Arun Jaitley Horoscope by Date of Birth | Horoscope of Arun Jaitley 2020

Arun Jaitley Horoscope

NameArun Jaitley
Date of Birth28/12/1952
Time of Birth12:00:00 Hour
Istha11:57:43 Ghati

Birth Detail

Loc Time Corr-00:21:08 Hour
War Time Corr00:00:00 Hour
Local Mean Time11:38:52 Hour
Equation Of Time-00:01:35 Hour
Siderial Time18:05:33 Hour
Sun Rise07:12:54 Hour
Sun Set17:32:30 Hour
Day Duration10:19:36 Hour
Sun Position (Ayan)Uttarayan
Sun Position (Gola)Dakshin
Sun Degree13:16:55 Sagittarius
Ascendent Degree08:46:50 Pisces

Avakhada Chakra

Avakhada Chakra
Ascendent-LordPis - Jupiter
Rasi-LordTau - Venus
Naksh.-CharanKrittika - 4
Nakshatra LordSun
Name AlphabetAy - Eklavya
Paya(Rasi-Nak)Copper - Gold
Planetary Degrees and their Positions
AscPis08:46:50515:26:40U Bhad2JupSatVen---
R - Retrograde S - Stationary
C - Combust D - Deep Combust
Lahiri Ayanamsa : 23:12:14

Lagna Chart


Moon Chart


Navamsa Chart


Chalit and Niryan Bhava Chalit

Chalit Chart


Cusp Chart


Vimshottari Dasha

Balance of Dasha :Sun 0 Years 6 Months 12 Days

Sun 6 Years
Mon 10 Years
Mar 7 Years
Rah 18 Years
Jup 16 Years
Sat 19 Years
Mer 17 Years
Ket 7 Years
Ven 20 Years
Sun 6 Years
Lagna Reading

A life of fun and frolic, mirth and wealth is on the cards for you as per the astrological configuration of Pisces Ascendant (Lagna) with Virgo Navamsa and Pisces Dreskana in the second Pad of Uttara Bhadrapada at the time of your birth.

Almost everything is lined up in your favour. It is up to you to make positive use of it and make a success of life by attending to the job on hand promptly and with dedication. This aspect needs to be stressed as you attach much too much importance to sex. If you are not cautious, sex may land you in a fix. You have got to suppress the urge to paint the town red as that will not only upset your family balance, it will also make you lethargic, in which event your work will suffer.

But, if you lay off this temptation, then you can make very good progress. You can amass wealth, which will consist not only of your own earnings but also acquired property. You have the ability to crush your enemies if they try to throw a spanner in your works.

Not only can you have a blissful home, you can also collect good circle of friends, as you will be a member of social clubs. Courteous and hospitable, you will be popular with your friend. But here you may encounter a problem. You are a person who pins abundant faith in others' promises and expects positive results. When the friends keep their promise, well and good. But what if they go back on them ? This is exactly what will happen as some, who are close to you, will let you down in times of your need. Hence over reliance on others should be avoided.

If you toe a sober path, your own family members, as also the general public, will admire you for your qualities of generosity and charitable disposition.

Religious minded, you will visit holy places and as age advances, you will become pious and evince interest in philosophy and the occult sciences. You will acquire so much knowledge about these subjects that you can be, if you so choose, a mini preacher.

Three days of the week - Monday, Thursday and Tuesday are highly favourable to you. Sunday is average. The other three are not too good You can pin your faith on numbers 1, 3, 4 and 9 but under any circumstance not on 8.

Yellow, red, rose and orange favour you, but the colour that doesn't fit with your make-up is blue.

Planet Reading

Sun in Taurus sign in the fifth house does not allow much happiness through children. You cannot complete your education. You are inclined to be aggressive and short tempered. This is a very unfavourable position of sun and indicates unfortunate children. Troubles through children are warranted.


However, due to the location of the Moon in Aries in the fourth house, your ties with your mother may be under strain, but that won't stand in the way of your inheriting ancestral property. But if you need solid money for pursuing your business then you may sell it.

It is only rather late in life that you may own a conveyance of your choice but you will have to be careful in negotiating it as there is a hint of a minor accident. You will also have to go slow on the sex front, as overindulgence may result in a permanent disability.


