Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope | Sagittarius Astrology Forecast

Monthly Prediction for Sagittarius



This month you have much that is encouraging, for your health, in the combination of stars facing you. We need only sound a note of caution against over-exertion. This should be strictly avoided and energies disbanded wisely to keep up all normal activity and yet not cause undue strain on the system. This can be conveniently achieved by chalking out a fresh schedule of activity. There are some grounds for you to maintain proper dental health and ensure that all normal precaution are taken. Apart from this, you have a fairly beneficial month from your health point of view.


Nothing particularly favourable about your financial prospects this month, since the combination of stars facing you is none too favourable. There are clear indications that speculation would result in serious losses for some of you. The lesson is evident, that you should stay away from gambling of all varieties. Further, there is the likelihood of your relations with your superiors deteriorating to such an extent that losses become a distinct possibility. Take remedial action well in time and prevent such an eventuality. The climate would be none too favourable for making investments or for launching new projects. Such plans should therefore, be shelved for the moment.


A fruitful month in so far as your professional prospects are concerned. Practitioners of the fine arts and others of their ilk would have an extremely satisfying time. In fact, some of you may well go on to make a mark for yourselves with your contributions. There are indications that you would tend to work quite hard and go for your objectives efficiently. And in this you shall succeed. There may even be a shifting of the venue of your operations, whether business or service. Though it might be a good idea to change only after careful and serious deliberation.There would also be a fair bit of travel, which overall also would prove extremely beneficial. The most favourable direction is west.


Nothing particularly favourable about the augury, from the stars in so far as your educational pursuits are concerned. This month all examination results of most of you would be below expectations, to say the least. Further, most of you would have to struggle for the realization of your objectives. Technical students and those studying medicine would have to work much harder than normal to maintain their ranking. Those pursuing crafts and technical trades would remain largely unaffected by the adverse spell of circumstances.Those sitting for competitive examinations should go in for extra coaching since this would prove to be decisive in determining the outcome of your results.


A month during which prospects of gains from travels are quite dim, because the combination of stars facing you is not too encouraging on this score. This month you would tend to travel alone mostly by rail and by road, with a fair measure of air travel. Further, a trip abroad cannot be ruled out. However, what is quite certain is that these sojourns would not achieve even a fraction of the goals. A good percentage of this travel would not be related to your business or job. The most favourable direction would be East.


A month during which there is much to cheer the heart in the augury from the stars is so far as your family affairs are concerned. There are good chances of an auspicious family celebration to felicitate an addition in the family. The feeling of celebration would remain with you throughout the month, making the domestic atmosphere quite pleasant, with harmony among the members. This would effect the children in an extremely beneficial manner. They would remain good-natured and also do well in their appointed pursuits, a development that will bring a lot of happiness to the family.


A month during which you might face some problem relating to your children but they would by and large be a source of satisfaction to you since the stars are quite favourably placed. No sparks of brilliance may be noticed, but in a routine sort of a way most children would register fairly impressive progress in their pursuits. Stubborn children would tend be to less so during the coming month. Parents may also have to help teenagers with decisions on important matters. A healthy disregard for authority should be allowed to pass since this would generate the capacity for initiative.

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Common Feature of Sagittarius

General Characteristics Sagittarius

Optimism describes Sagittarians. They always believe that good things will happen tomorrow. It is their spirit which makes them always see at the bright side of a situation. It is said that Sagittarians are always guided by lucky stars and good things will always happen to them. Sagittarians are very independent in their dispositions. They have vibrant and expansive personalities. They are curious by nature and always seek knowledge to expand their outlook. They also have a spiritualistic bent of mind. The Sagittarius horoscope predicts that Sagittarians are unemotional. They don’t like dwelling on the past. They tend to get bored easily and simply move on with the life. This is because they have two personalities, because the Centaur (Sagittarius symbol), is half horse half person. The Sagittarius’s two personalities: the animal (horse): (aggressive, rebellious, free-roaming, etc.),They are highly attractive, active, knowledgeable, generous, straightforward and dynamic but tactless. The speed of their emotions is very high and sometimes it becomes little difficult for Sagittarians to control their emotions. They are deeply religious and are pandits of religion and politics. They can become successful evangelists, professor and educationists. Free, generous, honest, reliable, god-fearing. Alert, intuitive and burrows to the point easily. Short sighted or hunchbacked. Straight forward in dealings and has high sense of justice.

Too conventional and business like. Sometimes restless and overanxious. Dual temperament. Versatile desirous to know something of everything. Disposition is happy and cheerful. Adaptable, content with simple life. Lover of art and poetry has creative ability. Respecter of law rarely gets involved in legal affairs. Desire for learning philosophy and occult subjects. Exercises strict control over food, drinks and relation with opposite sex. Neatness, orderliness, being methodical, and diligence contribute towards success. Has self-confidence. Never leaves off the work on hand unfinished. Gets favour from Government, inherits property. Professions which require extensive travel generally attract them, as they love to meet and explore new people and cultures. It is no surprise, then, that the Sagittarius-born people make good travel writers or travel guides. They can also be motivational orators. Since they are intuitive and know how to make others feel good, they perform extremely well when they work for social causes. They would make good politicians, HR managers, activists, teachers, philosophers, therapists, doctors etc. Successful as a teacher, public speaker, heads of religious institution, judge, advocate etc.

Liable to suffer from Sciatica, Rheumatic pain, Hipbone fracture, Gout, Lung problems etc.

Physical features Sagittarius

Well developed and handsome figure, almond eyes, brown hair, high and bushy eyebrows,long face, long nose, graceful look, not a straight walk, thick nose / ears / teeth/ lips.

Auspicious years sagittarius - 19 to 37 and 61 to 69.

Inauspicious years sagittarius - 2, 10, 18, 31, 38, and 42.

Their lucky gem is Yellow Sapphire.

Suitable Profession Sagittarius

Sports, Law, Education, Teaching, Preaching, Profession Related To Academic

Friendly Sign Sagittarius

Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Aries

Element Sagittarius


Related Chakra Sagittarius

Sacral Chakra (Swadisthana)