Name | Atal Bihari Vajpayee |
Sex | Male |
Date of Birth | 25/12/1984 |
Day | Tuesday |
Time of Birth | 05:45:00 Hour |
Istha | 56:46:53 Ghati |
City | Gwalior |
Country | India |
Birth Detail
Latitude | 26:12:00:N |
Longitude | 78:09:00:E |
Zone | 82:30:00:E |
Loc Time Corr | -00:17:24 Hour |
War Time Corr | 00:00:00 Hour |
Local Mean Time | 05:27:36 Hour |
Equation Of Time | -00:00:08 Hour |
Siderial Time | 11:42:25 Hour |
Sun Rise | 07:02:14 Hour |
Sun Set | 17:31:58 Hour |
Day Duration | 10:29:44 Hour |
Sun Position (Ayan) | Uttarayan |
Sun Position (Gola) | Dakshin |
Season | Shisir |
Sun Degree | 09:44:54 Sagittarius |
Ascendent Degree | 21:24:36 Scorpio |
Ayanamsa(Lahiri) | 23:38:37 |
Avakhada Chakra
Avakhada Chakra | |
Ascendent-Lord | Sco - Mars |
Rasi-Lord | Cap - Saturn |
Naksh.-Charan | Sravna - 1 |
Nakshatra Lord | Moon |
Yoga | Vyaghat |
Karan | Gara |
Gana | Deva |
Yoni | Vanar |
Nadi | Antya |
Varan | Vaishya |
Vashya | Jalchar |
Varga | Marjar |
Yunja | Antya |
Hansak | Bhoomi |
Name Alphabet | Khee - Khilavan |
Paya(Rasi-Nak) | Copper - Copper |
SunSign(West) | Cap |
Planetary Degrees and their Positions
Pln | R | C | Sign | Degree | Speed | Nak | Pad | RL | NL | Sub | Dignity |
Asc | | | Sco | 21:24:36 | 316:11:12 | Jyestha | 2 | Mar | Mer | Ven | --- |
Sun | | | Sag | 09:44:54 | 01:01:09 | Moola | 3 | Jup | Ket | Sat | FrSign |
Mon | | | Cap | 10:57:51 | 13:00:18 | Sravna | 1 | Sat | Mon | Mon | NuSign |
Mar | | | Aqu | 06:09:12 | 00:45:52 | Dhanish | 4 | Sat | Mar | Mon | NuSign |
Mer | | | Sco | 20:52:15 | 00:03:10 | Jyestha | 2 | Mar | Mer | Ven | NuSign |
Jup | | | Sag | 26:12:07 | 00:13:45 | P Sadha | 4 | Jup | Ven | Ket | OwnSign |
Ven | | | Cap | 24:47:20 | 01:08:38 | Dhanish | 1 | Sat | Mar | Rah | FrSign |
Sat | | | Sco | 00:23:57 | 00:06:05 | Visakha | 4 | Mar | Jup | Mon | EnSign |
Rah | R | | Tau | 03:16:23 | 00:06:43 | Krittika | 2 | Ven | Sun | Sat | FrSign |
Ket | R | | Sco | 03:16:23 | 00:06:43 | Visakha | 4 | Mar | Jup | Rah | FrSign |
Ura | | | Sco | 21:19:00 | 00:03:32 | Jyestha | 2 | Mar | Mer | Ven | --- |
Nep | | | Sag | 07:34:41 | 00:02:16 | Moola | 3 | Jup | Ket | Jup | --- |
Plu | | | Lib | 10:33:26 | 00:01:29 | Svati | 2 | Ven | Rah | Sat | --- |
R - Retrograde S - Stationary |
C - Combust D - Deep Combust |
Lahiri Ayanamsa : 23:38:37 |
Lagna Chart
Moon Chart
Navamsa Chart
Chalit and Niryan Bhava Chalit
Chalit Chart
Cusp Chart
Vimshottari Dasha
Mon 10 Years |
--------------------------- |
25/12/1984 |
05/04/1994 |
--------------------------- |
Mon | 03/02/1985 |
Mar | 04/09/1985 |
Rah | 06/03/1987 |
Jup | 05/07/1988 |
Sat | 03/02/1990 |
Mer | 06/07/1991 |
Ket | 04/02/1992 |
Ven | 05/10/1993 |
Sun | 05/04/1994 |
Mar 7 Years |
--------------------------- |
05/04/1994 |
05/04/2001 |
--------------------------- |
Mar | 01/09/1994 |
Rah | 20/09/1995 |
Jup | 26/08/1996 |
Sat | 05/10/1997 |
Mer | 02/10/1998 |
Ket | 28/02/1999 |
Ven | 29/04/2000 |
Sun | 04/09/2000 |
Mon | 05/04/2001 |
Rah 18 Years |
--------------------------- |
05/04/2001 |
05/04/2019 |
--------------------------- |
Rah | 17/12/2003 |
Jup | 12/05/2006 |
Sat | 18/03/2009 |
Mer | 05/10/2011 |
Ket | 23/10/2012 |
Ven | 23/10/2015 |
Sun | 16/09/2016 |
Mon | 18/03/2018 |
Mar | 05/04/2019 |
Jup 16 Years |
--------------------------- |
05/04/2019 |
05/04/2035 |
--------------------------- |
Jup | 24/05/2021 |
Sat | 05/12/2023 |
Mer | 12/03/2026 |
Ket | 16/02/2027 |
Ven | 17/10/2029 |
Sun | 05/08/2030 |
Mon | 05/12/2031 |
Mar | 10/11/2032 |
Rah | 05/04/2035 |
Sat 19 Years |
--------------------------- |
05/04/2035 |
05/04/2054 |
--------------------------- |
Sat | 08/04/2038 |
Mer | 16/12/2040 |
Ket | 25/01/2042 |
Ven | 27/03/2045 |
Sun | 09/03/2046 |
Mon | 08/10/2047 |
Mar | 16/11/2048 |
Rah | 23/09/2051 |
Jup | 05/04/2054 |
Mer 17 Years |
--------------------------- |
05/04/2054 |
05/04/2071 |
--------------------------- |
Mer | 01/09/2056 |
Ket | 29/08/2057 |
Ven | 29/06/2060 |
Sun | 05/05/2061 |
Mon | 05/10/2062 |