However, for you, the location of Mars in Cancer in the seventh house portends an unfavourable omen. Of course, you are likely to gain materially from your marriage, but all that may go down the drain later. Plus, your marital ties are likely to be rough with a lot of bickerings. You will have to take steps to see that the differences between you and your spouse don't culminate in separation.

Business, as against service, will prove lucrative for you, but you will have to firmly set your mind against having a trading partner as that will surely result in your becoming near bankrupt.


Mercury in the 6th house makes you intelligent and diplomatic. You will subdue your enemies and overcome your worries. In litigation, you will get favourable results and you will get easy victory in civil suits.

Your servants will be good. They will work very well. They will also be trustworthy.

You will share very cordial relations with your maternal relatives. They will be favourable to you and support you.


Jupiter in the first house is not at all a good indication. It spells troubles of many sorts almost throughout the native's life. Health will be not too good as one is likely to have ear trouble; and more importantly, the mind will be under perennial tension, on account of worries from all sides - worries from brothers, neighbours and mounting debts. If the native finds himself/herself in debts, it will be because of one's own actions, as to start with, the position would have been very good.

Instead of resorting to escapism, it would be but practical to face the facts and tackle the situation intelligently and with determination. Here, the native is advised to follow a righteous path, attend to work with sincerity and leave the results to God; in other words, practice "Nishkaam Karma".


Thanks to the presence of Venus in Aries in the fourth, you will be privileged to live like a lord right up to a ripe old age. Backed to the hilt by your mother, you will secure a substantial part of your ancestral property which you will zealously safeguard. Plus, you will, by your own efforts, purchase land, possibly even an orchid. Owning a modern house and conveyance, you will keep your family members happy. In the sphere of education too you will fare well, possibly emerging successful in a competitive examination. Let all this not go to your head to lure you to take to drinks which will upset your health.


From Saturn, stationed in the first house, comes cheering news for you. A long, healthy life is assured to you with material benefits like wealth and high ranking administrative positions thrown in. With such an excellent backdrop in you favour, you will go about your job with ease, displaying a sober temperament. But then, for no earthly reason, you will start showing signs of irritability on account of some petty domestic matter. You will also get mentally disturbed whenever the fruits of actions initiated by you at your place of work are not satisfactory. Actually there is no need for you take small things too seriously, as they will sort out by themselves out in course of time. Cultivate the habit of total relaxation which will enable you to enjoy life even better.


However, for you, the location of Mars in Cancer in the seventh house portends an unfavourable omen. Of course, you are likely to gain materially from your marriage, but all that may go down the drain later. Plus, your marital ties are likely to be rough with a lot of bickerings. You will have to take steps to see that the differences between you and your spouse don't culminate in separation.

Business, as against service, will prove lucrative for you, but you will have to firmly set your mind against having a trading partner as that will surely result in your becoming near bankrupt.


Ketu in the 2nd house in Aquarius sign indicates that you will be worried due to shortage of money. You may remain under debt for a long time in life. Ketu is liable to cause you a tremendous down-fall financially. But, with your tolerance and will-power you will walk over your troubles gradually. Not much domestic happiness is indicated.

House Reading
Physique Health & Nature

Persons born under the Pisces sign are generally of average height, sporting a plump body with rather short limbs. Their fleshy face shows a wide mouth, protruding eyes and soft hair.

Pisceans will invariably be addicted to liquor, because of which they will be prone to suffer from gastric troubles, varicose veins and guineaworms, in addition to affliction of bile and feet. If they don't adopt a sober approach, they may invite tuberculosis and tumours.

God-fearing, it is in their nature to resist any opposition to orthodoxy. Highly superstitious, they are sticklers in observing religious rites and festivals. Though outwardly timid, they are very stubborn in seeing to a successful conclusion their philosophical pursuits. But in all this they will be noble enough to make sure they don't harm others.

In material terms, Pisceans rarely realize their ambitions. They are destined to shine in borrowed feathers, but their splendid quality is they make it appear like the fruits of their own efforts. This is a natural consequence of their toeing a just and honest path without treading on the corns of others, as they believe in fair play and honesty. Only, suddenly they get disheartened and become melancholic when their labours don't yield the desired results. They become almost morose, even despondent and philosophical, and leave it at that. It is at such times that they pin all their faith on persons whom they consider as their closest allies. Then they sustain a shock because those on whom they had banked all along turn out to be unreliable and selfish. This makes them even more philosophical and desperate. The lessons to be learned in all these is to see that you weigh the pros and cons of issues in their proper perspective and then act in a decisive manner.

