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Numerology is the science of numbers which interprets and predicts the destiny of a person taking into account his date of birth and the numerical value of the letters of the name. There are a number of systems that evolved since the inception of civilization to foretell the present, past and future. Out of these systems, Numerology is also one of the most prominent systems and is being practised effectively since ancient times in different regions of the world, off course with certain subtle variations. In India also, it evolved during the Vedic Period and since then our Seers and Rishis have used this wonderful science to foretell the destiny of human being very correctly and effectively and guided them to shape up their activities as per the indication of the numbers being prominent at a particular point of time. Anybody can learn numerology to know about the basic traits and nature of a native. The vibration of numbers has a specific impact on the life of native.



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Numbers have enormous power and the numbers provide dynamism to the human being from cradle to grave. Common people dont understand this and so never take care of it. We fail to recognize whether the numbers are making any impact on us or not

However, numbers always lay their impact on our attitude, behavior, work and enable us to take decision either in wrong or right way. But there is hardly any doubt that these numbers have extra ordinary power and they always influence mankind. So it is essential to learn and understand how to channelize the positivity of these numbers into our lives.

This book describes how the numbers originated, their mystic powers, to calculate the principal numbers, destiny numbers etc. This book is also helpful in learning to predict through Numerology, how the change of the spellings of the name transform the destiny radically, how to choose numbers for Vehicles and the remedies to correct the negativity or prevailing numbers in a persons name or date of birth.

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