Mar | 02/10/2063 |
Rah | 20/04/2066 |
Jup | 26/07/2068 |
Sat | 05/04/2071 |
Ket 7 Years |
--------------------------- |
05/04/2071 |
05/04/2078 |
--------------------------- |
Ket | 02/09/2071 |
Ven | 01/11/2072 |
Sun | 08/03/2073 |
Mon | 08/10/2073 |
Mar | 06/03/2074 |
Rah | 24/03/2075 |
Jup | 28/02/2076 |
Sat | 08/04/2077 |
Mer | 05/04/2078 |
Ven 20 Years |
--------------------------- |
05/04/2078 |
05/04/2098 |
--------------------------- |
Ven | 05/08/2081 |
Sun | 05/08/2082 |
Mon | 05/04/2084 |
Mar | 05/06/2085 |
Rah | 05/06/2088 |
Jup | 04/02/2091 |
Sat | 05/04/2094 |
Mer | 03/02/2097 |
Ket | 05/04/2098 |
Sun 6 Years |
--------------------------- |
05/04/2098 |
06/04/2104 |
--------------------------- |
Sun | 24/07/2098 |
Mon | 22/01/2099 |
Mar | 30/05/2099 |
Rah | 24/04/2100 |
Jup | 10/02/2101 |
Sat | 23/01/2102 |
Mer | 30/11/2102 |
Ket | 06/04/2103 |
Ven | 06/04/2104 |
Mon 10 Years |
--------------------------- |
06/04/2104 |
26/12/2104 |
--------------------------- |
Mon | 26/12/2104 |
Mar | 00/00/0000 |
Rah | 00/00/0000 |
Jup | 00/00/0000 |
Sat | 00/00/0000 |
Mer | 00/00/0000 |
Ket | 00/00/0000 |
Ven | 00/00/0000 |
Sun | 00/00/0000 |
Lagna Reading
At the time of your birth, Scorpio Ascendant ( Lagna ) was on the rise along with Capricorn Navamsa and Cancer Dreskana in the second Pad of Jyestha, depicting you will have a blissful home, blessed as you are to have an understanding spouse and children who will do you proud. But it will be entirely up to you to maintain the balance at home by reciprocating their feelings. It calls for adjustments on your part, as you are an individual with two sides to your personality. You have mastered the art of saying one thing for public consumption and doing another. Like, for instance, your posture on religion. In public you post as being highly religious, but in actual fact you are very much a man of the world eager to go after all earthly benefits and enjoyments.
You will no doubt be wealthy. You have sufficient learning and backed by the power of intuition you will make determined efforts to achieve your aim. And more often than not you will triumph. In case you encounter any hurdles, you will display a fighting spirit to clear them. In fact you enjoy battling adversities since you are a person who is basically anti- establishment.
As you have a literary bent of mind and evince keen interest in various kinds of arts and skills, the professions that would go well with you are journalism, book publishing, advertising and publicity, dealing in musical instruments or taking up insurance agency.
One thing you will have to be careful during your entire life span and that is about health. You will have to be on guard, particularly during your 13th, 27th, 31st and 49th years, as there are indications of your being striken with tumour, fistula or venereal diseases. About the last named especially, you will have to take precautions as you are a passionate lover deriving plenty of pleasure from sex.
You will also have to keep your fiery temper under check lest it affect your nervous system. Learn to relax. As you are a superstitious person, you would benefit from following the guidelines listed below :
The numbers that are ideal for you are 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 9; those that don't suit you are 5, 6 and 8.
Your lucky days are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday wheras Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are inauspicious.
Red, orange, cream and yellow are your favourite colours; those you have to avoid are green, white and blue.
Planet Reading
Sun in Sagittarius sign in the 2nd house indicates that you will earn money through a hereditary profession. You may have the blessing of ancestral property. You will lead a respectable, family life. You are wealthy, and respected. Be warned against loss through vice and rash temperament. You are true to your words.
Moon in Capricorn in the 3rd house indicates that you are kind hearted.