Finance, Family, Eye & Speech

Coborns, Publications, Music & Short Travels

At the time of your birth, Pisces sign was placed in the 3rd house. Jupiter is the Lord of this sign which indicates that you will serve others and in some way put others interests before you own.

As you get older, you will develop a strong spiritual awareness, which may or may not surface as an interest in traditional religion. However, it will influence your perception of the world very strongly. Even if you do not actively believe in a particular religion, you will be concerned with an aspect of the universe that is higher than everyday material reality.

It is a good idea to go off by yourself now and then and be alone with your thoughts. You need a quiet atmosphere to find out what is really important to you. When you are alone you may have some of the most important experiences of your life.

Your mental abilities are strong. Your memory is sharp. You have heroic and leadership qualities. You are bold and courageous. You are also straight forward.

Education, Mother, Conveyance & Property

That at the time of your birth the Aries sign was rising in the fourth house is an encouraging trend. The general pattern it indicates is that the native will have an intelligent, dynamic mother who will dominate the domestic scene and steer the family members in a methodic, scientific way so that they may emerge as respectable citizens. As her efforts start yielding results, she will be so happy as to praise her offsprings before others. Since it is not easy to control such a strong character as your mother, you will have to tackle her with tact and patience to ensure a smooth flow of events at home.

There are clear indications of your inheriting a portion of the ancestral property and owning a sleek house in a posh locality. You may also have the advantage of possessing a vehicle.

Evincing deep interest in education from childhood, you will study studiously to acquire a high academic qualification. Maybe you will even succeed in a competitive examination. You will also learn something about occultism, which will help you improve your intuitive powers.

Your life of a luxury and pleasure may be affected in later years if you don't take steps to maintain sound health. The note of caution is necessary as there is a hint that your may have respiratory problems.

Love Life, Children & Intellect

At the time of your birth, Taurus sign was rising in the 5th house. Venus, being the lord of this sign indicates that you are intelligent and wise. You will complete your higher education. You may take interest in occultism and vedic knowledge. The key of your success is your strong will. You are determined and firm.

Your are emotionally attached to your spouse. You do not like to quarrel and you hate confusion. You will always fulfil your duties and obligations to your spouse. You will always be affectionate, warm and ever loving.

Regarding children, you will appear to be strict. Anyhow, your children will, in due course, realize that it was for their good. Thus you are conscientious and highly responsible parent, who try to build up a happy family life. You should take care of your stomach. You should take a balanced diet, to avoid stomach problems.

Sun in Taurus sign in the fifth house does not allow much happiness through children. You cannot complete your education. You are inclined to be aggressive and short tempered. This is a very unfavourable position of sun and indicates unfortunate children. Troubles through children are warranted.

Disease, Enemies & Servents

Gemini sign was placed in the 6th house at the time of your birth. Mercury being the lord of this sign indicates that you are very active, restless and fond of change. You mentally process the world around you foster than most people. This should make you a better than average student in school.

If you wish, you can become a fairly articulate speaker and you are good at expressing your ideas clearly, in writing as well.

You may also be fond of travelling, and you do not like to tied to one place for very long. Even if you don't travel very far from your immediate circle, you always want to move around, even if its just getting out of your chair and pacing around.

Since you are intelligent, honest, secretive and clever, you will subdue your enemies and overcome problems and difficulties. In litigation too, you will be involved in criminal and civil suits. In these, you will get victory and fame.

You will many servants at your disposal. Your servants are obedient, reliable and honest. You will have cordial relations with your maternal uncles and aunts. They will be kind to you. Your maternal uncles will do everything within their means for you. In short, you will benefit from your maternal relations.

Mercury in the 6th house makes you intelligent and diplomatic. You will subdue your enemies and overcome your worries. In litigation, you will get favourable results and you will get easy victory in civil suits.

Your servants will be good. They will work very well. They will also be trustworthy.

You will share very cordial relations with your maternal relatives. They will be favourable to you and support you.

