Their social influence shall increase and they are likely to develop contacts with influential people. Work and family will turn equally important for you in the year 2019. Most of you will try to strike balance between the two. After making gains at work due to your ideas and network developed over the years, you will get into a very strong and impressive growth phase after mid-June 2019. There would be growth, hard work & new energy in the second half of the year. Self-employed professionals will be able to expand their client base.
Marriage matters will be average as there would be some positive trends but nothing superb or superlative in the first half of the year. For few, there are increased chances of being ditched in a relationship. Hence be guarded against betrayal. The pressure of old debts and competition will create pressure on your finances in this period.
For business people, income and gains might also go down due to competitive pressures also there are chances that profit and margins received might be lower. Since you are highly emotional, you might fall prey to stress. Don’t let your mind race all night, no matter how excited you are about things. Since this year is likely to produce mixed results for you, are advised to stay content at all times.
Career Horoscope for Libra in 2019
Career-related matters will turn more prominent during later half of the year. Hectic schedules might ask for more professional competence. Work and family will turn equally important. Most of you will try to strike balance between two. After making gains at work due to your ideas and network developed over the years, you will get into a very strong and impressive growth phase after mid-June 2019. There would be growth, hard work & new energy in the second half of the year. Self-employed professionals will be able to expand their client base. Though the career path of service professionals strewn with obstacles but they will eventually be able to make it to the top. Those in uniform service, agro-based, legal, teaching and counselling professions will fair extremely well. Politicians should actively take the 1st quarter of 2019 for political manoeuvres. Creative artists will able to win accolades for their performance. High level of dynamism at work will be there during September 2019. Make the most of this period and try to achieve all you aspire for.
Fortune Rating: 3.5/5
Love and Relationship Horoscope for Libra in 2019
Singles might get multiple proposals. You are going to be romantically inclined and conducive to getting into new relationships. Family supported or person introduced through family could come into your life in the first half of the year. Marriage matters will be average as there would be some positive trends but nothing superb or superlative in the first half of the year. For few, there are increased chances of being ditched in a relationship. Hence be guarded. In family terms, priorities may change for many. Elders might demand extra care and attention. You might seek an increased demand for emotional bonding.
Fortune Rating: 4/5
Finance Horoscope for Libra in 2019
Some of you might find inheritance issues. Property related legal battles can be there for few. Financial windfalls during 2nd and 3rd quarter of the year can force few to squeeze their financial expenses. The pressure of old debts and competition will create some pressures on your finances. For business people, income and gains might also go down due to competitive pressures and profit and margins might be lower also. You need to plan for this year as promotional work and a good amount of efforts made right now would compensate for the lack of profits or lack of inflows between July and December 2019. Few can make quick money from part-time jobs and consultations. For few, there can be gains and growth due to income from partners and gains from the spouse.
Fortune Rating: 3.5/5
Health Horoscope for Libra in 2019
Some of you may be affected by health issues, either yourselves or those around you. The necessary response will bring change in the pattern of once lives. Health issues or new health and lifestyle practices will bring about immediate and practical changes to daily life. Put aside some time to relax. Don’t stress yourself out, and make sure you get enough sleep. Don’t let your mind race all night, no matter how excited you are. You could also have issues related to your blood, like high blood pressure or being low in iron. Get your checkups. You’ve been going full steam ahead for some time.
Fortune Rating: 4/5
Education Horoscope for Libra in 2019
During 2019, most of the student’s will attain good academic progress however some can be prone to bouts of absent mindedness. So, those appearing for competitive exams must double check, that they have marked correct entries in enrolment forms as well as in QMR sheets. Those involved in research and higher studies shall excel to increase the breadth of their knowledge as they move from one level of accomplishment to the next. Others may step back from a path so as to contemplate their situation. One must understand that there are more streams of knowledge or understanding than one imagined. Study, travel and expansion shall be in the frame.
Fortune Rating: 3.5/5
Travel Horoscope for Libra in 2019
For students, the Year 2019 might set out new directions. Study or overseas travel may be linked with this. Professionals as far as possible, avoid travels, as these may be tedious, tiresome and risky and could affect your health adversely.
Fortune Rating: 3/5
Property and Wealth Horoscope for Libra in 2019
The first quarter of 2019 is not an auspicious quarter to finalize real estate deals. Construction activities might prove out to be costlier than estimated. Sale/purchase of profits might not yield the desired results. Ancestral property matters may not get settled.
Fortune Rating: 3.5/5
Remedy: Offer roses in a Laxmi Temple on Fridays. Feed birds daily.
Overall Fortune Rating: 3.5/5