There is a change in income depicted, which would either be a promotion or a job change which offers you a great salary package. In case you are a hard worker, everyone you know at work will be all praises for you due to your honesty and excellence at what you do. The period from February to April advises you to work diligently and be vigilant in the matters concerning money. A minor slip up could cause you a lot, so make sure that you check every document before approving it.
Your love life might have to face minor hiccups in the year 2019. Be very careful whilst talking to your partner about a topic that they are passionate about. It’s advised that you adopt a cam and understanding tone in order to get what they are saying without passing any judgement. In case you neglect the plea of being calm, you might irk your partner and cause a bigger misunderstanding.
Your family life would be blissful. Parents would understand where you are coming from in any conversation and lend their support to your arguments. Family members support would be crucial in professional and personal matters. In the month of January, you might have to keep up with their tones, but as the year progresses things will mellow down.
Career Horoscope for Leo in 2019
On the career front, the year demands more competency, to have stronger goals and new and innovative methods to achieve success. It might be tough to manage relations with Superiors and Subordinates. Hence have your pulse under control. Colleagues will provide an extra support at times. The first quarter indicates that career might remain stagnant remain calm as indications are there that it shall pass too. Self-employed professionals might have to counter tough challenges, but they will enjoy good results in proportion to efforts put in the quality and quantity during the second half of the year. Those in service are likely to be burdened with additional responsibility. Politicians must avoid meddling into sticking their neck out in unnecessary controversies. Those evolved with performing arts will shine in their career. Those in uniformed services might face a tough time. During the second half of the year, Luck would pick up at work & focus would be high. This could give your career the much-needed push. You will see yourself working aggressively hard.
Fortune Rating: 3.5/5
Love and relationship Horoscope for Leo in 2019
On the relationship front, you just need to be more vocal with your partner. Be open with your feelings and it will surely help to build a better relationship with the love of your life. The year beings the needs to have more focus on family life and domestic issues. Certain new controversies and stress during the 2nd quarter of 2019 might make relationships very stressful and difficult. However, there would be improvements after August 2019 as the level of bonding and connection will improve. You will feel more energetic, positive and your ability to handle relationships would go up tremendously in the second half of the year. A certain amount of clarity and willingness to handle relationships will also come in by June 2019. There would be an improvement in marriage matters, stability in relationships and definitely, a long-term vision in how you look at love and marriage matters would take place.
Fortune Rating: 3.5/5
Finance Horoscope for Leo in 2019
Finally, the year is not a promising one for good gains and savings. For better ends stay away from confrontations or risky pursuits. Curb your expenses to stay out of any financial mess. For some, there could be the possibility of investments in real estate or car purchase that is likely to keep finances under pressure on account of repayments. This is high time for most of you to start saving money.
Fortune Rating: 3.5/5
Health Horoscope for Leo in 2019
You need to relax much to stay fit and healthy. You may be prone to issues affecting nervous system — like stress from too many hours at the office. Heart and stomach can pose some health issues. Another concern could be putting in too much time at the gym. Bond with that influence and apply it to your health. Cerebral activities will likely be more beneficial than physical ones. Meditation time! A healthy diet and routine exercise can help most of you to remain healthy and hearty.
Fortune Rating: 2.5/5
Education Horoscope for Leo in 2019
2019 warns students to shun distractions and concentrate harder on their courses if they wish to achieve good results. Be careful while taking long-term academic decisions. Some may decide to study or increase the dimension of your knowledge as you move from one level of wisdom to the next. Others may step back from a path, withdrawing to contemplate your situation or choosing a new area or discipline of knowledge to expand the horizon. There might be overseas travels, higher learning, important litigations or dealings with people of status. You will need to think and make abiding decisions about where your life is going. April and August can be months of critical decisions.
Fortune Rating: 3/5
Travel Horoscope for Leo in 2019
Travel for business is indicated during 2019. Schedules can be hectic but at the same time business travelling will fetch one good contacts, deals as well as important profits. Guard valuables and luggage while travelling to prevent loss.
Fortune Rating: 2.5/5
Property and Wealth Horoscope for Leo in 2019
Individuals under favourable planetary influences will be able to buy new flats /houses. Long-term property investment will prove out to be highly beneficial for many. Construction activities will proceed smoothly in spite of accessional hiccups.
Fortune Rating: 2/5
Remedy: Worship your deity at least twice in a day.
Overall Fortune Rating: 3.5/5