Booking Pitra Dosh Nivaran Pooja Online | Future Point

Pitra Dosh Puja

We must understand that in order to get anything auspicious in our life we need the blessings of our ancestors from many generations who, after leaving their bodies, remain deeply involved with our karmic structure in a very subtle but powerful way.

We owe an ancestral debt to them for which we must perform the sacred ritual of Shradh every year to ensure spiritual peace and contentment for our ancestors.

What is Pitra Dosh?

The lives of some people due to a highly negative karmic structure from their past lives get affected by an ancestral curse called the Pitra Dosha.

This ancestral curse is revealed after an experienced astrologer analyzes a person’s horoscope.

Pitra Dosh makes people experience hurdles or obstacles in almost all major endeavours of their lives, despite putting in genuine & enormous efforts. Because no matter how hard & diligently people affected with Pitra Dosh try, unless they get rid of this ancestral curse, problems will not leave their lives.

The Ultimate Remedy for Pitra Dosh

So, what should a person do to remove Pitra Dosh from his/her life?

A person having Pitra Dosha must go for a Pitra Dosha Puja, which is a holy ritual of pacifying the ill effects casted upon his/her life.

Pitra Dosh Puja results in the blessings of your ancestors, thereby removing all hurdles from your life.

Pitra Dosh Puja provides peace and contentment to the ancestors of a native. As a result the native receives the ancestors’ blessings which help the native in overcoming various hurdles and attract ample opportunities of growth & success in life.

Therefore, we urge you to book a Pitra Dosh Puja to provide spiritual peace to your ancestors and get their auspicious blessings which are a must for living a prosperous, successful and blissful life.

A Pitra Dosh Puja when performed in the Shradh Paksha or Pitra Paksha, yields miraculous benefits.

Benefits of Pitra Dosh Puja:

  • Pitra Dosh Puja results in removal of obstacles from life.
  • Pitra Dosh Puja quiets the turmoil in the mind and bestows calmness & mental peace.
  • Pitra Dosh Puja brings prosperity in life.
  • Pitra Dosh Puja maintains harmonious relations in the family.
  • Pitra Dosh Puja removes all financial and monetary problems from an individual’s life.
  • Pitra Dosh Puja attracts energies that promote abundance of positivity in life.
  • Pitra Dosh Puja attracts significant growth opportunities in one’s professional life and promotes an upside in career.
  • Pitra Dosh Puja protects a business from regulatory hurdles from the administration and unwanted & unjust competition in the market.
  • Pitra Dosh Puja cures ailments that have been affecting the native for a long time and ensures a sound health in the times to come.
  • Pitra Dosh Puja helps the native identify and cash onto a lucrative opportunity for investment at multiple times in life.
  • Pitra Dosh Puja favours gainful ventures in the area of real estate or property.
  • Pitra Dosh Puja promotes beneficial business travels both domestically and abroad.

Pitra Dosh Puja Includes:

  • Pitra Dosh Puja on your behalf by highly learned Brahmin Priests to bring forth the auspicious blessings of your ancestors in your life by curing the Pitra Dosh.
  • Arrangement of watching the Puja being performed under your name via a recording that will be provided to you.

Note: The Pitra Dosh Puja is performed in strict accordance with all Vedic rules & rituals as prescribed in the Holy Scriptures.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I go for Pitra Dosh Puja?

Your ancestors are deeply associated with your karmic structure on a level of higher consciousness. Therefore, it is essential that they, on the level of higher consciousness, must always be peaceful & content and bestow their blessings upon you which will create bliss, happiness, success and joy in your life.

So, go for this life altering ritual!

Who will perform the Pitra Dosh Puja?

We make sure that highly learned & experienced Brahmin Priests perform these spiritual rituals with utmost devotion. You need not to worry about anything as every single procedure as per the holy religious scriptures, is followed.

Do I get to watch the Puja?

Absolutely, you can watch the Pitra Dosh Puja being performed in your name via a recording provided to you by us.

Is there any minimum age to go for Pitra Dosh Puja?

No. Anyone can go for this Pitra Dosh Puja.

Can I book the Pitra Dosh Puja for someone else in my family?

Absolutely! What better gift can you give to your near and dear ones, than making sure that they get the blessings of their ancestors!


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