Family Life, Marriage & Business Partner

With the Cancer sign rising in the seventh house at the time of your birth, you will be an extremely cautious individual who will not take a rash decision on any issue, be it in the realm of romance or in the pursuit of your profession. You will take a pretty long time in choosing your life partner. But after you select your spouse, you will spare no effort to provide all comforts to your family.

But a snag is you are not too romantic and consequently you don't display your emotions openly, even though you are fully devoted to your family. In addition, you believe in being the boss at home and so don't provide much freedom to others. Only when you want something out of your spouse will you adopt a less rigid posture.

To make sure you don't face problems at home, you it is better to pick your life partner from one belonging to the Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces signs. This will go a long way in providing you with a balanced home.

Whether you opt for service or business, the professions that blend with your temperament are those connected with irrigation, banking, education and contracts.

However, for you, the location of Mars in Cancer in the seventh house portends an unfavourable omen. Of course, you are likely to gain materially from your marriage, but all that may go down the drain later. Plus, your marital ties are likely to be rough with a lot of bickerings. You will have to take steps to see that the differences between you and your spouse don't culminate in separation.

Business, as against service, will prove lucrative for you, but you will have to firmly set your mind against having a trading partner as that will surely result in your becoming near bankrupt.

Longevity, Accident & Insurance

At the time of your birth, Leo sign was placed in the eighth house. Sun is the lord of this sign.

You will be interested in the occult science. You will probably have great interest in psychic research and conduct experiments of an occult nature. You will have many spiritualistic experiences. you will also have interest in matters of the future life.

You probably had an inherent interest in the occult and later on, you cultivated it. Spurred on by your success with the occult, you might have devoted more and more time on it. You will become famous because of your achievements with the occult.

You will have property of your own. You will also inherit ancestral property and also be the proud owner of palatial residences and houses. You will gain through handling the estates of other people. Because of your vast amount of property, many people will envy you.

Even though you will not ask for any dowry at the time of marriage, your in laws will force dowry upon you and seeing their eagerness to please, you will find it difficult to say no. This dowry will be of immense help to you and your spouse. You will benefit in terms of insurance of dead people. You can afford to insure yourself and your possessions and you will find it a safe investment, to do so.

You chart does not show any indication of any major robberies although the usual small thefts may occur and these will not make any difference to you. But do not take any chances and feel safe just because you have insured everything.

Hardly any accidents will occur and those that will occur will not be of a very serious nature. There will be no threat to your life and hardly any damage will be done.

You will enjoy a long life. Your death will be quick and sudden so you will not feel much pain.

Although Capricorn Lagna indicates interest in the occult science, because of this placement of Rahu, you will show no interest in the occult. Probably early in life, you had experience loss because of the occult. So you will take no interest in the occult science, not even when experts on the occult science try to convince you about the merits of the occult science.

Although Capricorn Lagna indicates that you will inherit property, this placement of Ketu indicates that you will neither inherit property nor have any of your own.

You will not get any dowry at the time of marriage but that may be because of some genuine reasons like your in-laws may not have the money at that time to give you or you may have refused once and taking you at your word, they really will not give you any dowry.

You are advised to go in for insurance, for both robbery and accidents are clearly indicated in your chart. In fact, death is likely because of an accident.

Fame, Worship & Long Travels

Gemini sign was placed in the 6th house at the time of your birth. Mercury being the lord of this sign indicates that you are very active, restless and fond of change. You mentally process the world around you foster than most people. This should make you a better than average student in school.

If you wish, you can become a fairly articulate speaker and you are good at expressing your ideas clearly, in writing as well.

You may also be fond of travelling, and you do not like to tied to one place for very long. Even if you don't travel very far from your immediate circle, you always want to move around, even if its just getting out of your chair and pacing around.

Since you are intelligent, honest, secretive and clever, you will subdue your enemies and overcome problems and difficulties. In litigation too, you will be involved in criminal and civil suits. In these, you will get victory and fame.

You will many servants at your disposal. Your servants are obedient, reliable and honest. You will have cordial relations with your maternal uncles and aunts. They will be kind to you. Your maternal uncles will do everything within their means for you. In short, you will benefit from your maternal relations.

Mercury in the 6th house makes you intelligent and diplomatic. You will subdue your enemies and overcome your worries. In litigation, you will get favourable results and you will get easy victory in civil suits.

Your servants will be good. They will work very well. They will also be trustworthy.