Your co-borns or cousins are faithful, obedient and generous. Each of you will forgive and forget the mistakes of others for the sake of family peace and harmony.
You have a deep attachment with music, songs, cinema and other forms of entertainment. You are attached to music and always have time to spare for it.
For you, however, the chance of a trouble-free existence are bleak, as the location of Mars in Aquarius in the fourth house doesn't portend a good sign. Your equations with your mother are unlikely to be something that you can look forward to, and worse still, she may be separated from you at an early age.
Problems are likely to confront you at every other step in many walks of life. You will inherit ancestral property, but it may be bogged down by controversies. In the sphere of education too you may come up against hurdles and if you manage to complete your course it will be only after a bitter struggle.
You will have to be careful in your personal habits as overindulgence in alcohol and cigarettes may cause urinary problems and chest pain in your old age.
The location of Mercury in the first house further stresses the need for you to pick reliable and trustworthy friends. This is because it is by their assistance that you will be able to overcome whatever obstacles may come your way. Possessing a pleasing personality, you will be able to sail through life without encountering any major storms. Your health will be very good and longevity is assured. You will, in fact, lead a comfortable existence thanks to the property you will inherit from a diseased relative or well-wisher.
Jupiter in Sagittarius sign which is its own sign, in the second house indicates that you will have sufficient money to meet your requirements. But you are also self centered. You are blessed with a long life and ancestral property. You are renowned wise, and intelligent. You are tactful with your opponents.
Venus in Capricorn in the 3rd house confirms that your mental abilities are remarkable. You are sentimental and sensitive.
Your brothers and sisters if you have any or cousins are noble and reliable.
You have a deep attachment to music, songs, dance and other musical activities. You have an artistic nature and music plays a vital role in your personal life.
Travelling is your hobby and you make many friends during the course of your journeys.
Saturn, positioned in the enemy's camp in your birth chart, threatens to spoil your health, but fortunately your longevity will not be curtailed. If you don't take proper care of your health, then it may affect your temperament to the extent of causing a rupture with your brother, which will turn out to be highly detrimental to your interests. Also, there are hints of danger from poison and enemies. So you will have to make a determined effort to combat adversities, which you are capable of. Then you can have a profitable time, as there are positive indications of being favoured with a fortunate inheritance.
It is due to your wise and wealthy spouse that you can hope to lead a comfortable life, according to the indication provided by the presence of Rahu in Taurus in the seventh house. Your health may be poor, but you won't suffer much, as your partner will take care of you very well and arrange the best of medical advice.
You will be able to increase your assets through the good offices of the opposite sex, whether in service or in business.
It is this sexual mania that is likely to land you in a mess. Ketu's presence in the first house indicates danger signals that not only may you have to face trials and tribulations, you may also be involved in scandals which will be detrimental to your image. Also, during your forays into the romantic realm, you may sustain damage to your face and eyes. Even your longevity may be curtailed.
So you will have to get a firm grip over your temptations and work out a practical, clear plan of action and concentrate on earning through honest, decent means so that you may lead a sober, comfortable existence.
House Reading
Physique Health & Nature
Born under the Scorpio sign, you will be blessed with an impressive personality comprising a well knit, muscular body tending to stoutness, long arms and short, curly hair. The overall picture you present is that of a self-assured individual who brooks no nonsense from any quarter.
Since Scorpio denotes generative organs, you will have to be particularly careful, especially from the middle age.
You have two sides to your nature. You don't believe in cutting into others path unnecessarily, as you are primarily interested only in your own affairs. But if others try to get funny with you, then you will make them repent their actions by stinging like a scorpion. You are quick, shrewd and a keen individual. You have a penetrative mind and incisive judgement regarding men and matters. What can serve you best in your pursuits is your strong, forceful mind which has the ability to take its own decisions without having to rely on others guidance. You have very strong likes and dislikes. If you favour anything you will back it to the very last. But if you are averse to something, then you will spare no effort to demolish it. You will be a very good friend to a true friend, but a dreadful adversary to a foe. Since you lay great stress on enjoying sex, your image may be sullied.
You are prone to disease like insomnia and somnambulism. So take due precautions.
Saturn, positioned in the enemy's camp in your birth chart, threatens to spoil your health, but fortunately your longevity will not be curtailed. If you don't take proper care of your health, then it may affect your temperament to the extent of causing a rupture with your brother, which will turn out to be highly detrimental to your interests. Also, there are hints of danger from poison and enemies. So you will have to make a determined effort to combat adversities, which you are capable of. Then you can have a profitable time, as there are positive indications of being favoured with a fortunate inheritance.
Finance, Family, Eye & Speech
At the time of your birth, Sagittarius sign was rising in the 2nd house. Jupiter, the lord of this sign, gifts you with self confidence and frankness in expression. You are at your best when matched against obstacles. You love truth. You will speak out what you feel is right, no matter how others take it.
You do not like your close relatives. But you will be generous and friendly with them, when they approach you. In your own family, however, you are unsuccessful in many matters. Your sweet tongue and amicable nature will win your many friends.
You have wealth, ornaments, precious jewellery and other material wealth. You like sweets and rich food. You speak impressively. you will celebrate auspicious ceremonies and will like to enjoy festivals with your family members. Your mood varies. Your vision is perfect, but you should guard against possible eye disease in the right eye.
