Crippled by the fear of what’s going to happen tomorrow, we live in the anxiety of not making it big in life. And amidst all these problems comes the issue of past-life troubles and Karma, which is beyond our control. However, all these Dosha in Kundali can be effectively dealt with Vedic Astrology and its mystical powers to guide us through even our toughest of times. Not a single Dosha, but our Kundali holds 4 major doshas which if ignored can hamper our growth in life and create unnecessary hassles. These might sometimes be minor in life, almost negligible, but when the planet of the factor that controls the Dosha spins out of our control- things falter. To prevent such situations from happening, there are plenty of ways. But the first one comes to deciphering which Dosha your Kundali holds.
Recommended: In case you have Kaal Sarp Dosha in your Kundli, we urge you to go for a Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja and pave your way towards a happy life.
- Basic Horoscope Calculations
- Gem + Rudraksha Recommendion
- Shani Sade Sati Dasha
- Manglik Vichar + Remedies
- Kaal Sarp Dasha + Remedies
- Pitri Dasha Vichar + Remedies
- 5 Year Predictions
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