You will share very cordial relations with your maternal relatives. They will be favourable to you and support you.

Profession, Father, Status & Power

With the Cancer sign rising in the seventh house at the time of your birth, you will be an extremely cautious individual who will not take a rash decision on any issue, be it in the realm of romance or in the pursuit of your profession. You will take a pretty long time in choosing your life partner. But after you select your spouse, you will spare no effort to provide all comforts to your family.

But a snag is you are not too romantic and consequently you don't display your emotions openly, even though you are fully devoted to your family. In addition, you believe in being the boss at home and so don't provide much freedom to others. Only when you want something out of your spouse will you adopt a less rigid posture.

To make sure you don't face problems at home, you it is better to pick your life partner from one belonging to the Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces signs. This will go a long way in providing you with a balanced home.

Whether you opt for service or business, the professions that blend with your temperament are those connected with irrigation, banking, education and contracts.

Friends, Society & Elder Brothers

With the Cancer sign rising in the seventh house at the time of your birth, you will be an extremely cautious individual who will not take a rash decision on any issue, be it in the realm of romance or in the pursuit of your profession. You will take a pretty long time in choosing your life partner. But after you select your spouse, you will spare no effort to provide all comforts to your family.

But a snag is you are not too romantic and consequently you don't display your emotions openly, even though you are fully devoted to your family. In addition, you believe in being the boss at home and so don't provide much freedom to others. Only when you want something out of your spouse will you adopt a less rigid posture.

To make sure you don't face problems at home, you it is better to pick your life partner from one belonging to the Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces signs. This will go a long way in providing you with a balanced home.

Whether you opt for service or business, the professions that blend with your temperament are those connected with irrigation, banking, education and contracts.

However, for you, the location of Mars in Cancer in the seventh house portends an unfavourable omen. Of course, you are likely to gain materially from your marriage, but all that may go down the drain later. Plus, your marital ties are likely to be rough with a lot of bickerings. You will have to take steps to see that the differences between you and your spouse don't culminate in separation.

Business, as against service, will prove lucrative for you, but you will have to firmly set your mind against having a trading partner as that will surely result in your becoming near bankrupt.

Foreign Journeys, Debts & Net Savings

At the time of your birth, Leo sign was placed in the eighth house. Sun is the lord of this sign.

You will be interested in the occult science. You will probably have great interest in psychic research and conduct experiments of an occult nature. You will have many spiritualistic experiences. you will also have interest in matters of the future life.

You probably had an inherent interest in the occult and later on, you cultivated it. Spurred on by your success with the occult, you might have devoted more and more time on it. You will become famous because of your achievements with the occult.

You will have property of your own. You will also inherit ancestral property and also be the proud owner of palatial residences and houses. You will gain through handling the estates of other people. Because of your vast amount of property, many people will envy you.

Even though you will not ask for any dowry at the time of marriage, your in laws will force dowry upon you and seeing their eagerness to please, you will find it difficult to say no. This dowry will be of immense help to you and your spouse. You will benefit in terms of insurance of dead people. You can afford to insure yourself and your possessions and you will find it a safe investment, to do so.

You chart does not show any indication of any major robberies although the usual small thefts may occur and these will not make any difference to you. But do not take any chances and feel safe just because you have insured everything.

Hardly any accidents will occur and those that will occur will not be of a very serious nature. There will be no threat to your life and hardly any damage will be done.

You will enjoy a long life. Your death will be quick and sudden so you will not feel much pain.

Manglik Vichar

In the boy or the girl's horoscope when Mars is in ascendant, fourth house, seventh house, eighth house or twelfth house then it is called Manglik dosh.

At the time of birth Mars was placed in the seventh house, so you have Manglik dosh but according to shastras the Manglik dosh is cancelled so you will get good fruits in a greater proportion than bad. Both you and your wife will enjoy good health but she may be slightly aggressive. You will have various luxuries in life . Due to Mars' effect your marriage will be delayed. But the ceremony will take place in a pleasant atmosphere. Your marital life will be peaceful. But due to your wife's aggressive nature you may have disputes at times. But generally you will share perfect mutual understanding.