Jupiter in Sagittarius sign which is its own sign, in the second house indicates that you will have sufficient money to meet your requirements. But you are also self centered. You are blessed with a long life and ancestral property. You are renowned wise, and intelligent. You are tactful with your opponents.
Coborns, Publications, Music & Short Travels
At the time of your birth, Capricorn sign was placed in the 3rd house. Saturn being the lord of this sign indicates that you will have all its positive traits, namely, practicality thrift, orderliness, attention, organizing ability and a strong drive for significant achievements.
You are serious and adult but you are still able to have fun. But when someone makes serious demands on you or requires you to fulfil important duties or responsibilities, you do so. You will be able to capitalize on your strengths and use your energies more efficiently.
Common sense will always be very important for you, and because you have such a practical mind, you can accomplish a great deal, because you don't spend all your time chasing impossible dreams.
You have high mental abilities. You have strong learning capability. Usually, you are diplomatic and secretive. You handle things well with enormous tolerance and patience. You are bold and courageous as well as energetic and enthusiastic. You have a sharp memory.
Your co-borns or cousins will be loyal, faithful and reliable. You will have great affection for them. Each one of you will forget and forgive the mistakes of others for the sake of family peace and harmony.
You have all the communication facilities like radio, conveyance, television, telephone and telecommunication, etc which will make your life easy and smooth. Music inspires you and you like playing with musical instruments.
You will undertake various short journeys which will be fruitful to you for financial gain and recognition. You are a good orator and organizer. Your articles, comments and publications will be the source of financial gain and renown for you. Reading newspapers, magazines and other articles are your hobby. You would like to spend all your leisure time in reading or writing something.
Venus in Capricorn in the 3rd house confirms that your mental abilities are remarkable. You are sentimental and sensitive.
Your brothers and sisters if you have any or cousins are noble and reliable.
You have a deep attachment to music, songs, dance and other musical activities. You have an artistic nature and music plays a vital role in your personal life.
Travelling is your hobby and you make many friends during the course of your journeys.
Education, Mother, Conveyance & Property
The Aquarius sign was rising in the fourth house at the time of your birth. This shows you will have a sincere, hard working mother who will strive to do her utmost for the welfare of the entire family. But you may have a slight problem and that is it won't be easy for you to understand her properly. Even though her motives are unquestionable, they find it difficult to make this her intentions clear to others. It is only your father who can guide and educate her regarding running a modern household. If he does that, she will pick up fast and come up to your expectations.
The general indication provided by the birth sign is that the native may come to possess a share in the ancestral property, but may not derive benefit from it. Which means that one will either be deprived of the acquired assets or they will be squandered. Hence you will have to be alert all the time.
After changing residence often in the early years, you are likely to have a house of your own in middle age. There are bright chances of your possessing a vehicle also.
The native is slated to be well educated, capable of obtaining post-graduate qualification. The areas that will prove beneficial to you are engineering, competitive examinations and medicine. If you pursue medicine you will stand to gain a lot, as there are possibilities of your shining as a chest and lungs specialist. Even if you don't become a qualified doctor, you will gain sufficient knowledge to attend to your heart and respiratory problems, if any.
You thirst for knowledge is so much that you will study in depth about the occult sciences and Yoga, and provide guidance to those who seek it.
For you, however, the chance of a trouble-free existence are bleak, as the location of Mars in Aquarius in the fourth house doesn't portend a good sign. Your equations with your mother are unlikely to be something that you can look forward to, and worse still, she may be separated from you at an early age.
Problems are likely to confront you at every other step in many walks of life. You will inherit ancestral property, but it may be bogged down by controversies. In the sphere of education too you may come up against hurdles and if you manage to complete your course it will be only after a bitter struggle.
You will have to be careful in your personal habits as overindulgence in alcohol and cigarettes may cause urinary problems and chest pain in your old age.
Love Life, Children & Intellect
At the time of your birth, Pisces sign was rising in the 5th house. Jupiter, being the lord of this sign indicates that you are ever dreamy and have a romantic life. You look for beauty intellectual pursuits and fine arts, in your spouse. You may be assured of sincere love and satisfaction from your partner.
You will be blessed with children, who will get higher education. You should not be too strict with your children. If you control your impulses, you will lead a very happy and harmonious, wedded life. You should take care about your diet. It should be rich and easily digestible. Otherwise, you will suffer from stomach ailments. Guard against these.
Disease, Enemies & Servents
At the time of your birth, Aries sign was placed in the 6th house. mars is the Lord of this house.
You are a very independent and self-assertive person. Since you have a great deal of physical energy, you should try to get outdoors and let off steam in some active sport fairly often.
You prefer to act on your own and set your own pace without waiting for people who work more slowly. You like to be the first to take up a new activity. Although you are not a follower, you are willing to let others go their own way . You have no desire to impose your will on your friends. However, you enjoy competition when someone offers a challenge. If pressed, you will fight for your beliefs.
Your servants are good. They will be reliable and trust worthy.
You will be successful in Litigation. You will win in law suits. The decision will go in your favour. You will get victory and reputation through litigation.
