits in life. To avail, such benefits in the life one can buy Kidney gemstone from Future Point.

  • The kidney stone or Jade stone helps the wearer in demonstrating the dreams in real life.
  • It can be also worn by the natives who were born in the month of March, as it is considered as a mystical birthstone of March.
  • The gemstone is considered best when worn by the people who belong to Virgo zodiac.
  • It delivers peace and harmony to the wearer mind in tensed and conflicted situations.
  • The gemstone bestows the individual with sincerity and stability.
  • It also ensures the individuals by bringing stability in the physical and emotional aspects of the individual life.
  • It helps the wearer in achieving dreams or goals in life.
  • It builds the courage and compassion in the wearer which makes the individual strong in difficult times
  • It safeguards the wearer from liver and kidney ailments.
  • It supports the wearer in having a long life and it helps the individual in having a peaceful death.
  • The gemstone also enhances the creativity level of the wearer by offering him/her with new and innovative ideas.
  • According to astrologers, it is considered best when it is worn as amulets. It is believed that it wards off negative energy while traveling.
  • It prepares or helps the native in recovering from major disappointment.
  • Jade gemstone helps the wearer in making the right decisions when it comes to career or business.
  • It builds motivation in the individual to achieve the goals in life.
  • It nullifies all the negative energy by building a positive field around the wearer.

Benefits of Kidney Stone (Jade)

  • The green Jade is a well-known gemstone for enhancing love and relationships in the wearers life.
  • It builds peace and calmness to the wearer’s mind in chaotic situations.
  • It dispels the negative energy from the individual.
  • It promotes the healing of heart chakra which makes the wearer more balanced and strong in life.
  • It prevents the individual from the nightmares by providing him/her with peaceful sleep.
  • It makes the wearer strong and optimistic whenever the negative love situation occurs in life.
  • It prevents the wearer from all types of grudges and fights in life.
  • As it encourages a healthier life, It promotes the wearer with a positive outlook.
  • It balances the yin and yang energy, which helps the individual in balancing love life.
  • It helps the person in making wise and prudent decisions in chaotic or worse situations.
  • The gemstone prevents the wearer from the ill effects of evil eye.
  • It bestows wealth to a person’s life and prevents them from unnecessary loss of wealth.
  • It is specially worn for kidney ailments as it safeguards the wearer from the diseases that are related to the kidney and liver.
  • It also helps in enhancing the memory power of the native.
  • The Jade Gemstone brings confidence and helps in overcoming from being introvert and underconfident.
  • The gemstone also promotes wisdom and provides a good long life.

Buy Jade Gemstones Online from Future Point, the most trusted astrology website in India.

Identification of a real Kidney Stone (Jade)

The Kidney Stone or Jade is a wonderful and beautiful gemstone which is available in today’s market. It also comes in different colors like orange, green, white, etc. To get maximum benefits one should always opt a green color. Due to its brilliant green color ita has become popular gemstone. Due to its popularity, it is rare to find a genuine stone. The treated, fake and imitated jades can be easily seen in the market. To recieve the maximum benefits of the gemstone on should always buy real jade gemstones. There are several ways to identify the genuine gemstone which one should always opt before buying. The person can easily identify genuine Jade after performing the following test:

Test for identification

The person can easily identify genuine Jade after performing the following test:

  • The Density test: The test can be performed in two ways. First by tossing the stone in the air and in the second way one can observe the sound of the stone. In a first way, the individual can judge the gemstone less accurately. One can toss the jade in the air and catches in the palm. if it is authentic Jade then it feels heavier then the other gemstone which is made of the same size. In a second way, the individual can observe the sound by tapping the gemstone gently with each other. If it sounds like plastic then it is probably a fake gemstone. Both types of Jades are having a high density(jadeite-3.3 and Nephrite-2.95). The density can easily be measured by dividing weight(in grams) by the volume(c.c).
  • Cold Test: This is the easiest test which one can conduct while buying the gemstone. Just hold the stone in hand and it should feel like cold, smooth and has soap like touch. If it is a genuine gemstone then it will become warm in a while.
  • Scratch test: The gemstone is having the high density which makes it almost scratchless. As compare to jadeite, nephrite is softer in nature. So, performing the test improperly may damage the piece. To perform the test, one has to use the blunt end of scissors. From that end gently press the scissor on the unseen side of the gemstone (bottom or end) and draw a line on it. If it is a genuine gemstone then the line will be erased easily. If the line still remains then it is a fake one.

Qualities of a good Kidney stone(Jade)

The good quality Jade Stone should not have any type of impurities within its structure, it should be clarity in it. One can easily check the impurities of the gemstone by placing it on the surface of light. Light will detect the cracks, impurities, and chips within the gem. The color of the gemstone should be very clear and shiny. Genuine Jade is more likely to have minor imperfections. The imperfections are like uneven shape, dips on the surface or pitting. It will remain even after the polishing of the stone is done.

  • Color: The Kidney Stone is the semi-precious gemstone, that has become more popular because of its remedial powers. It is further classified into two different categories and Nephrite. Jadeite is considered as more rare gemstone then nephrite. In the market, the Jade Gemstones can be found in green, lavender, red, yellow, white and black colors with a translucent and waxy surface.
  • Cut: According to ancient learned astrologers, one should always buy perfect faceted Jade. It highlights the proper color and clarity of the gemstone. The genuine Kidney Stone or Jade is quite rare to find in the market as it is available on a trusted Gemstore or website. The irregular cutting of the gemstone often degrades the beauty and the shine of the stone which makes it less attractive and desirable. It also affects the wearer’s life.
  • Carat and Quality: The Genuine Jade stone is green in color and has a dazzling shine in it. There are the stones which are having some blotches or impurities in which can be easily seen in the sunlight. It is always preferred to buy the purified stone. Some of the minor impurities can be neglected as it will be removed after polishing. Sometimes impurities don’t rid from the surface but it doesn’t affect the wearer or stone. The wearer is always preferred to wear the gemstone with the minimum weight of 1/10th of his/her body. For example, if the individual weighs around 70kgs then he/she should wear 7carat Zircon Gemstone. Minimum 1/10th of the wearer’s body weight (in kgs). E.g. - A person weighing 60 kgs can wear a 6-carat Zircon gemstone.

    Note: These gemstones are powerful stones, before wearing any gemstone, make sure that you consult an Astrologer to check if it’s compatible with your Horoscope. Gem report will be also provided to you to see whether this gem is suitable to you or not.

    Disclaimer: Future Point assures 100% Genuine and Lab Certified Gemstones. Before buying any gemstone you are recommended to go for an Astrologer’s Consultation.

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Kidney Stone (Jade)


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