In your horoscope Mars' position in the seventh house indicates that your life-partner will be of your choice. Your relationship will be deep and harmonious. There will seldom be an occasion when you will have differences. Since Mars is aspecting the tenth house, you will be known as a respectable and dignified man in the society. You will have the desired progress in your field of work. Since Mars is aspecting ascendant, you will enjoy good health but at times you may lose temper. Marsโ€™ aspect over the second house indicates that you will enjoy a peaceful and comfortable family life though there will be disputes in between. You will also obtain high education. So you will be totally satisfied with your life.

To make your married life happier, you must marry a non Manglik girl or such a Manglik girl whose Manglik dosh is cancelled . If you go in for proper matching, you will face no problems in life . There will be no shortage of money or luxuries for you.

Do not marry a girl whose Mars is placed in the seventh house because if Mars is placed in the same houses in both the horoscopes then it is bad for your future spouse. It will adversely affect her health. You will face unnecessary problems in your married life. But if Mars is placed in other houses then the evil effects will not be there and your married life will be peaceful .

Kaap Sarp Yog

If all the 7 planets are situated between Rahu and Ketu then Kaal Sarp Yog is formed. According to the situation of Rahu in 12 houses of horoscope there are Kaal Sarp Yogas of 12 types. These are 1. Anant, 2. Kulik, 3. Vasuki, 4. Shankhpal, 5. Padma, 6. Mahapadma, 7. Takshak, 8. Karkotak, 9. Shankhchud, 10. Ghaatak, 11. Vishdhar, 12. Sheshnag The Kaal Sarp Yog is of two types- Ascending and Descending. If all the 7 planets are eaten away by Rahu's mouth then it is Ascending Kaal Sarp Yog. If all planets are situated in back of Rahu then Descending Kaal Sarp Yog is formed. The native having Kaal Sarp Yog suffers from certain shortcomings in life. The native does not get full reward of his talents. Normally the success in work is delayed. The native without any reason suffers from diseases that are not cured by medicine. Propiation of kaal sarp dosh becomes necessary to lead a normal life. Kaal Sarp Yog In Your Horoscope

Your horoscope does not contain Kaal Sarp Yog. Therefore you do not require shanti for Kaal Sarp Yog. You will lead a happy life.

Gem Selection

To obtain the full benefic effect of stone, wear it while Moon is waxing on the specified day and time. Wearing it in the specified Nakshatra enhances the benefic effects of the stone. Take the stone of a size specified or greater in fractions of 1 / 4 Ratti rejecting fractions of 3 / 4 Ratti like 4 - 1 / 4 Ratti.Get it studded in the specified metal such that it touches the finger from bottom.If you are already wearing a stone then avoid wearing a contradictory stone.Before wearing it light lamp and incense stick and meditate on your God.Clean the ring in fresh milk and then Ganga water. Perform pooja and recite the specified mantra 108 times.Then wear the stone in the specified finger.Women should wear on their left hand whereas men should wear in the right hand.After wearing the ring give alms as specified for that stone.

Your favourable Gemstone - Lapis Lazuli

You are born in the Capricorn ascendant. The lord of the sign Capricorn is Saturn. Saturn is also known as the planet of justice. Natal ascendant of a person is very important as the name, fame, power; position and prosperity of that person depend on it. If the ascendant of a native is strong then the native prospers well and he gets all round development in life.

So it is very beneficial for the persons who are born with Capricorn ascendant to give strength to their natal Saturn. Saturn can be strengthened by worshipping it in a prescribed way and by reciting proper mantra. Gemstone Lapis Lazuli is recommended for Saturn. When a person who is born in the Capricorn ascendant or rashi wears Lapis Lazuli studded in ring he get happiness, prosperity and success in life. Saturn signifies service, meditation, discipline and concentration. So by wearing Lapis Lazuli one can get good job, recognition and fame in service, gets cooperation from higher authorities and his reputation increases.

Native gets full cooperation and support of his elders and subordinates after wearing this stone. Saturn signifies concentration and meditation. Wearing Lapis Lazuli can also help in the cure of joint pain. This stone is very much helpful in legal matters. The native gets favorable results in pending legal matters.

Wear the ring studded with Lapis Lazuli in the middle finger of right hand as this finger signifies Saturn as per the palmistry. This ring should be worn on Saturday as Saturn is the lord of this day. This ring should be worn in the evening on Saturday in the hora of Saturn. If this stone is worn in the constellations of Saturn Pushya, Anuradha or Uttra Bhadrapada falling on Saturday it will be very much benefic.