Your maternal uncles and aunts are good by nature and have a good reputation. They will be inclined towards you. They will faithfully carry out their duties towards you.
Your enemies will be from various circles of society. Your enemies will not give you much trouble. You will over them with tact. You will also subdue some of them in litigation.
Family Life, Marriage & Business Partner
Born when Taurus was the rising sign in your seventh house, you can expect to have a good marriage. you are likely to get a spouse who will not only be devoted and sincere but also lucky.
It is in your blood to make a success of your marital life. To achieve that, you expect your partner to be as intense in love making as you are. Hypersexed, you are very dynamic in your bedroom and shower all praise on your mate. Faithful to the core, you drive home the point that romance with your spouse is all that matters for you in life. You will go out of your way to provide every physical comfort to your partner.
Invariably, You will be lucky in finding a spouse who will display understanding and make the necessary adjustments to ensure a happy home.
One aspect to which you attach a lot of importance is your family prestige. At all times you want your kith and kin to conduct themselves in such a way that the family honour is in no way tarnished.
There is however a problem with your nature. And that is sometimes you suddenly flare up for no obvious reason at all. This trait needs correction, as otherwise you may find yourself in a soup in professional pursuits, since your short temper will upset others. That is the reason you should keep clear of entering into business partnerships with others in the event of your preferring trade to service.
It is due to your wise and wealthy spouse that you can hope to lead a comfortable life, according to the indication provided by the presence of Rahu in Taurus in the seventh house. Your health may be poor, but you won't suffer much, as your partner will take care of you very well and arrange the best of medical advice.
You will be able to increase your assets through the good offices of the opposite sex, whether in service or in business.
Longevity, Accident & Insurance
At the time of your birth, Gemini sign was placed in the eighth house. Mercury, the lord of this sign, indicates that you are very interested in the occult science. You are good at telepathy and have intuitive power and foresight which will help you in occult investigations. You will be interested in studies of reincarnation and occult subjects. In fact, you are fond of psychic research, secret acts, occult studies and an unusual line of thought.
Probably, personal contacts with spirits can be obtained. Since you have so much success in your experiments with the occult, people will respect you and may ask for your help regarding the occult. You may become famous because of the tremendous knowledge of the occult science.
Property gain through old people is indicated. You will also gain by deals in properly and land. Having so much of property in your name will give you much satisfaction since in case of any emergency, you can always sell your property and without working, you can still live comfortably for the rest of your life.
You as well as your marriage partner will benefit as a result of the large dowry you will get for your marriage. This may include property, money, jewels, vehicles, electrical gadgets etc.
You will also benefit through insurance of dead people and by handling the insurance of others as well.
You will lead a trouble free existence with no occurrences like robbery or accidents to disturb the tranquility of your life.
Your health will generally be good. You should avoid mental strain. Do not overtax yourself by overwork. By taking adequate rest, and good sleep you can maintain your health.
Diseases indicated are pulmonary afflictions, cold, running nose, influenza, pleurisy, bronchitis and T.B., piles, fistula, bladder and kidney afflictions are also denoted. However you will enjoy a long life. Your death will be sudden and quick and whatever suffering there is, will be short lived.
Fame, Worship & Long Travels
At the time of your birth, cancer sign was placed in the 9th house moon, being the lord of this sign indicates that you can be very strong and secure emotionally. You are famous and noble. You are not miserly.
When you are older, you'll be very good at giving support to others and taking care of people in need. Even now, you may do this with your friends or younger brothers and sisters. Later on in life you may play the role of parent to many people. You are unusually sensitive to other people's feelings. You often know how they feel before they say anything, and you care very much how they feel.
You are a bhagyawadi native. You are very religious and you present yourself as religious and honest. You follow religious rites and family traditions strictly. You have blind faith in god. You will perform worship every day as a routine. But you are not rigid about your pooja.
You will visit various holy and religious places. You will also take interest in pilgrimages, if your circumstances permit you. You will study holy and pious books of your religion like the Vedas, Bible, Kuran, Geeta etc. In fact whatsoever you enjoy in this life is by your noble and pious deeds and good karma done by you in your previous life.
Your interest in higher learning may lead to interest in occultism and spiritual science. You will read and study the books on religion, astrology, palmistry, sant vachan and spiritual science.
Long journeys are indicated for you. You will make money by these journeys. These trips will be comfortable and beneficial to you. These journeys will increase your understanding of the world.
You will also learn much about human psychology from these journeys.
You are blessed with the comforts and pleasure of your grandchildren. They will be healthy, learned and prosperous. They will rise in life.
Profession, Father, Status & Power
Instead of picking up just any job, those born when the Leo sign was rising in the tenth house will stand to benefit in the long run if they select a profession from among the following :
Research work, chemistry, medical (with spotlight on maternity), insurance, iron and steel, defence services or criminal investigation. The native can also join government service or a reputed private firm in which there will be good prospects of rising to a high position. Whatever you do, it appears you will be interested in running a music school for some time.
Religion and occultism are two sectors in which you are likely to evince interest. Your inclination for worshiping the Goddess is commendable. No doubt it will help you a lot in all areas of your activity.
