Lal Kitab astrology software gives all Lal Kitab calculations, predictions & remedies. Lal Kitab is wonder book of astrology. In Leostar Lal Kitab both traditional and modern methods of Lal Kitab have been incorporated. Lal Kitab is considered to be the practical knowledge which is quite different from prevailing traditional knowledge of astrology. This astrology software leostar incorporates the Lal Kitab horoscope and other relevant information of Lal Kitab astrology but also provides the remedies of Lal KItab. Lal Kitab horoscope & Varshphal can be made easily with the help of this software.
Apart from Lal Kitab calculations and predictions it also contains comprehensive and complete astrology solutions required by an astrologer for making predictions in its Astrology module i.e. planet aspect, Bhava aspect, cusp aspect, Saptvargas, Shodash Vargas, Varga Bhedas, Vimsopaka, Satvargas, Shodash Vargas, Varga Bhedas, Vimsopaka, Karaka, Avastha, Rashmi, Nakshatra Reading, Mahadasha and Antardasha analysis and Transit predictions for next 30 years, More than 500 astrological combinations, transits till 9999, the combinations and remedial measures for inauspicious Yogas like Manglik dosh, Kaalsarpa Yoga and Sadesati etc. have also been given in detail.
Leostar Lal Kitab Software
Astro software Leostar Lal Kitab contains following modules:
Additional Features of Leostar LalKitab
Astro software Leostar is known for getting minute calculations. This astro software is an ocean of astrological knowledge. Astro software Leostar can cast lagna, chalit, cusp, sun, moon, hora and divisional charts. Astrologers use different Dashas for getting accurate predictions. Different types of Aynanshas used in astrology like Lahiri, KP, Raman, Jaimini, Bhrigu, Manu and Sayan are available in it. For astrologers this vedic astrology software is like a miracle. All horoscopes can be saved in it. This vedic astrology software contains longitudes and latitudes of 1 Crore cities.
Features of Leostar LalKitab are as follows:
- The modules that one gets in Leostar LalKitab software are Teva, Astrology, LalKitab, Tables & Mundane.
- Lal Kitab horoscope, ChandraKundali Lal Kitab, Moon chart, Planetary degrees, planet positions, Bhava detail, Bhava positioning, friendship chart, planet/Rashi prediction, Teva detail.
- Lal kitab astrology software includes Lalkitab Kundli, LalKitab Varshphal and Avakhada.
- Description of blind planets, righteous horoscope, underage horoscope, debts of previous birth.
- This software tells whether it is Ratandh Teva, Dharmi Teva or Nabalik Teva.
- Information about all types of debts with the impact and remedies for these debts.
- Lal Kitab Varshphal, Predictions of Varshphal, planet position in Varshphal, Bhava positioning in Varshphal, Yearly Moon chart.
- Lal Kitab Dasha, planetary degrees, Lal Kitab chart, planet position.
- Lal Kitab planetary predictions of nine planets with restrictions and remedies.
- Lal Kiab predictions, Lal Kitab Varshphal predictions and Avakhada.
- Comprehensive information about Lal Kitab Remedies.
- Avakhada, Ghatchakra, Tara Chakra, Panchang, Calendar.
- Astro Software Leostar can cast all types of charts like Lagna, Chalit, Bava cusp and various types of divisional charts.
- This astro software contains calculations related to Shadbal, Jaimini, Karakavastha and Sudershan Chakra.
- KP System, KP Significator, Shodasvarga Tables, Upgraha, Sannadi Chakra etc are included.
- Prashar Ashtakvarga, Ashtakvarga Chart & Ashatak ascendant are also given in this astro software.
- Nakshatra Reading, Mahadasha & Antardasha analysis & Transit predictions for next 30 years are incorporated in this astro software.
- More than 500 yogas(astrological combinations) have been included in this astro software.
- This astro software shows Transits to view planets moving around the natal horoscope.
- This astro software contains reading material for Palmistry, Numerology, Vastu, Astrology and 21 Horary tools.
- Not only the students and expert astrologers can get accurate calculations but they can also use the horoscopes given in the databank of this astro software.
- User can get additional information like Astrograph, Longevity, Kaalsarp dosha, Sadesati vichar, Manglik vichar and Remedies etc. too from this astro software.
- Prescription of stones along with the method of wearing it has also been given in this astro software.
- Mantras are also recommended along with the articles of donation for propitiating planets. Remedies for Sadesati are also given in detail.

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