Clean Lapis Lazuli with Ganga water and a mixture of milk, curd, honey, clarified butter and sugar. After this put blue or white clothe on the wooden platform and keep Lapis Lazuli on it. Light incense sticks, ghee lamp and dhoop in front of it and recite Saturn Mantra 108 times to energize Lapis Lazuli. After this touch it with your head and wear in the little finger of right hand.

Mantra of Saturn - Om Shan Shanishcharaye Namah.

Donate mustard oil, black urad, blue or black cloth of 1ยผ meter length to get better results. Recite Saturn Mantra daily 108 times after having bath. Give clothes or gifts to servants or subordinates time to time to get constant auspicious results. Go to the Shani temple every Saturday and offer mustard oil on the idol of Shani dev. Read Shani Chalisa and visit Shani temple on Saturday. This will be very much benefic.

Those who are born in Capricorn ascendant and wear Lapis Lazuli get good health, name, fame, power, position and happiness in life and lead a successful life and reputation.

Gem Wearing

Performing Remedial measures & wearing stone for a planet helps increase the positive aspects of the planets in the horoscope. Scientifically, recital of Mantra for a particular planet forms a protection layer around the man. Stone increases the benefic aspects by absorbing rays of the planet and flowing them into human body.

Normally a remedy is provided for the Major period lord Stone is worn for a weak ascendent, 9th or benefic houselord. When you should wear which stone or adopt which remedy is given in the following table along with its area of effectiveness. In each Major period three option of Stone are given. You can select any option by looking at the help you expect from the stone or remedy.

Stone Recommendation

Life Stone
Weight4 Carat
BenefitsWealth, Career success, Good health
Lucky Stone
Weight5 Carat
BenefitsSavings, Wealth, Fame
Benific Stone
Weight5 Carat
BenefitsPower, Kids happiness

Stone Recommendation as per Dasha

DasaVimsottari Dasha
PlanetJup 16 Years
Date20/09/2016 - 20/09/2032
Stone1(Power)Y-Sapphire (100%)
Stone2(Power)Coral (75%)
Stone3(Power)Emerald (75%)
MantraOm Bram Brim Brom Sah Budhaye Namah
DonationMoong, Conch Shell, Ivory, Camphor, Ghee
BenefitsFame, Comforts, Savings

RubySun5GoldRingSundayMorn.Krittika, U Phal, U Sadha
PearlMoon5SilverLittleMondayMorn.Rohini, Hasta, Sravna
CoralMars5SilverRingTuesdayMorn.Mrgsra, Chitra, Dhanish
EmeraldMercury4GoldLittleWednesdayMorn.Aslesa, Jyestha, Revati
Y-SapphireJupiter4GoldFirstThursdayMorn.Punrvsu, Visakha, P Bhad
DiamondVenus1PlatinmLittleFridayMorn.Bharani, P Phal, P Sadha
B-SapphireSaturn45MetalMiddleSaturdayEven.Pushya, Anuradha, U Bhad
GomedRahu58MetalMiddleSaturdayNightArdra, Svati, Satbisha
Cat's eyeKetu5SilverRingThursdayNightAsvini, Magha, Moola

StoneMantraContradictory StoneItems To Donate
RubyOm Ghirini Suryaye NamahDiamond, B-Sapphire, GomedWheat, Sandal, Ghee, Red Cloth
PearlOm Som Somaye NamahGomedRice, Sugar, Curd, Wt.Cloth
CoralOm Am Angarkaye NamahDiamond, Gomed, B-SapphireWheat, Copper, Gur, Red-Cloth
EmeraldOm Bum Budhaye Namah---Moong, Bronze, Green-Cloth
Y-SapphireOm Brim Brihaspataye NamahDiamond, GomedGram Pulse, Gur, Yel.Cloth
DiamondOm Shum Shukrayaye NamahRuby, Coral, Y-SapphireRice, Silver, Wt.Cloth
B-SapphireOm Sham Shaneshcharaye NamahRuby, Coral, Y-SapphireHorse Bean, Oil, Black Cloth
GomedOm Ram Rahave NamahRuby, Pearl, CoralMole, Oil, Lead, Blue Cloth
Cat's eyeOm Kem Ketve Namah---7-Corns, Coconut, Brown Cloth