In the event of being party to any litigation, the odds are you will emerge successful. There are no indications of your direct involvement in politics, but you have the mettle to secure benefits from politicians.
No doubt you can aspire to get your share of the ancestral property, but there are possibilities of having a tiff and misunderstanding with your father. It is better not to push your difference with him too far, because you may need his help some time or the other. You should bear in mind that he is a person endowed with vigour and vitality, and is ever willing to be of assistance to everyone.
Friends, Society & Elder Brothers
At the time of your birth, Virgo sign was placed in the eleventh house. Mercury, being the lord of this sign indicates that you will have many desires and aspirations and being industrious, you will be able to fulfil them.
You are ambitious regarding wealth and financial gains as indicated in your chart. Any of the following professions should give you good financial gains namely writing, astrology, commission agent or maths professor.
Your chart does not indicate elder brothers and even if you do have them, you will get on better with your elder sisters who will probably mother you and shower you with a lot of affection. You can easily depend on them for any kind of help; financial or otherwise.
You enjoy being with friends who are clever and interesting. You like people with whom you can test your mind. You also like to talk and share ideas with your friends. In fact, you think most clearly when you can try out your ideas first on your friends. When you are older, you will be at your best doing mental work with a group of people. It isn't that you are unoriginal, but you are a team person. You are just as concerned about what is good for the group as about what is good for you. You may join clubs with people who are interested in the same things as you are. Your friends will be educated and intelligent and will include businessman.
As you get older, you will think more about the interests and needs of people outside your own little circle. You are concerned with humanitarian ideals and the good of every one. You will rise above your own view point and think in terms of the whole world.
The society members will comprise intelligent and educated people. You like to get around in the area where you live, and you try to be on friendly terms with everyone in your neighbourhood. As a result you will probably become well known to mostly everyone in your area. Left ear troubles are indicated but this will not be serious.
Foreign Journeys, Debts & Net Savings
Libra in the twelfth house at the time of your birth indicates that you are lucky regarding finances and may be blessed with money, vehicles, business or a good position in service, house, garden etc. Your income will be substantial as you know how to make and earn money.
Your thrift will provide the basis for sound investments in land, antiques and government bonds and your honest industriousness should guarantee you ample salaries from appreciative employers.
Financial security and consequent comfort are assured to you because of the economic pattern of your life.
You probably have a good bank balance and can save money even if you earn less money at any time. In money matters you are wise.
A good trait of yours is that you do not withhold anybody's money. The minute somebody produces the bill you give the money and sometimes even before. You dislike being in debt and do not want to remain under anybody's control. People know that money is secure with you.
Food is important to you and you will spend a lot of money but not for costly food.
You are conscientious in the sense that if you are dining out with friends you will not let your friends pay all the time. You will make sure that you pay half the time at least.
Not much travel is indicated. You are almost stationary. Your place of work is generally different from your place of birth. However, you will settle down in one place without frequent changes for a long time. Settlement at a place a little distant from your native place is likely.
On the whole you should have no major health problems. Good eyesight is indicated.
Manglik Vichar
In the boy or the girl's horoscope when Mars is in ascendant, fourth house, seventh house, eighth house or twelfth house then it is called Manglik dosh.
In your horoscope. Mars is placed in the fourth house so you are a Manglik. With its effect you will earn lot of property and luxuries by working hard. Physically you will remain healthy and happy but aggressiveness will be displayed in your nature at times. With the effect of Mars', your marriage may be slightly delayed and even at the time of settlement there may be breaks. But after marriage your wife will enjoy good health and mental peace and you will rarely have any disputes with her.
Mars aspect over the fourth house shows that you will have to work very hard to earn the luxuries and comforts in life. Mars’ aspect over seventh house indicates that your wife will be graceful and healthy. Your married life will be peaceful.
Mars' position over the fourth house indicates that you will be able to earn various luxuries with hard work. Its aspect over the seventh moves shows that your wife will enjoy good health. She will be slightly aggressive by nature but it will not affect her marital bless, Mars’ aspect over tenth house shows that you will get success in your field of work. A promotion is on the cards due to which there will be an upliftment in your status and respectability. With the effect of Mars’ aspect over the eleventh house, your financial position will be generally good. There will be an inflow of money from various sources.
To increase the benefic effect of Mars, you must marry such a Manglik girl with whom your manglik dosh is mutually cancelled. In this case you will earn various luxuries and movable and immovable property. Your married life will also be peaceful as you will get along well with your wife.
Kaap Sarp Yog
If all the 7 planets are situated between Rahu and Ketu then Kaal Sarp Yog is formed. According to the situation of Rahu in 12 houses of horoscope there are Kaal Sarp Yogas of 12 types. These are
1. Anant, 2. Kulik, 3. Vasuki, 4. Shankhpal, 5. Padma, 6. Mahapadma, 7. Takshak, 8. Karkotak, 9. Shankhchud, 10. Ghaatak, 11. Vishdhar, 12. Sheshnag
The Kaal Sarp Yog is of two types- Ascending and Descending. If all the 7 planets are eaten away by Rahu's mouth then it is Ascending Kaal Sarp Yog. If all planets are situated in back of Rahu then Descending Kaal Sarp Yog is formed.
The native having Kaal Sarp Yog suffers from certain shortcomings in life. The native does not get full reward of his talents. Normally the success in work is delayed. The native without any reason suffers from diseases that are not cured by medicine. Propiation of kaal sarp dosh becomes necessary to lead a normal life.
Kaal Sarp Yog In Your Horoscope
In your horoscope the Takshak Kaal Sarp Yog is present but only partially. Due to this reason the native may have conflicts with partners in business or there may be loss in partnership. There are hurdles in life and native has to struggle for moving ahead. However later on, all hurdles get removed. There may be hurdles in getting a senior position but native is able to remove these barriers by virtue of his intelligence.
The married life though normal could be painful and disturbed. The native remains unsuccessful in his love affairs or he may not be blessed with a desired spouse. The native may also suffer deceit in secret affairs. The family life remains disturbed; peace and happiness remain absent.
The enemies of the native hatch conspiracies against him and try to cause harm but they are not much successful. The native may suffer from sexual disorders. The financial position remains little fragile. The native normally does not get benefit of his ancestral property. Either he gives it away in charity or it gets destroyed. The money lent to others may not come back. The worries and mental unrest do not leave the native due to one reason or other.
The happiness from children may be less. You should try to maintain good rapport with your spouse with a spirit of compromise; only then family life may be successful.
If you are feeling above disturbances then arrange for following remedies; you will definitely get relief
1. Establish Kaal Sarp Faults Removal Yantra in your home and worship it regularly.
2. Recite "Om Namah Shivay" daily 108 times. Total recitations - 21000.
3. Keep a pair of snakes made of eight metals, silver, or gold in a copper utensil and put it in the current of flowing water (such as a river).
4. Recite Nav Nag stotra daily for one year.
5. During the Mahadasha or Antardasha of Rahu recite Rahu Mantra minimum 108 times daily. The total recitations are: 18000.
6. Wear agate (Gomed) at an auspicious time after due procedures of recitation etc.
7. Do abhishek (bathe the deity) of Mahadev for 30 days during the month of Shravana.
8. Worship Saraswati ji properly for one year.
9. Recite daily Rahu Kavach, Stotra or recite it 108 times.
10. On every Monday do abhishek (bathe the deity) of Lord Shankar by yoghurt by chanting Har Har Mahadev. Do this only for 16 Mondays.
11. Take meals by sitting in your kitchen.
12. Give coal to flowing water (such as a river) on three occasions during auspicious time.
Alms for Rahu:
1. Donate agate, gold, lead, til (sesame) musterd, blue clothes, black flowers, sword, blankets, horse etc from time to time.
2. Donote especially at the time of eclipse agate, gold, lead, til (sesame), musterd, blue clothes, black flowers, sword, blankets, horse etc.
3. Fix a swastik made of silver at an auspicious time on your main door and on it is both sides fix snake figures made of metal.
4. Recite Hanuman Chalisa every day.
Important : Kindly note that worship of Kaal Sarp Yog is done only by wooden sandal. Don't use sindoor, roli (red lead) etc.
Kaal Sarp Yog Pooja can be done at Kalahasti Shiv Mandir near Tirupati Balaji or at any of the 12 Jyotirlings. Eg. Somnath Mandir in Saurashtra, Gujarat, Trimbakeshwar in Nasik, Maharashtra, Ujjain, Bheemashankar, Nageshwar, Rameshwar etc.
Gem Selection
To obtain the full benefic effect of stone, wear it while Moon is waxing on the specified day and time. Wearing it in the specified Nakshatra enhances the benefic effects of the stone. Take the stone of a size specified or greater in fractions of 1 / 4 Ratti rejecting fractions of 3 / 4 Ratti like 4 - 1 / 4 Ratti.Get it studded in the specified metal such that it touches the finger from bottom.If you are already wearing a stone then avoid wearing a contradictory stone.Before wearing it light lamp and incense stick and meditate on your God.Clean the ring in fresh milk and then Ganga water. Perform pooja and recite the specified mantra 108 times.Then wear the stone in the specified finger.Women should wear on their left hand whereas men should wear in the right hand.After wearing the ring give alms as specified for that stone.
Your favourable Gemstone - Moon Stone
Your ascendant is Scorpio. The lord of this sign is Mars. Moon stone is worn for the planet Moon. Moon is the lord of the house of luck for those who are born in the Scorpio ascendant. Favorable fortune is the prime requirement of life of the native. It fortune favors a person he gets full results of his efforts and his name and fame increases.
So it is very beneficial for the persons who are born with Scorpio ascendant to give strength to their natal Moon. Moon can be strengthened by worshipping it in a prescribed way and by reciting proper mantra. Moon stone is recommended for Moon.
When a person who is born in the Scorpio ascendant or rashi wears Moon stone studded in ring he get happiness, prosperity and success in life. His fortune will shine and he will get success and prosperity. Moon also signifies minister ship so by wearing Moon stone one can get fame and recognition in his field of activities and he gets full support of his superiors and bosses.
Native also gets full blessings of his Mother after wearing this stone. Moon signifies mind and mother of the native. So it can be proved very much beneficial for those who are suffering from any kind of mental disorder including depression.
Wear the ring studded with the Moon stone in the little finger of right hand as this finger signifies Mercury as per the palmistry and Moon considers Mercury as its friend. This ring should be worn on Monday as Moon is the lord of this day. This ring should be worn in the first hora of the Monday i.e. within one hour from the sunrise as first hora of Monday is the hora of the Moon. If this stone is worn in the constellations of Moon Rohini, Hasta or Shravana falling on Monday it will be very much benefic.
Clean Moon stone with Ganga water and a mixture of milk, curd, honey, clarified butter and sugar. After this put white clothe on the wooden platform and keep this pearl on it. Light incense sticks, ghee lamp and dhoop in front of it and recite Chandra Mantra 108 times to energize Pearl. After this touch it with your head and wear in the little finger of right hand.
Mantra of Moon - Om Som Somaye Namah.
Donate white rice, sugar, curd, 1¼ meter length white cloth to get better results. Recite Chandra Mantra daily 108 times after having bath. Offer water to Shivlinga and worship lord Shiva in the morning. Read Shiv Chalisa on Monday. This will also be very much benefic.
Those who are born in the Capricorn ascendant and wear Moon stone are blessed with favorable fortune, name, fame, power, position and happiness in life and lead a life of success and reputation.
Gem Wearing
Performing Remedial measures & wearing stone for a planet helps increase the positive aspects of the planets in the horoscope. Scientifically, recital of Mantra for a particular planet forms a protection layer around the man. Stone increases the benefic aspects by absorbing rays of the planet and flowing them into human body.Normally a remedy is provided for the Major period lord Stone is worn for a weak ascendent, 9th or benefic houselord. When you should wear which stone or adopt which remedy is given in the following table along with its area of effectiveness. In each Major period three option of Stone are given. You can select any option by looking at the help you expect from the stone or remedy.
Stone Recommendation
Life Stone |
Stone | Coral |
Weight | 5 Carat |
Benefits | Comforts, Conquer enemies, Good health |
Lucky Stone |
Stone | Pearl |
Weight | 5 Carat |
Benefits | Power, Fame |
Benific Stone |
Stone | Ruby |
Weight | 5 Carat |
Benefits | Wealth, Career success |
Stone Recommendation as per Dasha
Dasa | Vimsottari Dasha |
Planet | Jup 16 Years |
Date | 05/04/2019 - 05/04/2035 |
Stone1(Power) | Y-Sapphire (100%) |
Stone2(Power) | Coral (84%) |
Stone3(Power) | Ruby (80%) |
Mantra | Om Gram Grim Grom Sah Brihaspataye Namah |
Fast | Thursday |
Donation | Gram, Musk, Turmeric, Book, Ghee |
Benefits | Wealth, Kids happiness, Good health |
Stone | Planet | Carat | Metal | Finger | Day | Time | Nakshatra |
Ruby | Sun | 5 | Gold | Ring | Sunday | Morn. | Krittika, U Phal, U Sadha |
Pearl | Moon | 5 | Silver | Little | Monday | Morn. | Rohini, Hasta, Sravna |
Coral | Mars | 5 | Silver | Ring | Tuesday | Morn. | Mrgsra, Chitra, Dhanish |
Emerald | Mercury | 4 | Gold | Little | Wednesday | Morn. | Aslesa, Jyestha, Revati |
Y-Sapphire | Jupiter | 4 | Gold | First | Thursday | Morn. | Punrvsu, Visakha, P Bhad |
Diamond | Venus | 1 | Platinm | Little | Friday | Morn. | Bharani, P Phal, P Sadha |
B-Sapphire | Saturn | 4 | 5Metal | Middle | Saturday | Even. | Pushya, Anuradha, U Bhad |
Gomed | Rahu | 5 | 8Metal | Middle | Saturday | Night | Ardra, Svati, Satbisha |
Cat's eye | Ketu | 5 | Silver | Ring | Thursday | Night | Asvini, Magha, Moola |
Stone | Mantra | Contradictory Stone | Items To Donate |
Ruby | Om Ghirini Suryaye Namah | Diamond, B-Sapphire, Gomed | Wheat, Sandal, Ghee, Red Cloth |
Pearl | Om Som Somaye Namah | Gomed | Rice, Sugar, Curd, Wt.Cloth |
Coral | Om Am Angarkaye Namah | Diamond, Gomed, B-Sapphire | Wheat, Copper, Gur, Red-Cloth |
Emerald | Om Bum Budhaye Namah | --- | Moong, Bronze, Green-Cloth |
Y-Sapphire | Om Brim Brihaspataye Namah | Diamond, Gomed | Gram Pulse, Gur, Yel.Cloth |
Diamond | Om Shum Shukrayaye Namah | Ruby, Coral, Y-Sapphire | Rice, Silver, Wt.Cloth |
B-Sapphire | Om Sham Shaneshcharaye Namah | Ruby, Coral, Y-Sapphire | Horse Bean, Oil, Black Cloth |
Gomed | Om Ram Rahave Namah | Ruby, Pearl, Coral | Mole, Oil, Lead, Blue Cloth |
Cat's eye | Om Kem Ketve Namah | --- | 7-Corns, Coconut, Brown Cloth |